Power requirements
N24vdc < 500 ma: (at 200 ma load) Range +20 to
+32 vdc.
Maximum ripple ± 5% pk:
Reverse polarity protected.
Amplifier shuts down below +20 vdc.
Output voltages
At pins B2 and Z2
± 15vdc < 50 ma: Ripple <50 mv pk/pk
(- 15vdc not short circuit protected)
Command signal inputs
Voltage input
Current input
At Pins B6, B8 or Z6: Range ± 10 vdc.
Impedance: 100k ohms.
At pins Z6 and Z8: Range 0 to 20 ma.
Impedance: 249 ohms.
Output current drive
Jumper selectable (jumper "JP1")
(A) position ± 50 ma
(B) position ± 100 ma
(C) position ± 200 ma
Front panel test points
Tracking error monitor (TP1)
Output current monitor
± 10v full scale: short circuit protected.
1 mv/ma: short circuit protected.
Edge connector monitor points
P.I.D. output monitor
Pre-amp output monitor
At pin B18: ± 10 v at 5 ma
At pin Z26: ± 6 v at 2 ma
Input bias
0 to ± 10 vdc
Output bias
0 to ± 12% of full scale output.
Current limiters
0 to ± full scale output current.
0 to 20% of full scale output current.
50 to 400 hz.
Proportional Gain
.1 v/v to 20 v/v
Integral Gain
Low range
High range
0 to 40 v/v-sec
2 to 300 v/v-sec
Derivative Gain
Low range
High range
.05 to .2 v-sec/v
.3 to 2 v-sec/v
Pre-amp Gain
1 to 15 v/v
Drift over operating temperature range
< ± .03% of full scale output at maximum gain
Operating temperature range
0 to 50°C
Storage temperature range
-25 to 85°C
Installation Guide
Servo Amplifier
Operating Data
Danfoss | August 2023
BC459665217198en-000101 | 7