Page 1: lrlstruct ons Before First UseofThisProduct Veuiliez lifeattentlvamant leaconslgn_s des_curit_el los Inslructlons d utiIiaaUon avant I _nsatlon Tnttl_te de re produil _ Room Air Conditioner Table of contents 1 Danby_ Climatiseur de piece Table of contents 15 Danby Products Umlted Guelph OntarioCanadaN1H6Z9 Danby Products lnc Rndtay OhioUSA 15840 11 C 2 ...
Page 2: ...tions 3 Energy Saving Tips 4 Window _nstallation 4 Operating Instructions 11 Care and Maintenance 12 Trouble Shooting Guide 13 Warranty 14 Exler_or Air lnIet Air Inlet Jr_lerior Air Oullel Air Fille Fresh Air Ventilation Switch Elee_rentc Conlrols _ __ Power Cord ...
Page 3: ...d Care Manual if the unit is not operating correcUy If these suggestions do not solve Ihe problem contact an authorized service representative or call Danby TOLL FREE 1 8OO 26 I_ alllll _ty Keep these instructionsfor future reference This symbol denotes a caution or warning Do not leave a room air conditioner unattended in a space where people or animals who cannot reac to a failed unlt are locate...
Page 4: ...conditioner uses 12 0 or less nameplate amps and may be used in any properly wired general purpose household receptacle SeeTable 1 for specifications for individual branch circuit For your safety and protection this unit is grounded through the power cord plug when plugged into a matching wall eerier If you are not sure whether your wall outlet ts properly grounded please consult a qualified elect...
Page 5: ...g some cooling comfort and utilizes less electricity than When operating on a cooling setting J_YtlIi ilIWiilf i Id I l liCilt I ITo avoid the possibility of personal l I injury disconnect power to the unit t i before tnslalllng orservicing j Tools Needed for Window Installation Screw Drivers Both Phillips and flat head Power Drill 1 8 inch diameter drill bit Penctl Measuring Tape Scissors Carpent...
Page 6: ... wood C For maximum efficiency install the air condilioner on a side of a house or building which favors more shade than sunlight_ If the unit is tn direct sunlight it is advisable to provide an awning over the unit Co Providesufficient clearancearound the cabinetto a lowfor ample atr circulation through the unit See Fig 2 The rear of the unit should be outdoorsand not in a garagenorinside a build...
Page 7: ... eleclrlcal wire harness located directly behind the front gr_l Fig 5a _emov_ the two phfllfps screws lower left right side of cabinet securing the slide ouFchassb Io the cabinet Fig 7 NOTE These screws must be reinstalled upon completion of the window installation to secure slide out chassls NOTE Some models may be inclusive of an additional slide out chassis retaining bracket and screw located a...
Page 8: ...epth of your window sill SeeFig s 18 I9o Tea the bracket assembly In the window before Installing if satisfied tighten all bolts Install the two levelling screws tnto the 90 support brackets See Fig 16 If the levetling screwsare distanced too far away from the wall to provide adequate stability it may be necessary to shim this area with a solid piece of wood See Fig 19 B Measure the length o1the i...
Page 9: ... of the top U shaped mounting channel See Fig 14 Be Align one hole in the bottom of the cabinet wllh one hole in the bracket assembly_ Secure the cabinet o the bracket using a 1 4 screw provided Repeat the same procedure on the opposite side of the cabinet Fig 15 C Checkto makesure the pitch angle of the cabinetls slanted slightly downwardonthe outside If necessary re adjustthe levelling screwsIn ...
Page 10: ...tached Position the front panel on the cabinet slarfing at the top The front panel lock tabs must be inserted Into the retaining slols in the cabinet Repeat this procedure on all sides making sure the fresh air ventilation lever arm and power cord are properly installed back to their original position on the front griilo Secure the front grilt Io the cabinet using the phillips screws removed earli...
Page 11: ...tion of the compressor Le compressor off fan off compressor on fanon NOTE When the ENERGYSAVERfeature is not selected the ion motor operates continuously even afterthe compressor cooling mode has cycled off Le compressoron fan on compressorof tan on MODE Activates the FAN or COOL NG mode_ TIMER Activatesthe auto start or auto stop timer programfrom 0 12hours 1 hour increments ONE TOUCH Activales a...
Page 12: ...essor off fan off compressor on fan on ff the ENERGY SAVER feature is not activated the fan will operate continuously even after the compressor has cycled off t e compressor on t fan on compressor off fan on NOTE The energy saver feature operates in cooling mode onty TIMER Pt ass this keypad to activate the auto start auto stop timer programs Auto start stop programs can be programmed from 0 12 ho...
Page 13: ...finish and deformation of plastic parts 2 Never attempt to pour water directly on unit as this wllI cause deterioration of the electrical Insulation wash _nlukewarm water below 40 C 1104 F Forvery dirty conditions wash with soapy water or a neutral cleaning agent AIR FILTER INFORMATION The air filter prays an important role effecting overall perlormance levels of any air conditioner A clean air fi...
Page 14: temperature Unlt alr filler is dlrty_ Suggested Solution Check connection of power cord to power source Check fuse or circuit breaker Check the appropriate setting is selected Clean or replace air filter Check with dealer to determine proper untt capacity for application Remove obstructionfrom grill or outdoor louvers Turn the unit off and wait 5 minutes before attempting to restart Tighten loo...
Page 15: ...byFzod_s 1_ _ U SA t_a e are no o_er vr_nttas oo_i ions ep_es_talions o_ g_as_ees express orimpF_ m_de orintended by D_y Prelude Um_ed orits authorized dis_i_ and _ o_e_ vr_rran_e cudilion _rep_ s_ens m guarantees _duding _yw_nties co_ii_ens representalions _ 9_an_ees _derany _laol8e_sAct o_ _e legislatim orsta_e ishazyexpresS ex_uded Sa_ e as here_ p_ov_ed Derby Pro_ cts Umltc d O_ _a oz IDa_y Pr...
Page 16: ... 6conomie d 6nergle I8 Installation dans ta fenOtre 18 Instructions de fonclionnement 25 Pr6caulions el enlretlen 26 Guide de d6pannage 27 Garantie 28 Panneau Enlr6a d alr exl6deure 8o_e d alr _nt_rieure Commutaleurde venlilaliond alrfr_Js Commandes6teclronlques Cordond altmenlatlon 15 ...
Page 17: ...eil ne fonctionnepas correctement_ Si eerie suggestion ne r6sout paste probt_me contactez un repr_senlanl auloris_ des services ou appelez directemen Danby sans frais au num _ro 1 800 26 I_ll_Ntlby Vauiltez conserver ces Inslructlons pour de futures rf_f_reaces Ce symbole Indique une RiSe en garde ou un avertissemant Ne laissezpas ur_ ciimatlseur de placesanssurveillance densunespaceo_ se t_ouvenl...
Page 18: ...ment c bl_e VotrieTabteau 1 pourles sp_cfficattons pour circuit de d_rivation individual Pour votres6cuiit_ et votre protection cot appareil est mis la masse par la fiche du cordon d al mentationIorsqu etle est branch_e dens une prise mumla correspondante Si vous n Otespas certain qua votre prise de ceurant mum e est raise la masse ad_quatement veuitiez consulter un _leclricten quatifl_ Tableau 1 ...
Page 19: ... felt lonctionner le climattseuren mode refroidissement m ll__ llf _ll I 1 i a _ lJT 1_ 1 1 I1_1 11 I _I il1 1 _ll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III I _i_ Pour_viter la possibllit8 d une blessure corporelle d_branchez l aUmental ion de J apparei avant sor_instailationou son enli etien_ Oullls n_cesaelres pour_nstallatton dens unefen_tre Toumev s A t6tePhitlpset plate Percsuse _tectrtque M6chede 1 8poded...
Page 20: ...urrio C Pourun maximumd effcaeIt6 Installezle clirnaliseur sur le c5t6de Ia malsonoude l irnmeuble quise trouveplusseuvent_ I ombre qu ausoleil Si I appareil estdirectementsoustes rayonsduso_eil itestrecammandable d instaHer un auventpourprot_gerI unit_ D Laissez suffisamment d espace llbre autour du caisson pour permettre une amplecirculationd air _ traversl appareiL Voir fig 2 Uardbre de I appar...
Page 21: ...fs _lectriques m_teet femelle sltu_direclemenlderriere la gri Fe lronlale Fig Sa Enlevez les deuxvls Phitips cSt_sgauchetdroltdu caisson qui fixenllech ssts coulissantau caisseno REMARQUE Ces vie doiven _tre r_lnstall es _ ta fin de i nstatlatien clansta fan Ire afin de fixer le chassiscoulissant REMARQUE Cerlalns mod_les peuvent 6tre n_cessiter une bride de fixation et vts suppl6menta_res chassis...
Page 22: ...fondeurducadre de voltsfen6tre VoirFigures18 19 V6rifiezet testezt ensemble supperldens afen_treavant I installation Sivous_tessatlsfalt aerrezroutes lee vIs instalfez leadeux vie nfveleuses dans lea supportsangulairea de 90 _querre VoirFig l 8i los vieniveleusessenttrcp diatantesde aparot pourfoumtr unestabilit6ad6quate tlpout6trs n6oessatredediminuercgttedistanceaumoyen d unesolidspt_eedebob Voi...
Page 23: ...canal de montage en forme de L sup_rieur Voir Fig 14 B Al gnez un trou au has du caisson avec un trou de t ensemb e support Fixez Is caisson au support avec une visde zpo foumie R_p_tez sur te c6t_ oppos_ du caisson Fig t5 C V0tifiezpourvous assurerquel tncltnaison angle ducaisson estI_g_rementdirlg_evatslebas i ext6fleur Si n6cessake r_ajuslezles vis ntvaleusesdenslabridede montage VoIrFig 18 D_ ...
Page 24: ...onnez le panneau frontal Bur le caisson en comrner _ant par Ie haut Los langusttesde verroul age du panneau fronfal do ven__tre _ns_r_esdens los fentes de retenue du caisson R_p_tez cette _tape Bur tousles cSt_s en VOUS assurant qua le bras du lev er de Ia ventilalion d air frals et le cordon d atlrnentation sent lnsta Ids ad_quatement de nouveau dens eur pos t_on initialesur Jagrille frontale Fix...
Page 25: ...lilateur en merche REMARQUE Quand a commandeI_CONOMtSEUR D I_NERGIEn eetpas s_tectienn_a le moteurdu ventilateurIonct onne de fa_oncontinue m6me apr_squa fecompresseur mode re oidlssement a terrain6son cycle compresseur en marchelvenltlateuren marche compresseur _ i arrel ventilateur _ l arr_t MODE Active fe modeVENTILATEURou REFRO DISSEMENT MINUTERIE Active le d_marrege automattqueou I art e t au...
Page 26: ...r en marche REMARQUE L Oconomiseurd_nergte fonctionne en mode refroidlssement seulement MODE Appuyez sur cartetouche num_rique pour choisirle mode de tonction appmpd6_ VentiiateuriRefroidiesement Cheque pression sur la touche MODE va aiterner entre le mode REFROIDtSSEMENT at VENTILATEUR La lumi_re pilots verte adjacente dIreclement au dessus du mode REFROtDiSSEMENT ou VENTtLATEUF s i lumlnera Iden...
Page 27: on plastique_ 2 N essayezjamals de verser de t eau directement sur te clImaltseur car cola provoqueune d_t_rioration de I isolalion dleetdqu_ Lersque la grille d enlr_e d_air el le caisson sent sales lea laver _ I eau ti_ fe au dessous de 40 0 104 1 S Bssent l 6s sales los laver aveo de reau savonneuse ou un agent nettoyant neutre Information sur le filtre _ air Le flltre air joue un r01etr_s i...
Page 28: ...appareg estsale Solution Suggeree V_ il_ez Isbranchemenl ducordon d aIimentatien _Ia source decoursers V6_ iilsz la usib_e ouledisjoncteur V_rl_iez si rer_giage cholsl as appropd_ Ne_loyez eurernplacez reI_lhe a r_ V_ri_ez avecle concassionnalre sl _a eapaciI_ de I appareil estappropd_e _sonapplication ErJavez i objetqu ebslrue a gdlie oulasvelars ext_rieum A_r_tez leclimatL_eut et attsndez5 minut...
Page 29: ...oa el nm avenues F _CLUSl0NS EnredodOtap senle tn extate aucune auUe gal_ _ e condil_on _ rep sen_tt_on q_ellsmltexp_m_outsells deIa_ on meni_te ouinlentiormeIie p_r Oat by Precincts Lira lee Cmnada ouDan1_ProductsInc F U d mJms disb_ule Jrs age Us Ds memo sente clumIm les tee auLees garnet us conditions ourepr_entaii_ ycompfis leo g_ranIi_s _ o_dit_ns ourap sen aliens onv_u dele_eI_ r g_ss mt lav...
Page 30: ... 800_263 2629 When requesting service or orderingparts atways provlde the t oltowincj Fnformatiom Produet Type Model Number Part Number Pad Description Climatiseur de p bce Le num_m de med_le de votrecltmatiseur ss treuvesut la plaque d infermatlon qutse Irauve sur le cot_droll de l appareil pardessus le cordond alimentallen Toufeetes pt_cesde reehangeou commandossp_clalessent disponlbles de votre...
Page 31: ...3 2629 When requesting service or orderingparts always providethe followlng Information ProductType Mo_el Number Part Number PartDescription Climatiseur de piece Le num_rode mod_le de votrocllmatiseurse trouve sur le plaque dfnformatlon qul se trouve sur le cot_ droit de I appareil par dessus le cordond alimentatlon Touteslos pl_ees de rechange ou commandossp_cleles sent dlsponlb es de votre cenlr...