The Piranha XL XDR Camera
We recommend that before saving custom PRNU profiles you first save all the current camera
settings using the Camera Information > Settings feature. The Save User PRNU set only stores the
revised PRNU coefficients in the desired User Set.
These new features are found under the Flat Field tab and are only visible in Guru mode. Press
“More >>” in CamExpert to display the full list of parameters. These features are similar to the SPR
(Set PRNU Range) three letter command found in other Teledyne DALSA cameras (e.g. HS,
Piranha3, and PC-30 cameras) that allow the user to set a range of PRNU values. The new feature
is different in that it keeps the existing user PRNU calibration and simply scales a region up or
down, thus preserving the flat field calibration.
Note that as with setting a Flat Field Calibration target level below the peak level at low gains,
setting a PRNU multiplier less than one at a low system gain may also produce a premature
clipping of the output.
*This feature is only available in the PX-HM-16K06X and PX-HM-16K12X camera models.
Saving & Rapid Loading a PRNU Set Only
Loading a user set takes two seconds while loading only the user PRNU coefficients takes just 65
Use the User PRNU Set Selector parameter
to select the set you want to save or load. (There are
nine sets available—eight user and one factory.) Note that the
Factory Set
is read-only and
contains all ones. Loading the Factory Set is a good way to clear just the user PRNU.
Save the current user PRNU coefficients with the
“Save User PRNU Set” parameter
. Load the user
PRNU coefficients from the set specified with
“User PRNU Set Selector” and
with the
“Load User
command feature.