Piranha4 2K and 4K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Camera configuration selection dialog
Cam Exp ert p rovid es a d ialog box w hich com bines the featu res to select the cam era p ow er u p state and
for the u ser to save or load a cam era state from m em ory.
Camera power-up configuration
The first d rop list selects the cam era configu ration state to load on p ow er -u p (see featu re
). The u ser chooses from one factory d ata set or one of tw o p ossible u ser saved
User set configuration management
The second d rop list allow s the u ser to change the cam era configu ration anytim e after a p ow er -u p (see
featu re
). To reset the cam era to the factory configu ration, select
Factory Setting
and click
Load . To save a cu rrent cam era configu ration, sele ct User Set 1 to 8 and click Save. Select a saved u ser set
and click Load to restore a saved configu ration.