Camera Performance and Features
The camera can output video data as 8-bit or 12-bit.
The Mono8 Pixel Format are selected when the user wants to process image data as one, two, or
three separate image planes.
Note: the Pixel Format and associated features can only be changed when image transfer to the
frame grabber is stopped. Refer to the “Acquisition and Transfer Control’ category in the appendix
for details on stopping and starting acquisitions.
Using Two CLHS Cables
See the section Image Format Control Category in Appendix A for GenICam features associated
with this section and how to use them. 8K cameras support up to 2 fiber optic cables. The 16K
model only supports 1 CX4 output connector.
Relevant Features: Next CLHS Device Configuration
The 8K camera has two CLHS compliant connectors. Control / Data1 is assigned as the master with
Data 2 connector as the slave. Use the ‘Next CLHS Device Configuration’ to select the desired
number of cables (not relevant for the 16K). This feature also controls lane selection. The Next
CLHS Device Configuration becomes active after power cycling the camera or reconnecting the
Saving & Restoring Camera Setup Configurations
See the section Camera Information Category in Appendix A for GenICam features associated with
this section and how to use them
Related Features: Power-up Configuration Selector, UserSet1 thru UserSet16, User Set Selector,
Power-on User Set, Current User Set
An inspection system may use multiple illumination, resolution, and responsivity configurations in
order to cover the different types of inspection it performs.
The camera includes 16 user sets where camera setup information can be saved to and restored
from—either at power up, or dynamically during inspection.
The settings active during the current operation can be saved using the user set selector and user
set save features.
A previously saved user setting (User Set 1 to 16) or the factory settings can be restored using the
user set selector and user set load features.
Either the factory setting or one of the user settings can be configured as the default setting, by
selecting the set in the user set default selector. The set selected is the set that is loaded and
becomes active when the camera is reset or powered up.
The relationship between the settings is illustrated in Figure 19. Relationship between the Camera