Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Data Clocking/Output Signals
To valid ate cable integrity, have the cam era sen d ou t a test p attern and verify it is being
p rop erly received . Refer to section Generating a Test Pattern for fu rther inform ation.
6.2 Troubleshooting Using the Serial Interface
The follow ing com m and s can aid in d ebu gging. (The com p lete com m and p rotocol is
d escribed in Ap p end ix B and C.)
To qu ickly verify serial com m u nications send the help com m and . The
com m an d
retu rns the online help m enu . If fu rther p roblem s p ersist, review Ap p en d ix C for m ore
inform ation on com m u nications.
Verify Parameters
To verify the cam era p aram eters, send the
com m an d .
Verify Factory Calibrated Settings
To restore the camera’s factory settings and disable the FPN and PRN U coefficients, send
com m and .
After execu ting this com m an d send the
com m an d to verify the factory settings.
Verify Timing and Digital Video Path
Use the test p attern featu re to verify the p rop er tim ing an d connections betw een the
cam era and the fram e grabber and verify the p rop er ou tp u t along the d igital p rocessin g
chain. See below .
Generating Test Patterns
The cam era can generate test p atterns to aid in system d ebu gging. Use the com m and
1 (or u p to svm 4) to activate a test p attern. A d escrip tion of available test p atterns is in
. Use the test p attern to verify the p rop er tim ing an d connection s
betw een th e cam era and the fram e grabber.
Verify Voltage
To check the camera’s input voltage, use the
com m and . If it is w ithin the p rop er
range, the cam era retu rns OK> and the voltage valu e. Otherw ise the cam era retu rns an
error m essage.
Verify Temperature
To check the internal tem p eratu re of the cam era, u se the
com m and . For p rop er
op eration, this valu e shou ld not exceed 75°C.
If the cam era reaches 75°C, the cam era
w ill shutdow n and the LED w ill flash red
If this occu rs, the cam era
must be rebooted
d ow n m anu ally. You w ill have to correct the tem p eratu re p roblem or the cam era w ill