Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Camera Link Data Connector
The cam eras u se tw o m ini-Cam era Link SDR-26 cables transm itting the Cam era Link Fu ll or Extend ed
configu ration. For a d escrip tion of the connectors and the Fu ll and Extend ed configu rations refer here,
Output Signals, Camera Link Clocking Signals
These signals ind icate w hen d ata is valid , allow ing you to clock the d ata from the cam era to you r
acqu isition system . These signals are p art of the Cam era Link configu ra tion and you shou ld refer to the
Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map , available at ou r
, for the stand ard location of
these signals.
Input Signals, Camera Link
The cam era accep ts control inp u ts throu gh the m ini-Cam era Link SDR-26F connector.
The cam era ship s (factory setting) in internal sync, and internally triggered integration.
Frame Start Trigger (EXSYNC)
The EXSYN C signal tells the cam era w hen to integrate and read ou t the im age. It can be either an
internally generated signal by the cam era, or it can be su p p lied externally via CC, GPIO, and softw are
com m and .
The cam era is equ ip p ed w ith an LED on the back to d isp lay the op erational statu s of the cam era. The
table below su m m arizes the op erating states of the cam era and the corresp ond ing LED states. When m ore
than one cond ition is active, the LED ind icates the cond ition w ith the highest p riority.
Color of Status LED Meaning
N o p ow er or hard w are m alfu nction
Red solid
Warning (e.g. tem p eratu re)
Red solid
Fatal error state
Blu e solid
Up grad ing internal firmw are
Blu e slow blinking
Cam era w aiting for w arm u p to com p lete
Blu e solid
At initial p ow er u p an d w hen acqu isition is d isabled . This hap p ens w hen changing a
cam era featu re that effects the im age ou tp u t (e.g. aoi, bit d ep th, etc.)
Green solid
Free-ru nning acqu isition