IM 1019
Technical and Application Notes
Time-Based Purge (Default)
The time-based purge cycle will start a 3-min purge
cycle and enable the Main Output if any of the following
conditions occur: transition from OFF to AUTO mode,
Reset event, power cycle, and/or 1-hour timer expires.
After the 3 min purge cycle, a pipe sensor reading says:
Pipe is 15°F+ below the zone temp = Summer mode
Pipe is 15°F+ above the zone temp = Winter mode
Pipe is within 15°F of zone temp = still Ambiguous
If a Winter or Summer mode is determined, the
appropriate heating/cooling occurs. The thermostat will
purge and check pipe temperatures again after 1-hour.
If step 2 is still ambiguous, all thermostat outputs are
disabled for 1 hour.
After 1 hour, the purge cycle resumes at step 1.
HVACSetback Systems
Setback Operation - Remove JP3
This is a low level input that is normally open. When switch is
closed, the T180 heating and cooling setback limits are used as
temperature control points. Fan operation in setback is cycled
with demand. Pressing any button will override setback for 1
hour. Setback will override any user setting unless control is
turned to OFF.
Intelligent Occupancy Sensors like the SD200-001 and
SD200-002 can be used with this input to set the HVAC
system to control at setback limits.
Door Switch Only Operation - Install JP3
A stand alone door or window switch can be connected to the
T180 to disable the HVAC system (outputs) if a door or
window is left open for more than 2 minutes. A one-time ten
minute override can be initiated by pressing any thermostat
key pad.