ED 19129-1
Device Management
Network Device Testing
Several parameters are used only for maintenance and testing .
A network management tool such as VTS is typically used to
issue the network commands for the WHSP:
• DeviceCommunicationControl – Disable
• DeviceCommunicationControl - Enable
• ReinitializeDevice (Reset)
• Network “Wink” Command
DeviceCommunicationControl - Disable
The purpose of this command is to reduce network traffic
for diagnostic testing of the MS/TP network . When the
communication module receives a network command to
disable communication, it stops communicating unit information
to the network. An optional time may be specified for how long
to suspend communications . The unit continues to operate
during the Disabled state .
DeviceCommunicationControl - Enable
When the communication module receives a network
command to enable communication, unit controller network
communication is restored .
ReinitializeDevice (Reset)
When the communication module receives a network
ReinitializeDevice command, it performs the following:
1 . Sends a command to the unit controller to perform a
warm reset, maintaining non-volatile memory .
2 . Resets the communication module .
If a warm reset is requested, the communication module’s non-
volatile memory is maintained . If a cold reset is requested,
then the communication module’s non-volatile memory is set to
default values .
A cold reset can also be performed by the following button
sequence on the BACnet communication module .
1 . Press and hold the button labeled “Default .”
2 . Momentarily press the “Reset” button .
3 .
The four LED indicators flash briefly and then begin
sequencing on starting with LED D1 .
4 . Release the “Default” button when all four LED indicators
are on .
5 . The communication module will then clear the memory to
default settings and reset .
The Network “Wink” Command
The BACnet communication module implements a unit
identification mode command to the unit controller by using
the BACnet “ReinitializeDevice” request, with a Cold or Warm
Start request handle, and a password of “wink” (all lower case) .
The “wink” unit identification function allows verification of an
individual unit network address without opening the unit access
panels . The Wink command can be used during all operating
and non-operating (ex . Alarm) modes except for the following
Invalid Configuration Alarm
• Incompatible Software Alarm
• Compressor Low Voltage Brownout Alarm
• Emergency Shutdown Mode
• Defrost Process
Upon receiving a wink command from a network management
node, the unit controller exhibits the following identification
sequence (all occur simultaneously):
Room Sensor LED: flashes ON 3 seconds, then OFF 3
seconds for 15 total seconds, unless an alarm condition
exists .
Fan: the fan turns off for 5 seconds then on 5 seconds,
then off again for 5 seconds.