–EIMAC00708-16EN - 66/76
Shut down the relevant compressor by turning the Q1 or Q2 switch to Off
Wait until the compressor has stopped and close the tap located on the liquid line
Start the relevant compressor by turning the Q1 or Q2 switch to On.
Check the relevant evaporation pressure on the microprocessor display.
When the evaporation pressure reaches 100 kPa turn the Q1 or Q2 switch again to turn off the compressor.
Once the compressor has stopped, place a label on the compressor startup switch that is under maintenance, to prevent
undesired startups.
Close the compressor intake tap (if any).
Using a recovery unit remove surplus refrigerant from the liquid filter, until atmosphe ric pressure is reached. The
refrigerant must be stored in a suitable and clean container.
To protect the environment, do not release removed refrigerant into the atmosphere. Always use a recovery and storage
Balance internal pressure with external pressure by pressing the valve vacuum pump installed on the filter cover.
Remove the dehydration filter cover.
Remove the filtering elements.
Install the new filtering elements within the filter.
Replace the cover gasket. Do not allow any mineral oil onto the filter gasket so as not to contaminate the circuit. Use only
compatible oil for this purpose (POE).
Close the filter cover.
Connect the vacuum pump to the filter and evacuate up to 230 Pa.
Close the vacuum pump tap.
Recharge the filter with the refrigerant recovered during emptying.
Open the liquid line tap.
Open the intake tap (if any).
Start the compressor by turning switch Q1.
Oil filter replacement
The lubrication system has been designed to keep most of the oil charge inside the compressor. During operation,
however, a limited quantity of oil circulates freely in the system, conveyed by the refrigerant. The quantity of replacement
oil going into the compressor should therefore be equal to the quantity removed and not to the total quantity appearing
on the nameplate; this will avoid there being too much oil at the following startup.
The quantity of oil removed from the compressor must be measured after having allowed the refrigerant present in this
oil to evaporate for a suitable amount of time. To reduce the refrigerant content in the oil to a minimum, it is advised that
the electrical resistances be kept on and that the oil be removed only when it has reached a temperature of 35
Oil filter replacement requires the best attention on the eventual oil recovering; the oil cannot be exposed to air for more
than about 30 minutes.
In case of doubts, verify oil acidity or, if it is no possible to carry out the measurement, replace the oil with other one
stored in sealed tanks or stored complying with the supplier specifications.
The compressor oil filter is located under the oil separator (discharge side). It is strongly advised that it be replaced when
its pressure drop exceeds 2.0 bars. The pressure drop across the oil filter is the difference between the compressor
delivery pressure minus oil pressure. Both these pressure can be controlled through the microprocessor for both
Compatible oils:
Daphne PVE Hermetic oil FCV 68DICI Emkarate RL 68H
Oil filter replacement procedure
Shut down both compressors by turning the switch to the Off position.
Turn the Q0 switch to Off, wait for the circulation pump to turn off and open the general disconnector switch Q10
to cut off the ma
chine’s electrical power supply.
Place a plate on the handle of the general disconnector switch in order to prevent accidental startups.
Close the suction, discharge and liquid injection valves.