with high security should be set and modified regularly.
State Statistics
State statistics page is mainly used to display basic info about DH-PFM888S-AC, device and
terminal state, as shown in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2
For meanings of every column, please refer to Table 4-2.
Basic Info
IP Address
IP address of LAN port of device
Device Name
Device name.
Select “System Setup > Basic Setup” to modify it.
Soft Version
Software version of present device
Available Memory
Available memory of the device at present.
Run Time
Run time of device server
CPU Usage
CPU usage rate of device
Memory Usage
Memory usage rate of device
Online Device
Total number of online access points and client devices
that are connected with device
Offline Device
Total number of offline access points and client devices
that are connected with device
Online Device
Total number of terminals (such as mobile phone,
computer and pad etc.) of online access point devices,
with wireless association with device