Web User Interface
Network Auth Type:
IP Address Type
Domain Name List:
Roaming Consortium:
Nai Realm List:
3gpp Cellular Network:
Connection Capability:
Operator Friendly
QoS Map:
Identifies whether this is an unsecured network.
Identifies IP address version and type that
the Hotspot Operator uses and that would be
allocated and available to a mobile device after
it authenticates to the network.
List one or more domain names for the entity
operating the AP.
Identifies service providers or groups of
roaming partners whose security credentials
can be used to connect to a network.
List of all NAI realms available through the BSS.
Identifies the 3GPP cellular networks available
through the AP.
Identifies the availability of common IP
protocols (TCP, UDP, IPsec) and ports (21, 80,
443, 5060).
Identifies the Hotspot venue operator.
Bit set to indicate support for QoS mapping
from 802.11 to external networks.