Software User Manual
D-Link Unified Access System
Monitoring Status and Statistics
Page 453
Table 276: Global WLAN Status/Statistics
WLAN Switch
Operational Status
This status field displays the operational status of the WLAN Switch. The WLAN Switch may
be configured as enabled, but is operationally disabled due to configuration dependencies. If
the operational status is disabled, the reason will be displayed in the following status field.
The WLAN Switch is composed of multiple components, and each component in the system
must acknowledge an enable or disable of the WLAN Switch. During a transition the
operational status might temporarily show a pending status.
WLAN Switch
Disable Reason
If the status is disabled, this field appears and one of the following reasons is listed:
None: The cause for the disabled status is unknown.
Administrator disabled: The Enable WLAN Switch option on the global configuration page
has been cleared.
No IP Address: The WLAN interface does not have an IP address.
No SSL Files: The Unified Switch communicates with the APs it manages by using Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) connections. The first time you power on the Unified Switch, it
automatically generates a server certificate that will be used to set up the SSL connections.
The SSL certificate and key generation can take up to an hour to complete.
If routing is enabled on the switch, the operational status might be disabled due to one of the
following reasons:
No Loopback Interface: The switch does not have a loopback interface.
Global Routing Disabled: Even if the routing mode is enabled on the WLAN switch interface,
it must also be enabled globally for the operational status to be enabled.
IP Address
IP address of the switch.
Peer Switches
Number of peer WLAN switches detected on the network.
Cluster Controller
Indicates whether this switch is the Cluster Controller for the cluster.
Among a group of peer switches, one of the switches is automatically elected or configured to
be the Cluster Controller. The Cluster Controller gathers status and statistics about all APs
and clients in the peer group.
Only the Cluster Controller switch can display managed APs, clients, statistics, and
RF Scan databases for the whole cluster. The switches that are not Cluster Controllers can
display information only about locally attached devices.
Cluster Controller IP
The IP address of the peer switch that is the Cluster Controller.
Total Access Points
Total number of Managed APs in the database. This value is always equal to the sum of
Managed Access Points, Connection Failed Access Points, and Discovered Access Points.
Managed Access
Number of APs in the managed AP database that are authenticated, configured, and have an
active connection with the Unified Switch.
Standalone Access
Number of trusted APs in Standalone mode. APs in Standalone mode are not managed by a
Rogue Access Points
Number of Rogue APs currently detected on the WLAN. When an AP performs an RF scan,
it might detect access points that have not been validated. It reports these APs as rogues.
Discovered Access
APs that have a connection with the switch, but haven't been completely configured. This
value includes all managed APs with a Discovered or Authenticated status.
Connection Failed
Access Points
Number of APs that were previously authenticated and managed, but currently don't have
connection with the Unified Switch.
Authentication Failed
Access Points
Number of APs that failed to establish communication with the Unified Switch.