D-Link DSL-G2452DG User Manual
Section 4 - Configuration
Save Settings To
Local Hard Drive:
This option allows you to save the current router configuration settings
to a file on your computer.
Load Settings
From Local Hard
This option allows you to load a previously saved router configuration
file. This will overwrite the router’s current configuration.
Restore To Factory
Default Settings:
This option allows you to restore all configuration settings back to the
settings that were in effect at the time the router was shipped from the
factory. Any settings that have not been saved will be lost, including
any rules that you have created. If you want to save the current router
configuration settings, use the
Save Settings To Local Hard Drive
button above.
Reboot The
Click to reboot the router immediately.
when you are done.
This page allows you to save the DSL-G2452DG's current configuration, load a previously saved
configuration, reset the router to its factory default settings, or reboot the DSL-G2452DG.
From the Admin page, click
. To return to the Admin page, click