Copyright@2014 D-Link System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
D-Link Document – User Manual
Online: the hard drive is online.
Rebuilding: the hard drive is being rebuilt.
Degraded: one of the RAID set is at degraded mode.
Failed: one of the RAID set is at failed mode.
Importing: the system is loading data from the disks, which means
the pool is not ready for use yet.
The health of the hard drive:
Good: the hard drive is good.
Failed: the hard drive has failed.
Error alert: S.M.A.R.T. error alert.
Read errors: the hard drive has unrecoverable read errors.
Reserved: the disk is one of the member disks of a RAID group. It
contains RAID group and pool information, but the original RAID
group and pool can’t be found. Either you put this disk at its original
slot or set this disk as a free disk.
The SMART of the hard drive:
Unknown: the SMART of the hard drive is unknown.
NoError: the SMART of the hard drive has no error.
HasError: the SMART of the hard drive has error.
The usage of the hard drive:
RAID disk: This hard drive has been set to a RAID group.
Free disk: This hard drive is free for use.
Dedicated spare: This hard drive has been set as dedicated spare of
a pool.
Hard drive vendor.
Hard drive serial number.
Hard drive rate:
SAS 6Gb/s.
SAS 3Gb/s.
SATA 6Gb/s.
SATA 3Gb/s.
SATA 1.5Gb/s.
Write cache
Hard drive write cache is enabled or disabled. The default value is Enabled.
HDD auto spindown to save power. The default value is Disabled.
This feature makes data be loaded to disk’s buffer in advance for further
use. The default value is Enabled.
Newer SATA and most SCSI disks can queue multiple commands and
handle one by one. The default value is Enabled.
The functions are available in this tab:
SMARTCTL self-test running:
Active or inactive SMART self-test.
Download SMARTCTL log:
Download SMART self-test log.
Set free disk:
Make the hard drive free for use.
Disk replace:
Replace the hard drive of the pool to another free hard drive.