PowerLine AV 500 Wireless Extender Kit
Plug and play installation for easy setup
Transform your existing electrical wiring
into a high-speed network
Enable wired and Wi-Fi connectivity
in hard-to-reach areas of your home
Extend your Wired and Wireless Network Simultaneously
Plug and Play Installation
Compact Design
24/7 Basic Installation Support
1-Year Limited Warranty
Product Highlights
Extend Your Network
The PowerLine AV 500 Wireless Extender Kit instantly transforms your home’s existing
electrical wiring into a high-speed network. Expand both your wired and wireless
network for increased home coverage. Easily add computers, entertainment systems
and Wi-Fi devices to your network without turning your home into a wired mess.
Eliminate Wi-Fi Dead Zones
With the PowerLine AV 500 Wireless Extender Kit, getting whole-home coverage is
fast and easy. Simply connect the PowerLine adapter to your router’s Ethernet port
and plug it into a power outlet to turn every other outlet in your home into a possible
network connection. Then plug the wireless extender into an outlet in a different part
of your home to extend your Wi-Fi network to the hard-to-reach areas of your home
like upstairs bedrooms, basements and outdoor patios.