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CreAte A HigH-PerformAnCe Wireless netWork

Powerline AV wireless n extender

wireless n technology

Wireless n offers superior wireless range 

and speed over conventional wireless b/g

secUrity MAde eAsy

Data encryption is quickly configured with 

the push of a button to keep intruders out

rAPid sPeeds oVer electricAl wiring

speeds of up to 200 mbps speed over home electrical wiring, 

suitable for high bandwidth internet applications

DAtA trAnsmission oVer eleCtriCAl Wiring

the D-link DHP-W306AV Powerline AV Wireless n extender, compliant with the HomePlug AV standard, uses your home’s existing electrical wiring to create a 

network or extend your existing network.


 it turns every power outlet into a possible network connection to access digital media devices, game consoles, print 

servers, computers, and network storage devices throughout your home. Additionally, Wireless n provides high speed transfers without the need for unsightly 

network cables.

fAster Wireless sPeeDs, WiDer oPerAtionAl rAnge

the Wireless n technology incorporated into the DHP-W306AV offers increased speed and range over standard 802.11g/b. initial wireless setup can be 

accomplished quickly, thanks to a convenient WPs button atop the device. WeP, WPA, and WPA2 encryption keep your network traffic safe and secure.

iDeAl for BAnDWiDtH-intensiVe APPliCAtions

the DHP-W306AV is capable of delivering data transfer rates of up to 200 mbps.


 this rapid transmission speed makes it ideal for bandwidth-intensive 

applications, guaranteeing smooth HD video streaming, VoiP calls, and lag-free online gaming experiences. in addition, it prioritizes internet traffic, ensuring 

that multimedia applications do not experience glitches while web surfing and downloads are in progress. this device provides ample network bandwidth, 

enabling digital home consumers to tap into existing electrical wiring for high-quality multimedia streaming.

ConVenient setuP AnD seCure oPerAtion

the DHP-W306AV plugs directly into a power outlet, and does not require any additional cables. extend your home network by connecting multiple devices in 

the farthest corners of your home via ethernet cable or Wireless n. for convenient setup, wired or wireless encryption keys can be quickly configured with the 

push of a button atop the device. the adapter implements 128-bit Aes data encryption to protect the network from unauthorized wire tapping. With hassle-free 

plug and play installation, the DHP-W306AV is an ideal solution to create a wall-to-wall home network.
