dial-up VPN gateway.
Remote Gateway
The External IP address of the dial-up VPN gateway.
Authentication Key
The Client authentication key should match the dial-up VPN gateway
tunnel authentication key.
VPN policies and
Add as required to configure the remote gateway to connect to the dial-up
VPN gateway.
Viewing VPN tunnel status
You can use the IPSec VPN tunnel list to view the status of all IPSec Autokey IKE VPN tunnels. For each
tunnel, the list shows the status of each tunnel as well as the tunnel time out.
To view VPN tunnel status:
Go to
VPN > IPSEC > Autokey IKE
The Status column displays the status of each tunnel. If Status is Up, the tunnel is active. If Status is
Down the tunnel is not active.
The Timeout column displays the time before the next key exchange. The time is calculated by
subtracting the time elapsed since the last key exchange from the keylife.
Autokey IKE tunnel status
Dial-up monitor
The IPSec VPN dial-up monitor displays all of the active dial-up tunnels. A dial-up tunnel is an IPSec VPN
tunnel created when a remote IPSec VPN gateway or client connects to the Autokey IKE VPN Tunnel with the
IP address This VPN tunnel accepts VPN connections from any remote IPSec VPN gateway or client
as long as the remote gateway or client can match the VPN tunnel's Authentication Key.
To view the status of active dial-up tunnels:
Go to
VPN > IPSEC > Dial-up Monitor
The Local IP column is always set to
The Local Gateway column displays the IP address of the DFL-500 external interface.
The Remote Gateway column displays the IP address of the remote VPN gateway or remote IPSec VPN
client connected to the tunnel.
The Remote IP column displays the IP address of the computer on the internal network behind the remote
DFL-500 User Manual