cytiva AxiChrom Original Instructions Manual Download Page 36


Removing an AxiChrom 1200-1600 wheel kit

When the column has been rolled into position at the intended location, remove the
wheel kit from the column as described below.




Make sure that the wheels of the AxiChrom 1200-1600 wheel kit are
immobilized, so that the column cannot begin to roll unexpectedly, before
disconnecting the moving equipment from the attachment hitch


If the column has been moved to a new location, measure the distance
between the column feet and the floor. Adjust the feet as necessary so that
all of the column feet are the same distance from the floor.


Do not adjust the feet of AxiChrom 1200-1600 columns
out from the column stand more than 220 mm from the
base of the column stand to the floor.


Place the jack under the front crossbeam of the column stand, immediately
to one side of the front trolley.


Use the jack to lift the front of the column until it is no longer supported by
the front trolley and spacer unit, and then remove the front trolley and spacer


Lower the column until it is supported on the column feet at the front of the
column, as well as on the two rear wheel trolleys.


Place the jack under the column stand, immediately in front of one of the rear
wheel trolleys.


Use the jack to raise the column until it is just high enough from the floor for
the rear trolley beside the jack to be removed.


Remove the rear trolley located beside the jack, and then lower the column
onto the column foot at that side of the column. Remove the jack.


Place the jack under the column stand, immediately in front of the remaining
rear wheel trolley.


Use the jack to raise the column until it is just high enough off the floor for the
remaining rear trolley to be removed.


 AxiChrom wheel kit Instructions 29145462 AB

Summary of Contents for AxiChrom

Page 1: ...AxiChrom wheel kits Instructions Original instructions cytiva com...

Page 2: ...gan AxiChrom 300 600wheelkit 13 4 AxiChrom 800 1000wheelkit 15 4 1 AxiChrom 800 1000wheelkitcomponents 16 4 2 Fittingan AxiChrom 800 1000wheelkit 18 4 3 Removingan AxiChrom 800 1000wheelkit 22 5 AxiCh...

Page 3: columns allusersmustreadandunderstandtheentire contentsofAxiChrom300 1600columnsOperating Instructions 29065430 tobecomeawareofthehazards involved Scope Thisdocumentdescribeshowtofitwheelkitstovari...

Page 4: ...hecolumncannotbegintorollaway WARNING Makesurenevertoplaceanybodypartbetweenthecolumnstand andawheelkit Alwaysusethehandletoholdatrolleywhenfitting itunderthecolumnstand WARNING Maintainasafedistancew...

Page 5: ...oroverobjects forexampledoorwaythresholdsor tubing NOTICE Thewheelsmustberemovedandthecolumnmustbeleveled properlybeforethecolumnisused NOTICE Whiletransportinga300 600column donotpullthehandle upward...

Page 6: ...scribeshowtofitawheelkitforusewith AxiChrom 300 600columns Inthischapter Section Seepage 3 1 AxiChrom 300 600wheelkitcomponents 7 3 2 Fittingan AxiChrom 300 600wheelkit 10 3 3 Removingan AxiChrom 300...

Page 7: ...l kit components Thefollowingimageillustratesthemaincomponentsofthe AxiChrom 300 600column wheelkit Wheelkitcomponents 1 2 4 3 Part Function 1 Lever 2 Trolley 3 Trolleybar 4 Rearwheels AxiChromwheelki...

Page 8: ...gtrolleybar Note To be able to fit or remove the wheels of an AxiChrom 300 600 column wheel kit the distance between the floor and the column stand must be in the range 90 110 mm Trolleyandtrolleybar...

Page 9: ...Part Function D Trolleyknob E Slots S Safetypin AxiChromwheelkitInstructions29145462AB 9...

Page 10: ...00 columns Operating Instructions 29065430 NOTICE Donotperformanytypeofmaintenanceworkonacolumnwhenit isfittedwithawheelkit Maintenanceworkmayonlybecarriedout on AxiChrom columnswhentheyarestablysuppo...

Page 11: ...mentoftheleverarm 2 Fittherearwheelsintheholeinthecolumnstand A Wheel and trolley fittings on page 8 Ensurethatthewasherandsafetypinarecorrectly placed tosecuretherearwheels 3 Lowerthecolumnbyliftingt...

Page 12: ...nstand 6 PlacethetrolleyknobD Trolley and trolley bar on page 8 verticallyunder theadjustingscrewC andadjusttheheightadjustingscrewsoitrestsonthe trolleyknob 7 Whentheheightadjustingscrewisadjusted se...

Page 13: ...oorandstand 90to110mm 2 Turnthetrolleytooneofthesidesasthefollowingimageshows Lowerthefrontofthecolumn byraisingthehandleonthetrolley Thehandle shouldnowstandvertically 3 Ifnecessary removethesafetypi...

Page 14: ...mentoftheleverarm 6 Removethewasherandsafetypinfromthewheels anddisassemblethe wheelsfromtheholeAinthecolumnstand F A 90 110 mm 7 Lowerthecolumnbyliftingtheleverarm Removethelever 8 Repeatsteps4to6ont...

Page 15: ...ibeshowtofitawheelkitforusewith AxiChrom 800 1000columns Inthischapter Section Seepage 4 1 AxiChrom 800 1000wheelkitcomponents 16 4 2 Fittingan AxiChrom 800 1000wheelkit 18 4 3 Removingan AxiChrom 800...

Page 16: ...eel kit components Thefollowingimagesillustratethemaincomponentsofthe AxiChrom 800 1000 columnwheelkit Wheelkitcomponents D C E B K J Part Function B Trolleybartop C Lowerpart D Slot 16 AxiChromwheelk...

Page 17: ...A 95 135 mm Part Function A Holesforfittingrearwheels Note To be able to fit or remove the wheels of an AxiChrom 800 1000 column wheel kit the distance between the floor and the column stand must be...

Page 18: ...isfittedwithawheelkit Maintenanceworkmayonlybecarriedout on AxiChrom columnswhentheyarestablysupportedbythe columnfeetunderthecolumnstand Tip If you intend to move the column back to the same positio...

Page 19: ...nthetrolleybartosteeritinbetweenthefrontfeetofthe column ThetopBofthetrolleybarshouldhangonthecolumnstandwhen positioned D C E B Part Function B Trolleybartop C Lowerpart D Slot E Screw AxiChromwheelk...

Page 20: ...thetrolleybarG I 4 Placethebracketbetweenthecolumnstandandthetrolleybar as illustratedininsertimageH F G H SteerthewheelkitwiththetrolleyhandleandliftupuntilpartCreachesthe lowersurfaceofthecolumnstan...

Page 21: ...dertheframeatthereinforcedpadtowardstherearwheel andlift K J 8 FittherearwheelsKintheholeAinthecolumnstand seeFig 4 1 on page 18 Makesurethatthewasherandsafetypinarecorrectlyplaced tosecure therearwhe...

Page 22: ...samedistancebetweenthefloorandthe columnstand withintheinterval95 135mm 2 PlacethejackJundertheframeatthereinforcedpadtowardstherearwheel andlift K J Leverthebackofthecolumnusingthejack 3 Removetherea...

Page 23: ...erneaththetrolleybar G Lowerthecolumnfrontagainandremovethejack Thecolumnshould nowstandonitsfrontfeet I G G 7 Fitthetrolleybarwheelsinthetrolleybarstoragepositions asshowninthe illustration F G H 8 F...

Page 24: ...arefully lowerthetrolleybardownuntilthetrolleybarrestsonthecolumnstand E H 11 Repeatstep10toreleasetheothersideofthetrolleybar 12 Usethehandletoretractthetrolleybarfromthecolumnstand 13 Makesurethatth...

Page 25: ...beshowtofitawheelkitforusewith AxiChrom 1200 1600columns Inthischapter Section Seepage 5 1 AxiChrom 1200 1600wheelkitcomponents 26 5 2 Fittingan AxiChrom 1200 1600wheelkit 29 5 3 Removingan AxiChrom 1...

Page 26: ...attachment fittings on page 28below A B C D E Part Function A Columnmovingarmattachmentfitting seeMoving arm attachment fittings on page 28 B Jack C Fronttrolley D Reartrolleys twounits E Spacerblock...

Page 27: ...ttack must be ordered directly from the supplier If a MasterMover is to be used to move the column the appropriate MasterMover attachment coupling for fitting to the moving arm attachment fitting and...

Page 28: ...ngarmattachmentfittingrequirediscolumnsizedependantandis thereforenotincludedaspartofwheelkit29090400 butmustbeorderedseparately Themovingarmattachmentfittingusedwith AxiChrom 1600columnshasproduct or...

Page 29: ...ovethecolumn for dimensioninformationrefertoAxiChrom 300 1600 columns Operating Instructions 29065430 NOTICE Donotperformanytypeofmaintenanceworkonacolumnwhenit isfittedwithawheelkit Maintenanceworkma...

Page 30: ...yscrewingittothe bottombackingplatewiththetwoattachmentboltsprovidedwiththe movingarmattachmentfitting BandC asshownintheillustration c Screwthecolumnflangebolt A backintoplaceandtightentothe correctt...

Page 31: ...wthecolumnflangeboltsbackintoplaceandtightentothe correcttorque 300Nmfor AxiChrom 1600columns A B d Tightentheattachmentboltstoatorqueof150Nm NOTICE Aftermovingthecolumnusingawheelkit makesure thatthe...

Page 32: ...onesideofthecolumnstand and thenplacethejackunderthecolumnstandclosetothewheeltrolley positionXintheillustrationindicatesasuitablejackposition Usethejacktoraisethecolumnstanduntilthereissufficientclea...

Page 33: ...thejack andthenrepeatsteps4and5tofitthesecondreartrolley undertheoppositesideofthecolumnstand 7 Makesurethatthecolumnissecurelysupportedonbothreartrolleyunits andplaceblocksinfrontofthewheelsoftherear...

Page 34: ...cetofitthefrontwheeltrolleyunit B underthecenterofthecolumnstand A B 9 Usethejacktoliftthefrontofthecolumnuntilthefronttrolleyandspacer unitcanbeplacedunderthefrontbeamofthecolumnstand Makesurethat th...

Page 35: ...ace WARNING Maintainasafedistancewhenmovingthecolumn Makesurethatnopersonisnearthecolumnwhenthe columnisinmotion otherthanthepersonnelrequired toperformliftingandmovingprocedures NOTICE Makesurethatth...

Page 36: ...ejackunderthefrontcrossbeamofthecolumnstand immediately toonesideofthefronttrolley 4 Usethejacktoliftthefrontofthecolumnuntilitisnolongersupportedby thefronttrolleyandspacerunit andthenremovethefrontt...

Page 37: ...olumnifdesired 1 Note When bolts are removed and replaced make sure to rewrap bolt threads with PTFE tape and check that bolts are retightened to the correct torque before the column is taken into ope...

Page 38: ...werAttackisatrademarkofKlausJ Scholpp Allotherthird partytrademarksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners 2020 Cytiva Allgoodsandservicesaresoldsubjecttothetermsandconditionsofsaleofthesupplyingcompany...
