CY8CKIT-149 PSoC® 4100S Plus Prototyping Kit Guide, Doc. #: 002-20729 Rev. *E
Board Separation (Snapping)
The PSoC 4100S Plus Prototyping Kit consists of a PSoC 4100S Plus and a KitProg2 board. To sep-
arate the two boards for evaluation or development, break the two boards apart at the built-in perfo-
rated edge between
The easiest method of separating the two boards is to place the kit on the edge of a table, where the
edge of the table is directly below the perforated edge and the smaller KitProg2 board is off the table
edge. Press gently on the KitProg2 board and snap the two boards apart. If any material is removed
from the edge of the boards, use sheers to clean up the edge of the kit.
The CapSense Slider and buttons can also be snapped out and used for standalone applications. To
reconnect the snapped CapSense boards, you can connect Male Berg Strips on the header and con-
nect the central board with CapSense Board.
Figure A-4. PSoC 4100S Plus Prototyping kit Broken into Four Parts
Once the boards are separated, direct UART and I2C
connections between the PSoC 4100S Plus device and KitProg2 are
lost. This is because the traces connecting the UART and I2C lines are
cut off during the separation. However, you can access KitProg2’s UART
and I
C lines through header