CY8CKIT-017 CAN/LIN Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-57814 Rev. *D
Kit Operation
Verify Functionality
CAN Communication
Vary the VR (potentiometer on either DVK) and note the change in status displayed on the LCD of
either DVK.
Note The CAN communication may not work correctly if the PSoC devices are not using an
accurate, external clock source. See
CAN Bus Clock Accuracy on page 24
for details on oscillator
Figure 3-12. Verifying LCD Output of CAN_Example_1
LIN Communication
1. When the LIN_Example project starts, the LIN Slave component is initialized. If the startup is suc-
cessful, the ‘LINS Initialize Successful’ message is displayed on the LCD, followed by ‘Send the 8
bytes of data with ID 0x10’.