Cygnus DIVE Operating Manual
Page 28 of 117
Measure Modes
The Measure Mode determines how the gauge uses the ultrasound
signals to get a thickness measurement. There are three
measurement modes used in the DIVE gauge;
Multiple Echo Mode - Single Element Probes Only
Single Echo Mode
- Twin Element Probes Only
Echo-Echo Mode
- Twin Element Probes Only
The gauge will automatically set the measure mode to match the
probe type selected.
Multiple Echo Mode (ME)
Multiple Echo measurement mode is by far the most reliable and
quickest method for thickness measurements because it works by
looking for three matched echoes it can
the thickness
measurement is valid. This method has been used in all Cygnus
gauges since the late 1970s.
Multiple echo mode will ignore surface coatings (Through Coating
mode) there is no need to remove the paint to take a
Also because it uses a single element (or single crystal) probe
there are no errors due to the V-path of the ultrasound beam
found in all twin element probes. This makes it simple to calibrate
two point calibrations are not required.
However because it requires three echoes to take a measurement,
in heavily corroded steels there is often an insufficient number of
echoes so measurements may not be possible.
Single Echo Mode (SE)
Single Echo measurement mode is most useful on heavily corroded
metals where Multiple Echo fails. Because it only needs the first
return echo to take a measurement it performs well on virtually all
steel conditions.