Using the AMS Controls
devices are designed to operate “hands free” in normal use.
The unit is turned on by inserting the unit in the charging case and applying power to the charging case.
The unit is completely turned off by activating the “shutdown” button in t
he MultiView software.
A “shutdown” turns off all internal electronics in the A
MS. After a shutdown the unit must be restarted in
the charging case. Therefore, if the intent is to put the unit into standby mode where the electronics are
still active, the
“stop” button in MultiView should be used instead of the “shutdown” button.
In abnormal situations, the reset switches on the front panel can be used to activate a shutdown or to
turn the unit on from a shutdown. See
on page
for a view of the reset
switches. The switch indicated by
a combined “1” and “0” symb
ol turns the unit both on and off.
Using the AMS Indicators
The AMS has the following status LEDs (see
on page
Charger On
. Glows green, when power is applied to the charging case.
. Glows red, when the unit is being charged. Goes dark when the battery has reached 100%
charge. Glows red, if the charger is connected and the battery discharges below 95%. Goes dark when the
inductive charger is no longer powered.
Unit On
. Indicates when the device is on.
. Note: Glows green, when the unit is successfully paired with a link box. Blinks red/green
slowly, when it is searching for a link. This usually occurs just after turn on or before the link box is
powered by the host computer. Blinks red/ green rapidly, when the pairing function is activated by the
“C” reset switch. This rapid bli
nking indicates it is receptive to a new pairing.
When the AMS is on and has been removed from its charger and is ready for in-
tool use, the “Unit on”
and the “Connect/Pair” LEDs should both be glowing steady green. The A
MS does not necessarily need to
be removed from its charger to be used, nor does it need to be used in-tool.