5.5 Operation precautions
1 . In order to avoid abnormal overheating of print head, please be sure the temperature at substrate does not surpass
the maximum rating value (thermister detection temperature) in the specific during usage.
2 . In order to avoid damage at heat element, power on/off sequence must be in the following order .
- Turn on : First turn the logic voltage (Vdd) on, and then turn the print head supply voltage (Vset) on .
- Turn off : First turn the print head supply voltage (Vset) off, and then turn the logic voltage (Vdd) off .
3 . In order to avoid turn on electricity to heat element by malfunction, please keep "strobe off" when turning power on/off .
4 . In order to avoid electrostatic destruction to heat element or driver IC, please do not touch substrate or terminal of
connector, FFC, or FPC by empty hand .
5 . In order to avoid destruction by noise or ion migraton, please reduce the print head supply voltage (including the charged
voltage at capacitor) to the ground level and keep it until next usage .
6 . In case of installing capacitor for noise reduction, it is recommended that capacitance is 0 .1 uF/16 V between GND
and VDD line .
7 . In order to keep GND-Vset stability, please install electrolytic capacitor with high capacitance . But the capacitance is
depended on current limitation of protection circuit, in case of lithium ion battery .
8 . In order to keep electrical stability, please keep all GND pins connected to mother board's GND signal while usage .
9 . In order to keep the good quality of printing, please wipe residue of paper or ink by applicator dipped with ethanol or
IPA . Please do not use sandpaper as it provokes destruction of heat element .
10 . In order to avoid leakage or short circuit, please keep print head away from dew drop . In case there is dew drop, please
do not turn on until the dew drop disappears .
11 .
In order to avoid such bad influence as ion migration on print head, please do not use paper with Na
+ 500 ppm or
more, K+ 150 ppm or more, or Cl- 300 ppm or more .