1212 & 1212P Manual - Sep 2019
pg. 18
The 1212/1212P controller can accept inputs from both 5kΩ, 3-wire pot
throttles and voltage throttles. Set the throttle type parameter to match the
throttle used in your application.
5kΩ, 3-wire pot throttles
0 = wigwag
1 = inverted wigwag
2 = single-ended; neutral when wiper at PotLow
3 = inverted single-ended; neutral when wiper at PotHigh
4 = unipolar.
Voltage throttles
5 = wigwag
6 = inverted wigwag
7 = single-ended; neutral when wiper ≤ PotLow
8 = inverted single-ended voltage; neutral when wiper ≥ PotHigh
9 = unipolar
Note: If Throttle Type 5–9 is used, see note on
Neutral Input
A vailable only with 1212P.
When programmed On, enables neutral input detection.
3–5 V
Sets the maximum voltage for voltage throttles (Types 5–9).
(For 5kΩ, 3-wire pot throttles, PotHigh is determined by the throttle itself.)
0–2 V
Sets the minimum voltage for voltage throttles (Types 5–9).
(For 5kΩ, 3-wire pot throttles, PotLow is determined by the throttle itself.)
Neutral Deadband
5–30 %
Sets the throttle range the controller interprets as neutral. Increasing the
parameter setting increases the neutral range. This parameter allows the
neutral deadband to be defined wide enough to ensure the controller goes
into neutral when the throttle is released.
Guidelines for adjusting this parameter are provided in Section 5.
Throttle Max
40–100 %
Sets the pot wiper voltage required to produce 100% controller output.
Increasing the Throttle Max setting reduces the wiper voltage required, and
therefore reduces the stroke necessary to produce full output. This feature
allows reduced-range throttle assemblies to be used.
Guidelines for setting Throttle Max are provided in Section 5.
When programmed On, vehicle drive is inhibited if a throttle command outside
the neutral deadband is issued before the controller is powered up. Drive
will continue to be inhibited until the throttle is returned to within the neutral
deadband. If the HPD fault is not cleared within 10 seconds, a wiring fault is
declared and a power cycle is required.