Service and Maintenance
Cat. No. 01021713
Finish Cleaning Procedure
1. When 30 minutes have passed, adjust the system pressure to the pressure recorded during low pressure.
Measure the product flow rate, then compare this flow to the flow recorded during low pressure. If cleaning is
successful a noticeably higher product flow should now be observed.
2. Choose GO TO OFFLINE from the main menu. Remove the concentrate and product tubing from the solution
tank and direct them both to drain. Choose GO TO RUNNING from the main menu to draw most of the remain-
ing cleaning solution from the tank.
CAUTION! Do not allow the unit to draw air from the tank, or the pump will be damaged.
3. Choose GO TO OFFLINE from the main menu. Close the cleaning valve, reconnect the wires to the pressure
switch, then open the feed water valve.
4. Choose GO TO RUNNING from the main menu and flush the cleaning solution from the unit for 30 minutes or
until the pH levels of the concentrate water and the product water remain constant.
CAUTION! Soft water must be used to flush the caustic solution, or hardness will precipitate. If
soft water is not available, use temporary portable exchange softener tanks.
5. Adjust the system pressure to the normal value. Measure all flows, TDS levels, pressures, and temperature.
Compare these values with the “new” and “now” values to determine if cleaning has been successful. If cleaning
has not been successful, contact the service department at Culligan International Company for suggestions on
alternate cleaning chemicals. If cleaning has been successful, note which chemicals were effective. Use the
same chemical(s) when the unit is cleaned again.
6. Replace the Pre-filter cartridge.
7. After cleaning and rinsing have been completed, connect the product tubing to the service line. Remove the
jumper installed and reconnect the pressure switch. Rinse the cleaning tank and tubing with fresh water.