Culligan® Series G1 Reverse Osmosis
Cat. No. 01021713
Float Level Control
The GBE RO controller provides a Level Control High switch as well as a Level Control Low switch. You can use the Level
Control High switch alone, or with the Level Control Low switch.
The Level Control connections are located on the GBE RO controller board. They are labeled POSITION (J12) on the
main GBE RO controller board. Pin 4 is common and Pin 2 is for HIGH level and Pin 3 is for LOW level.
These switches can be specified to be either “OPEN WHEN LEVEL IS ABOVE SWITCH” or “CLOSED WHEN LEVEL IS
ABOVE SWITCH” when the level of water is above the switches. Both switches must have the same OPEN or CLOSED
specification. For example, you can specify (main menu/setup/accessories/switch inputs) that the float switches will be
CLOSED when the level of water is above the level of the switches. The system assumes that a float switch is “off” when
the water is below the switch and it is on when the state of the switch matches to user specified OPEN or CLOSED condi-
tion. Use the GBE RO controller switch accessory kit (P/N 01022360) to connect Float Switch and Pretreatment Lockout
to the controller board. The kit contains four connectors (P/N 01021838) with wire leads. See
for wiring infor-
Plug into J12
Connectors for Float Switch
and Pretreat Lockout
Figure 20.
GROC plug-on connector with wire leads.
Float Switch (J12)
Inlet Flow Meter (J13)
TDS Probe (J20)
Remote Display
RF Board Connector
Aux Board
Product Flow Meter (J1)
Pretreat Lockout (J2)
4 3 2 1
Figure 21.
J12 float switch.
Storage Tank Setup When Using Both a High and Low Level Float Switch (Two Floats)
When two floats are used, the behavior of the controller is such that it will switch from RUNNING to STANDBY when the
water reaches the upper float switch and it changes state from being off to on. The system will stay in STANDBY until the
LOWER float switch transitions from on to off. When this LOWER switch transitions from on to off, the system will switch
back into RUNNING unless it is also in Pretreat Lockout at this point in which case it will transition to RUNNING when the
Pretreat Lockout disengages.
In order for the system to operate correctly using two float switches, it is necessary to specify a value of 0 (zero) as the Hi
Float Restart Delay time (main menu/steup/accessories/switch inputs).
Storage Tank Setup When Using a Single High Level Float Switch
Connect the level control to the FLTHI terminals. The system will switch from RUNNING to STANDBY when the water
reaches the upper float switch and it changes state from being off to on. The system will transition back to RUNNING a
specified number of minutes after the upper float switch transitions from on back to off. The specified number of minutes
to delay must be greater than 0 (zero). If it is specified as zero, then the system will operate as described in the previous
paragraph for two-float switches. The delay can be specified in whole minutes up to a maximum of 999 minutes. Note that
it is necessary to select this delay carefully, based upon the size of the storage tank and the maximum rate of draw-down
on the storage tank in comparison to the maximum rate of producing RO water or it is possible that the storage tank could
run dry.
Do not apply power to these terminals. Use dry contacts only.