Page 1: ...www cuckoo co kr CAC K1910FW AIR PURIFIER USER MANUAL ...
Page 2: ...ot use the product outdoors where the product may get in contact with direct sunlight rain or snow or places with moisture such as a laundry room or a bathroom Do not keep or use insecticides combustible gas inflammables or toxic substances near the product Place the product at least 50cm away on the sides and 60cm away on the top from the wall and surrounding objects Open the windows for ventilat...
Page 3: ... Cord causing a short circuit or electric shock Please check the state of the Power Plug and the Power Cord frequently There is a risk of electric shock or malfunction Please check the state of the Power Plug and the Power Cord frequently Plugthepowerplugintoa 120Voutletwithatleasta ratingof10Aandpowersurge protection Donotplugin multipledevicesintothesame poweroutletorextensioncord simultaneously...
Page 4: ...ngtheproduct donotpullthePowerCord It may cause a damage to the product electric shock or fire Please check the state of the Power Cord frequently Donotplaceitinabumpyor slantedarea Donotplaceiton arug cushionorlaminatedfloor It may cause malfunction unwanted noise or injury Please check the state of the product frequently Ifwaterentersthepowersupply area unplugtheproductand dryitcompletelybeforeu...
Page 5: ...hingotherthanitsintended purpose e g preservingartworks maintainingprecision instrumentsandanimalbreeding If you do not do so it may cause electric shock or fire Donotusetheproductasaventilatingfanorhoodsfor gasstoveorelectricrangesinthekitchen It may cause poor performance of the product and filters Customer Service Center Warning Instruction Warning Donot It may cause a radio interference Placei...
Page 6: ...er foreignmaterialgetstuckintheproduct Be careful of any raised spot or obstruction on the floor when movingtheproductthatmaycauseascratchordamagetoit Although wheels are mounted on the bottom of the product for its mobility the product has fairly low floor for its design There is a risk of malfunction or electric shock If it s wet contact our Customer Service Center It may cause poor performance ...
Page 7: ... 부속품안내 본체 AC XHSeries 관리카드 AC 09XH10FW모델에한함 기능성필터 별매품 바퀴세트 별도포장 AC 09XH10FW모델에한함 바퀴장착방법은38페이지참조 그림은실물과다를수있습니다 기능조작부및 기능표시부 손잡이 물탱크 수조 가습필터 미세먼지센서부 공기배출구 청정도표시등 습도센서부 필터덮개 공기흡입구 공기청정필터 User Manual 각부분의명칭 부속품안내 9 www cuckoo co kr 사용설명서 부속품안내 본체 AC XHSeries 관리카드 AC 09XH10FW모델에한함 기능성필터 별매품 바퀴세트 별도포장 AC 09XH10FW모델에한함 바퀴장착방법은38페이지참조 그림은실물과다를수있습니다 기능조작부및 기능표시부 손잡이 물탱크 수조 가습필터 미세먼지센서부 공기배출구 청정도표시등 습도센서부 필...
Page 8: ...ausing particles such as dust mites and pollen Ultra Deo PM2 5 Filter True HEPA H13 Filter Helps filters mites pollens fine dust and cigarette smoke ActivatedCarbonFilter Helps filter unpleasant odors and harmful gases Great for removing odors that occur from food cigarettes animal fur Nitrogen Dioxide causing sources and bathrooms Section Ultra DeoPM2 5Filter Level1 Pre Filter Level2 Allergen Fil...
Page 9: ...e pulloutthePowerPlug Thisproductis exclusivelyfor120V 60Hz PutthePowerPlugintheappropriatePowerOutlet Takeoutthefilterandremovethe vinylwrapping After removing the packaging vinyl please insert the filter inside the purifier Please make sure the filter is inserted properly with the upper part facing up Connecttoapowersupply Thisproductisexclusivelyfor120V Pleaseconnecttheproductto theappropriateP...
Page 10: ...a beep when pressing a button This Control Display Panel may look different from the actual appearance DuringAir Purification operation the product s performance may vary according to the air volume If Sleep operation is selected theAir Quality Indicator will automatically turned off If different products are used in the same area there may be a difference in pollution level due to air circulation...
Page 11: ...llautomaticallyilluminateandthefanwillbeginoperation Theairpurifierwillrunitspreviousoperatingmode Ifthefiltercoverisnotproperlyinstalled afiltercovererrorwillilluminateonthedisplaypanel Pressthemodebuttontosetyourdesiredoperationmode Every time you press the mode button the mode will change in this order AutoAir Purification SleepAir Purification Manual Gear 1 Manual Gear 2 Manual Gear 3 TurboAir...
Page 12: ... automatically adjust air volume according to the surrounding environment To conserve energy the fan will turn off when air quality is good POWER Startsleepmodebypressingthe modebuttononcewhileinauto mode Forasoundsleep theairvolume willminimizeandtheairpurifierwill operatequietly TheAirQualityIndicatorwillturnoff whileinSleepMode MODE SLEEP Sleep Mode will minimize air volume and dim display ligh...
Page 13: ...lmode pressthemodebuttontwicewhileinAutoMode Pressthemodebuttontosetdesiredfanspeed Lo M Hi MANUAL Allows you to select the fan speed MODE MODE Manual Gear Lo Toenterturbomode pressthemodebuttonfivetimeswhileinautomode Proceedwithhigh speed airpurification TURBO Turbo Mode will quickly remove dust with maximized performance Manual Gear Hi ...
Page 14: ...eature Pollution Level Level 1 Clean Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Poor Air Quality Indicator Blue Sky Blue Green Light Green Yellow Orange Purple Red InsertthepowerplugandbeginStandbyMode Display Panel lamps will turn off While in operation press the Power button to stop PressandholdtheModebuttonfor3secondstosetthebuttonsoundONorOFF Mute for OFF melody plays for ON ...
Page 15: ...twipettheControlPanelandtheDisplayPanelwithanalkalinedetergent Donotusesulfuricacid hydrochloricacidoranyorganicsolvent thinner kerosene etc towipethesurfacesoftheproduct Donotplaceanystickersontheexterior Doinganyofthesemaydamagethe surface Use a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust in the air outlet Ifyoudon tregularlycleantheFineDust Sensor theperformancemaydeteriorate Cleaningcycl...
Page 16: ... Whenremovingdustwithavacuumcleaner becarefulto notexertexcessiveforce Thismaydamagethefilter After cleaning the pre filter with water place it in a shaded area to completely dry it Water remaining on the filter may cause a malfunction or odor Attach the pre filter to theTotal Care Safe Filter place it inside the air purifier and then re install the filter cover To lock cover push it in until you ...
Page 17: ...leanersof householdandsimilaruse evaluatedthelifespanbyburningtobacco If the filter replacement light is lit replace the filter Always unplug the power cord before replacing a filter If you exceed the filter cleaning or replacement cycle the performance may deteriorate or an odor may develop Please use genuine CUCKOO filters only Otherwise this may hinder the performance or cause the air purifier ...
Page 18: ...undtheproduct Istheproductinstalledwherewindcannotmove freely Hastheperiodforfiltercleaningandreplacement elapsed Ventilatetheroom thenusetheproduct Useaproductthatsuitstheareaofuse Avoidplacingnearanareawithhighaircirculationsuchasa doororwindow Removeallobstacles Installtheproductelsewhere Checkthefiltercleaningandreplacementcycle Cleanor replacethefilterifneeded Thereisanodor comingfromtheair v...
Page 19: ...npage19 Youcanfeelelectricitywhenyoutouchtheproduct Theproductisconnectedtoapowersource butthemotorisnotworking Othermalfunctionsoccur Pleasestopusingtheproduct PleaseunplugtheproductandcontactourCustomerServiceCenter ProductSpecifications Category Air purifier Model name CAC K1910FW Rated Voltage and Current 120V 60Hz Rated Power Consumption 60W 1A Dust Collecting Method Mechanical dust collectin...