Crystal Vision
<-- Example to unicast send v1 traps on slot occupation change of state.
This matches Indigo pre version 4.0.
Extract from SNMP configuration window showing example of trap filtering
3.3 Controlling cards via Ethernet
Crystal Vision cards fall into two categories. The first (newer) type uses an XML
file to create a control database that is used by the card’s front-edge controller,
Statesman, the Indigo frame front panel controller and the Indigo web page
interface. This type offer a full range of controls via the web page interface with
slider controls etc. similar to that available with the Statesman PC software. The
other type offers control via the web page interface similar to that available with
an Indigo frame control panel.
Accessing the Indigo Home page with a PC browser via the Ethernet connector
will display a list of the cards fitted.
Indigo home page
Indigo DT User Manual R1.8
05 July 2018