Crystal Vision
5 VisionWeb
: For frame software versions earlier than v4.6 please refer to
Indigo’s internal web pages are called VisionWeb and enable the user to configure the frame,
monitor the status of the frame and cards, and to control cards from a PC running a web-
browser*. To access the VisionWeb home page, open up your web browser and enter the
frame’s IP address which will be the default value if the frame has yet to be
configured. The web page displayed shows the names of the cards installed, the slot number
they are fitted into, and the firmware version and serial number. This page will give status
information about the frame, its power supplies and means to access each card’s controls.
*Recommended web browsers include IE10, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
VisionWeb ‘Home’ page
Click on any of the slots to access the card’s home page which will give the user a full range of
controls and status monitoring. For example, the Safire 3 chroma keyer:
Safire 3 ‘Auto Setup’ page
See the card’s User Manual for in-depth details of all controls.
Slot 13 is a virtual slot for the frame monitor. Accessing this slot will display information about
the fans, power supplies, door open condition and frame temperature. The LEDs will be green
for a ‘true’ condition’ else greyed out.
Indigo 1 User Manual R1.14
27 February 2020