Crown IQ-PIP-USP3/CN Specifications Download Page 1

* You must have a PIP2-compatible amplifi er to use the IQ-
PIP-USP3/CN. To determine if your amplifi er is PIP2-compat-
ible, look for the             logo on the back of the amplifi er. 
The IQ-PIP-USP3/CN is NOT compatible with older Crown 
PIP amplifi ers, and cannot be used with CT210 or MA3600 
amplifi ers

Specifi cations


Internal Controls:

  A Reset/Preset switch, 

accessible with a straightened paper clip 
through the PIP panel, selects the next user 
preset if pressed for less than 2 seconds, 
resets the PIP to preset “0” if pressed for more 
than 2 seconds.


U L T R A   S E R I E S


he Crown


IQ-PIP-USP3/CN is a 3rd 

generationDSP-based PIP™ (Program-
mable Input Processor) input module for 

PIP2™ compatible amplifi ers.*  It connects the 
amplifi er to a 100 Mb Ethernet network allow-
ing it to be remotely controlled and monitored 
via System Architect or IQwic™ software. In 
addition, the USP3/CN allows the transport of 
real-time digital audio via CobraNet over the 
same Ethernet network.

The USP3/CN is a HiQnet and TCP/IQ series 
component and connects to the audio con-
trol/monitor network using a standard 100Mb 
Ethernet hardware (switches, Network Interface 
Cards, and cables). CobraNet™ audio is avail-
able over the same 100Mb Ethernet network, 
providing a simple to install, single plug 
solution for audio distribution, control, and 

The USP3/CN’s SHARC DSP processor gives 
the user an enormous amount of digital signal 
processing. Audio routing, faders, meters, 
polarity & mute, input compressors, fi lters, 
delays, multimode output limiters, error report-
ing, and load monitoring are all available. A 
built in noise generator and sine-wave genera-
tor provide noise masking and test capabilities. 
The enhanced AUX port capability allows the 
user to interface with the amplifi er to provide 
external manual control and monitoring. 

Offering crisp, clear sound and the wide 
dynamic range possible with CobraNet, the IQ-
PIP-USP3/CN provides unprecedented power 
and fl exibility in one compact—and very afford-

The IQ-PIP-USP3/CN requires Harman Pro 
System Architect software or IQwic software 
available from

For more details about the Crown 
IQ-PIP-USP3/CN, contact the Crown Technical 
Support Group at 800-342-6939 or 574-294-
8200. Also, visit the Crown Audio website at


Balanced Audio Input Connector

Single 5-pin removable barrier-strip connector 
for both channels.

AUX Connector

Confi gurable for AUX input or AUX output. 
Listen Bus is available through CobraNet.

Network Connector

The dual RJ45 CobraNet connectors allow a 
Primary & Secondary connection to the 100Mb 
Ethernet network. Should the Primary con-
nection lose link activity with the network, 
the USP3/CN will automatically switch to the 
Secondary connection to ensure uninterrupted 
audio and control. The indicators on the RJ45 
connectors display network information con-
cerning the Ethernet and CobraNet connections.


Preset Indicator

Signals the number of the current preset, if 
active, by fl ashing a series of fl ashes equal to 
the current preset number.

IQ Data Indicator

Flashes when the IQ-PIP-USP3/CN receives a 
valid command that is addressed to the IQ-PIP-


Reset/Preset Switch

Used to change presets, restore settings to fac-
tory default or restore all the presets to the fac-
tory defaults. During operations of the switch, 
the Data indicator fl ashes as an aid to the user. 

Memory Backup: 

512 kbyte non-volatile FLASH 

memory for backup of run-time parameters, 
presets, and program storage. Capable  of 
greater than 10 year data retention and esti-
mated 20+ year life-cycle. 


100Mb Fast Ethernet con-

forming to IEEE 802.3.

Power Requirements (provided by the ampli-
fi er): 

 +24VDC @ 350mA, –24VDC @ 30mA. 

< 8.7 Watts.

Overall Audio Performance:

DSP Processing: 

32 bit, Floating Point,

665 µs latency.

DAC Conversion:

 24 bit, 135 µs latency.

Dynamic Range:

 103 dB typical 

(A-weighted, 20Hz–20kHz, audio sourced 
from muted CobraNet channel).


 < 0.05% THD+N, 20Hz–20kHz.

Frequency Response: 

± 0.5 dB, 


Input/Output Monitor Accuracy:




•   100Mb Ethernet single-plug solution for 

CobraNet audio, and HiQnet or TCP/IQ control 
and monitoring

•  Analog audio inputs allow CobraNet network 

audio input, CobraNet audio backup, or a hard-
wire emergency override of CobraNet audio

•  “Listen Bus” amplifier output monitor via 


•  24 bit digital to analog conversion with 32 bit, 

fl oating point DSP processing

•  64 assignable fi lters with 9 different fi lter types 

including all-pass fi lters

•  Over 2 seconds of delay available per


•  Input compressors and output limiters for each 


•  Dual, uncorrelated noise generators for noise 


• Sine 


• Load 


•  Full error reporting

•  Firmware upgrades via the network

•  10 user selectable presets

•  Reliable FLASH memory backup of all param-


•  Three Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable War-

ranty completely protects your investment and 
guarantees its specifi cations

    IN USE/



