2.3.1 Bump Test Functionality
As part of the bump testing functionality Gas-Pro offers the ability to allocate gas sensors fitted to the
Gas-Pro into different ‘bump test groups’. These groups apply to both the speedy and smart bump
The groups available are ‘Daily’ and ‘Intermittent’, these can be configured via Portables-Pro.
This allows a different gas test regime to be applied for different sensors inline with site/company
procedures. The information below explains this in greater detail:
If the sensors are grouped into the ‘Intermittent’ group with, for example, a 90 day interval (this
interval is configurable in Portables-Pro), Gas-Pro will inform the user a bump test is due on the 90th
day of use. This is indicated by a gas test due warning on the Gas-Pro screen during start up.
Figure 9: Gas test due screen
Gas-Pro will not inform the user of a need for a gas test until the interval period from the last
successful bump has expired. However on applying a magnetised flow plate, or placing Gas-Pro
into the Q-Test, the user will be given the option to complete a gas test (or proceed to pumped
If the sensors are grouped into the ‘Daily’ group, the Gas-Pro will inform the user a bump test is due
at the start of each working day (actually every 24 hours). This is indicated by a gas test due warning
on the Gas-Pro screen during start up.
If Gas-Pro is turned off and on again within 24 hours of the gas test, the Gas-Pro will not inform
the user of a need for a bump test. However on applying a magnetised flow plate, or placing Gas-
Pro into the Q-Test the user will be given the option to complete a gas test (or proceed to pumped
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