Isys i/O™ 8.4” Touchpanel Media Center
Identity Code
The IP ID is set within the TPMC-8L’s table using Crestron Toolbox™. For
information on setting an IP table, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file. The IP IDs
of multiple TPMC-8L devices in the same system must be unique.
When setting the IP ID, consider the following:
The IP ID of each unit must match an IP ID specified in the SIMPL™
Each device using IP to communicate with a control system must have a
unique IP ID.
Configuring the Touchpanel
The only connection required to configure the touchpanel is power. When
power is first applied to the touchpanel, the BIOS screen (white text on black
background) will be upside down. This will only occur during boot up.
The TPMC-8L is configured from the setup menu.
If no project has been loaded or if an invalid project has been loaded, the
touchpanel displays an error message and defaults to the setup menu screen.
If a project is running, the setup menu can be accessed using one of three methods.
Via the Hard Keys
Press the hard keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 in sequence, two times within a 10 second period
(i.e. press 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4).
The hard keys in the column on the left side of the touchpanel screen are
numbers 1 through 8 (top to bottom). The hard keys in the column on the right side
of the touchpanel screen are numbers 9 through 16 (top to bottom).
Via USB Keyboard
1. Attach a USB keyboard (refer to “Hardware Hookup” which starts on page
2. Open the “Validate User Account Info” window (shown on the following
page) by pressing
on the keyboard.
Operations & Installation Guide – DOC. 6594B
Isys i/O™ 8.4” Touchpanel Media Center: TPMC-8L