The control system mailbox is a region of memory that is designed to store one
file at a time, typically the source file for the SIMPL Windows program.
In X-Generation control systems the size of the mailbox is fixed, whereas in the
2-Series (and pre-X-Generation) the size varies depending on the amount of
memory left over after the SIMPL Windows program has been uploaded.
In X-Generation processors, the contents of the mailbox is deleted
whenever a new program is uploaded to the control system, or a new
file is saved to the mailbox.
In 2-Series processors, the contents of the mailbox is deleted only when
a new file is saved to the mailbox; uploading a new program will not
erase the file.
On X-Generation and 2-Series the mailbox size varies, depending on
the amount of memory left over after the SIMPL Windows program has been
uploaded. On some 2-Series processors (PRO2, AV2, and CNX-DVP4) the
amount of memory can be expanded with compact flash.
Identify Transmitter ID
Verifies communication between an infrared (IR) or radio frequency (RF)
transmitter and a receiver, such as the CNIRGW or CNRFGWA.
The control system program must contain a gateway at the ID where
the physical gateway is located.
Simply point the transmitter at the receiver and press any button; if valid
communication exists, the Transmitter ID of the unit will be displayed, and the
Button ID
field will show the ID of the button that was pressed.
Switch Processors (CNRACKX-DP)
Used with the CNRACKX-DP (dual processor) to switch communication from
one processor to the other.
Viewport: Functions Menu
menu consists of commands for resetting and restarting the
system, and for specifying control system and touchpanel settings.
CNX/CN Series
Soft Reset
Restarts the program that is currently loaded in the control system's working
memory, or RAM.
Hard Reset
Loads the program that is in permanent memory, or flash PROM, into RAM.
This will overwrite whichever program was previously in RAM.
Crestron RoomView
Reference Guide - DOC. 6133