38 • TSW-570, TSW-770, and TSW-1070
Product Manual — Doc. 8550C
Click Restore to restore the touch screen configuration settings to their default values.
After Restore is selected a dialog box is displayed asking whether the device settings should be
restored. Select Yes to restore the settings or No to cancel the restore.
Update Firmware
Click Update Firmware to upgrade the touch screen firmware manually with a downloaded PUF
(package update file). The Firmware Upgrade dialog box opens.
Firmware Upgrade Dialog Box
To upload a firmware PUF through the web configuration interface:
to download the latest firmware PUF.
1. Click Browse, and then navigate to the firmware PUF on the host computer.
2. Select the firmware PUF, and then click Open.
3. Click Load to load the PUF to the touch screen. The upload progress is shown in the dialog
4. Once the touch screen has completed the firmware upgrade, click OK.
Click the x button to close the Firmware Upgrade dialog box at any time during the upgrade
process. Clicking the x button before the PUF is uploaded to the touch screen cancels the upgrade.
Download Logs
Click Download Logs to download the touch screen message logs for diagnostic purposes. The
message files download as a compressed .tgz file. Once the compressed file is downloaded, extract
the message log files to view them.
Manage Certificates
Click Manage Certificates to manage any certificates that are installed on the touch screen. For
more information on certificate management, refer to
802.1x Configuration (on page 71)