iLux Integrated Lighting System
Operations Guide – DOC. 6347E
iLux Integrated Lighting System: CLS-C6/C6M & CLSI-C6/C6M
Appendix F: Room Combining
The CLS-C6 supports a room combining concept, whereby two "adjacent" rooms are
considered separate when a partition is closed, and combined when the partition is
open. Refer to the figures on page 81 for examples of room combining.
In a system that can include a master CLS-C6 and up to eight slave CLS-C6 units,
there are 36 possible partitions between rooms. These are:
Partition sensing is accomplished using the GLS-SIM device (one partition per
device) and a third-party partition sensor.
In order to indicate which partition is being attached to a given GLS-SIM, each of
the 36 possible partitions is given a specific Cresnet ID (for the GLS-SIM). Refer to
the table on page 66.
The DIP switches on the GLS-SIM allow it to work with various partition sensors.
Refer to the latest version of the GLS-SIM Installation and Operations guide
(Doc 6768) for details on how to set the DIP switches appropriately. Keep the
following in mind:
Use only input channel 1 on the GLS-SIM when used for partition sensing
When using “normal polarity”, the presence of a contact closure (or voltage
below threshold) indicates that a partition is CLOSED (rooms are
separated). Adjust the GLS-SIM’s polarity DIP switch accordingly based on
the partition sensor’s behavior.
Two CLS-C6 units (either master/slave or slave/slave) that are in rooms separated by
a closed partition have no effect on one another when functions are triggered on
either unit.
In the absence of a partition separating two CLS-C6 units, (i.e. there is no GLS-SIM
present at the appropriate Cresnet ID) the two CLS-C6 units are always combined.
If two CLS-C6 units are separated, and then become combined at some later time,
there is no immediate change. A combinable function must first be triggered on
either unit in order to see an effect on the other unit.
The following are combinable functions:
Recall — Off Scene, On Scene, Scene1..15
Raise/Lower — Master, scene1..15, last active scene
Occupancy motion and activity joins