60 • HD-PS401 and HD-PS402
Web Interface Configuration Guide — Doc. 9196B
Create a Local Group
1. Click the Create Group button.
2. In the Create Group dialog, enter the following:
a. Enter the group name in the Name field.
b. Assign the group access level by selecting a predefined access level (Administrator,
Connect, Operator, Programmer, User) from the Access Level drop-down list.
NOTE: Make sure that the Active Directory Group slider is disabled.
3. Click OK to save. Click Cancel to cancel the changes.
Add an Active Directory Group
A group cannot be created or removed from the Active Directory server, but access can be
granted to an existing group in Active Directory.
Once the group is added, all members of that group will have access to the Presentation System.
1. Click the Create Group button.
2. In the Create Group dialog enter the following:
a. Enter the group name in the Name field, for example “Engineering Group”. Note
that group names are case sensitive; a space is a valid character that can be used in
group names.