Product Manual — Doc. 7389C
GL-IPAC-SW8 • 22
Project Settings
Project Settings sets the geographical location of the GL-IPAC-SW8 installation as well as the
time, date, and Daylight Savings Time settings. Select Project Settings from the Setup menu to
configure the GL-IPAC-SW8 time settings.
1. Use ▼ and ▲ to select the GL-IPAC-SW8's state.
Select State Screen
2. Press Next from the Select State screen to advance to the Set Current Date screen.
Set Current Date Screen
3. On the Set Current Date screen use ▼ and ▲ to change the month, date, and year. Press
ENTER to move between the date and year.
4. Press Next to advance to the Set Current Time screen.
5. Press Edit on the Set Current Time screen to change the time. Use ▼ and ▲ to change the
values and ENTER to move between the hour, minute, second, and AM/PM.
6. Press Set to save the values.
Set Current Time Screen
7. Press Next to advance to the Daylight Savings Time screen.
8. Using ▼ and ▲, select Off or Auto. Off turns daylight savings time off and Auto updates
the time automatically based on Daylight Savings Time for the region.