High Powered RF Gateway
Gateways on adjacent channels should be at least 12 feet apart.
Gateways on non-adjacent channels should be at least three feet
When installing a CEN-HPRFGW near a Wi-Fi access point, for
optimum performance, keep the following in mind:
Gateways on RF channels adjacent to operating Wi-Fi channels
should be placed at least 12 feet from the nearest Wi-Fi access
Gateways on RF channels that are non-adjacent to Wi-Fi channels
should be located at least six feet from the nearest Wi-Fi access
For more information on RF channels and their interaction with the
Wi-Fi spectrum, refer to “Appendix A: The RF Spectrum” on page 31.
For additional information on optimal gateway placement, refer to
“Appendix B: Optimum RF Reception Guidelines” which starts on page
Hardware Hookup
Make the necessary connections as called out in the illustration that
follows this paragraph. Refer to “Network Wiring” on page 10 before
attaching the 4-position terminal block connector. Apply power after all
connections have been made.
When making connections to the CEN-HPRFGW, consider the
Use Crestron power supplies for Crestron equipment.
The included cable cannot be extended.
Operations & Installation Guide – DOC. 6587B High Powered Gateway: CEN-HPRFGW