Bend Range
Sets the maximum pitchbend deflection.
The range is from 0 to 24 semitones.
Modulation Wheel
In principle, the intensity of the modulation
signal applied to the oscillators and filter
is controlled by the modulation wheel. In
the original this was the only way to control
modulation. For greater control we’ve
added modulation intensity and offset
controls as well.
Modulation Intensity
Sets the maximum intensity of the of the
modulation applied to the oscillator bank
and the filter by the modulation wheel.
Modulation Offset
The fundamental intensity of the
modulation signal applied to the oscillator
bank and the filter with the modulation
wheel at zero. The modulation wheel
increases the intensity according to the
offset and intensity settings.
Low Note On
Enabling Low Note On gives low notes a
priority over high notes. A higher note
cannot displace a low note. When switched
off, the last-played note will always have
Retrig On
Switches the retrigger mode of the
envelope generators from legato to retrig.
When Retrig is on, the envelopes trigger
every time a new key is pressed, even if
you are playing a legato style (that is, when
you play a new note before you release
the previous one). In legato mode the
envelopes trigger only if the previous note
has been released.
With Low Note on and Retrig off, the
behavior of the Minimax is the same as that
of the original. For some presets, such as
pads and sequencer sounds, it may be
appropriate to switch Low Note off and
Retrig on.
Single On
Forces the instrument to operate in sin-
gle-voice mode, regardless of how many
voices are actually currently loaded.
Guarantees proper performance of solo
sounds with portamento.