In this section an amplifier and filter further
process the signal. The filter and amplifier
each has its own envelope generator with
Attack, Sustain, and Release controls. The
Release time can be set to the Decay time
by a switch in the Controllers section.
Along with the envelope, the filter controls
changes in the tone color. The filter is a
24dB/octave low-pass filter. Frequencies
beneath the Cutoff frequency pass freely,
while frequencies above are attenuated by
24dB/octave. There’s probably not a lot to
say about this filter other than it is generally
considered to be one of the best sounding
filters ever put in a synthesizer. The Mini-
max confirms this.
Cutoff Frequency
The cutoff frequency is the frequency
above which the spectrum is cut—
overtones are attenuated. This control lets
you adjust the cutoff frequency manually.
This is the resonance control. Resonance
results from the coupling of the filter output
to the filter input, thereby reinforcing the
frequencies lying near the cutoff frequency.
At the maximum setting the filter begins
to oscillate, producing a pure sine tone at
the cutoff frequency. You can use emphasis
as a possible sixth sound source.
Amount of Contour
Adjusts the intensity of the envelope
modulation. The cutoff frequency follows
the progression (contour) of the envelope
with the degree of change controlled by
this setting. At the beginning and end points
of the envelope the cutoff is the adjusted
Cutoff Frequency.