ADSR Envelope
The ADSR envelope is enabled when the
Gate/Env switch is set to
Gate. The gate,
which controls the ADSR envelope, is
triggered either by a MIDI note-on event
or by the Threshold. Select the respective
mode with the
MIDI/Sens switch.
In MIDI mode, the gate is open as long as
a MIDI key is held. In Threshold mode the
gate is open while the control signal
remains above the adjusted threshold
level, and closes when the signal falls
below it. Select the input signal for the
threshold to use with the
Int/Ext switch
(see the
Mode chapter). Sensitivity
controls the threshold,
Attack and Decay
adjust the response times, and
Sustain sets
the level at which the gate remains open.
In Threshold mode all controls are used.
In MIDI mode the sensitivity control is
This switch selects the Gate’s operating
mode, that is, whether it is to be triggered
by a MIDI note-on message or by an
adjustable threshold level.
MIDI selects
MIDI note-on as the trigger, and
selects threshold. With MIDI selected, any
incoming MIDI note will trigger the
envelope. Just make sure the correct MIDI
channel is configured. In Threshold mode
one of two signals, Internal or External,
triggers the envelope.
The Threshold value above which the gate
opens and below which it closes.
The attack time. When the envelope
receives a gate signal the modulation signal
increases to maximum during the time
configured here.
The Decay time. Once the attack phase
has completed, the modulation signal falls
to the sustain level for the duration
configured here. The Decay will have an
audible effect only if the sustain level is
not the same as the maximum level.