MIDI Keyboard Control
This group of settings provides control
over the mapping of arpeggiator functions
to the MIDI keyboard and the echoing of
MIDI events from the arpeggiator input to
its output.
MIDI Kbd Ctrl
A set of eight "performance" controls is
assigned to a range of eight contiguous
MIDI note numbers, referred to as the
MIDI Control Zone.
The assigned controls include all buttons
in the Big Buttons group (Run/Stop,
Clear, Hold, Hold/Trans, Scan Dir and
ReScan). This permits these controls to
be used more effectively in real time, as
the response via the MIDI keyboard (in
contrast to that of the corresponding
graphical buttons) is vir tually
The MIDI Control Zone also contains two
additional functions: Manual Clocking and
Note Dropout Alt.
The MIDI Control Zone includes the Ctrl
Base key and the next seven keys above
it (see table following). MIDI notes within
this range are used exclusively for control
of arpeggiator functions and are
captured in the arpeggiator chord buffer,
nor are they echoed to the arpeggiator
MIDI output. All notes above and below
this range are handled normally.
The MIDI Control Zone can be positioned
wherever desired on the MIDI keyboard
via the Ctrl Base setting (see below).
The mapping of functions to keys
the MIDI Control Zone is fixed, as shown
in the following table. The layout is
"optimized" for use with the base key set
to C – typically at the lower end of the
keyboard, to permit control with the left
hand while playing with the right hand: