b. Power down the blade slot.
xtcli power down_slot blade_id
c. Check the status of the slot to ensure that it powered down properly.
xtcli status blade_id
3. Open the front door of the cabinet.
4. Locate the blade that needs to be removed.
5. Simultaneously push the release button on the end of both extractor handles and pull out on the handles until
they stop.
6. Slide the blade approximately 3/4 of the way out of the cabinet.
7. Grasp the front of the blade with one hand and the bottom of the blade near the center with the other hand
and pull the blade completely out of the cabinet.
8. Set the blade on an ESD-safe surface.
9. If returning a blade to Logistics, remove all of the daughter cards, voltage modules, DIMMs, etc.
Install a Compute or IO Blade
Tools Required:
T15 Torx driver
Time Required:
5 minutes
About this task
Use this procedure when the operating system is not running. If the operating system is running, use
on page 131.
Two videos are available that show how to install and remove these components:
XC Series-AC Compute Blade Replacement
XC Series-AC IO Blade Replacement
Compute and IO Blade Procedures