1. Ready, set, go! Everyone hops
their frogs toward the fl ies.
2. If your frog lands on a fl y, you’ve caught it!
Take the fl y off the table and put
it by your lily pad.
3. Keep hopping your frogs from your
lily pad until all the fl ies are caught.
The player whose
frogs catch the
most fl ies wins!
•Hop the frogs
into the empty can.
•Hop the frogs as far as you can.
Measure your best jump!
•Take off a shoe and put it next
to the wall. Can you hop a frog
into your shoe? How many
jumps does it take?
1. Set out the fl ies in the middle
of the table and put a
lily pad in front of
each player.
2. Each player chooses
two frogs of the same color
and places them on the
nearest lily pad.
•Play by yourself, timing
how quickly you can catch
all the fl ies.
•Hop three frogs into a friend’s
hands in fewer than ten jumps.
•Hop two frogs at once.
Can you hop three?
•Hop a frog using something other
than your fi nger. How many
other things can you use
to hop the frogs?
et ready
t ready
How to play
How to play
How to win
How to win
Now try this!
Now try this!
Now try this!
Now try this!