Craftsman EZ3 917.377630 Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for EZ3 917.377630

Page 1: ..._OWER PROPELLEDS LAWN MOWE4_lnned Iodel No Batch 117 377 630 Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance Espafiol Repair _Parts _ _ _ _ AUTION ead and follow all _ afety Rules and Instructions _fomoperatingthis equipment i_ ii _i _ i _ __ I _I _ 4 m ars Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 ...

Page 2: ...he United States This Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rightswhich vary from state to state SEARS ROEBUCKAND CO DI817 WA HOFFMAN ESTATES ILLINOIS 60179 TRAINING Read this operator s manual carefully _Becomefamiliar with the controlsand knowhow to operate your mower properly Learn how to quicklystop mower Do notallow children to use your mower Never allow adults ...

Page 3: ... indicationof damage stop the engine safely check for the cause of vibration and repair as required Do not run the engine indoors Exhaust fumes are dangerous Never cut grass by pullingthe mower towards you Mow across the face of slopes never up and down or you might loseyour footing Do not mow exces sivelysteep slopes Use caution when operatingthe mower on uneven terrain or when changing direction...

Page 4: ...htened securely Use tba correct tools as necessary to ensure proper tightness All parts such as nuts washers bolts etc necessary to complete the assembly have been placed in the parts bag TO REMOVE LAWN MOWER FROM CARTON Remove loose parts included with mower Cut down two end comers of carton and lay end panel down fiat I Ijmov_ll packing materials except padding between upper and lower _andle and...

Page 5: ...tor male from battery connector female Connect battery charger connector male to battery connector female Plug battery charger into 110 volt A C outlet Leave battery charger connected for 24 hours before starting your engine for the first time After charging connect engine connec tor male to battery connector female Your engine has an integral alternator for partial charging Connect your battery c...

Page 6: ... Gasoline cap Pdmer Engine oil cap w dipstick MEETS CPSC SAFETY RL _UIREMENTS Sears rotary walk behind power lawn mowers conform to the safety standards of the American National Standards Institute and the U S Consumer Product Safety Commis sion The bladetums when the engine is runn hg Operator presence_ontrol must be held down to the handle to start the engine Release to stop the engine Primer pu...

Page 7: ...handle To stop forwardmotion releasedrive control bar IMPORTANT Alwa_ keepdrivecontrol bar fullyengaged againsthandlewhenin use _ Drive Operator presence control bar To Drive control drive _ desengaged 7 TO ATTACH GRA SSCATCHER Liltthe reardeor of the lawn mowerand placethe grasscatcherframe hooksintothe slotsofthe reardeor The grasscatcheris securedto the lawn mowerhousingwhen the reardooris lowe...

Page 8: ...s between each time you try to start Wait 5 to 10 seconds between each attempt To start engine using the auxiliary starter handle follow the steps above Exchange the use of the start key for starter handle Pull starter handle q _ll_ D_r_ot allow starter rope to 4_ap _back To stop engine release operator presence control bar NOTE In cooler weather it may be necessary to repeat priming steps In warm...

Page 9: ...aftemoon_At this time the grasshas dried and the newly cut area will not be exposed to the direct sun Forbest results adjustthe lawn mower cuttingheightso that the lawn mowercuts olf only bhetopone third ofthegrass blades Ifthe lawn is overgrownitwil be necessary to raisethe heightof cutto reduce pushing effortand to keep fromoverloadingthe engineand leavingdumps of mulched grass For extremelyheav...

Page 10: ...rmust maintainmower as instructed inthis manual Some adjustmentswillneed to be made periodically to properlymaintainyourunit Alladjustmentsinthe ServiceandAdjust ments sectionofthisrnanualshouldbe checkedat least once each season Once a y_ar replace_the sparkplug replaceair filterelementand checkbladefor wear A new sparkplugard dearVnewair filterelementassuresproperair fuel mixture and helpsyouren...

Page 11: ...lug wire fromsparkplug andplacewire where itcannot_rrle in contact with spark plug Turn lawn moweron its side Make sure air filter and carburetdr are up Use a wood blockbetwltenblade and mower housingto preventbladefrom turningwhen removingbladeboll Protectyourhandswithglovesand orwrap with heavy cloth Remove blade boltbyturning counter clockwise 11 Remove blade andattachinghardware bolt lockwashe...

Page 12: ... free drive wheels If necessary to clean the drive wheels check both rear wheels Remove hubcaps and Iocknuts Remove wheels from wheel adjuster axles _e aw trash or grass cuttingsfrom inside the dust cover pinion and or drive Wd mel_jear teeth The pinion gear must be installedwith the left gear on the left side and with the right gear on the right side from an operator s view The pinion gear is sta...

Page 13: ...lation Insert new filter into cover Put air filter cover and filter into collar aligning thel ab with the slot Push in on cover and tu_ counterclock wise to tighten Clip Tum clockwise to remove Air filter Tab counter dockwba to Air filter tighten cover MUFFLER Inspectand replacecorrodedmuffleras it could create afirehazard and ordamage SPARK PLUG Change yoursparkplugeach yearto make yourenginestar...

Page 14: ...mixturecontrol Ifyourengine does notoperateproperlydue to suspected carburetor problems takeyourlawn mowerto an authorizedservicecenter department for repairand adjustment _ _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i Immediately prepareyourlawn mowerfor sto ageat the end of the season orIfthe unit willnotbe usedfor 30 daysor more LAWN MOWER When lawn iTtower is to be Stored for a period of time clean it thoroughly remove...

Page 15: ...tabilizer to allowthe stabilizerto reach the carburetor Do notdrain thegas tank and carburetor if usingfuel stabilizer ENGINE OIL Drainoil withenginewarm andreplacewith dean engineoil See ENGINE inthe CustomerResponsbli_essectionof this manual CYUNDER Removesparkplug Pouroneounce 29 ml of oilthroughspark plugholeintocylinder Pullstarterhandleslowlya fewtimes to distribute oil Replacewithnew sparkp...

Page 16: ...s released Bent engine crankshaft Blade adapter broken Blade dragging in grass Clean replace air filter Fill fuel tank Drain tank and refillwith fresh clean fuel Drain fuel tank and carburetor and refill tank with fresh gaso line Connect wire to plug Replace spark plug Tighten blade bolt or replace blade adapter Depress control bar to handle Replace control bar Charge battery Connect battery to en...

Page 17: ... not venting air Grass is too high or wheel height is too low Rear of lawn mower housing blade dragging in grass Grass catcher too full Handle height positionnot right for you Adjust or replace drive control cable if broken Put belt on pulleys or replace belts if broken Raise cutting height Replace blade Clean grass catcher Raise cutting height Raise rear of lawn mower housing one 1 setting higher...

Page 18: ...ffase aplicasolamente mientrasel producto este en uso en losEstadosUnidos EstaGarantfale otorgaderechoslegalesespecificos y puede quetambidntenga otmsderechos_ vadan de estadoa estado Sea_ R6ebuck_ l Co D B17WA HoffmanEstates IL 60179 USA _ _ _ _ _ _ Los e_ tandrares de segufidadexpertla pmsenda del operatoren loscontrolespara mdudra un minimoel desgode lesioname 8u unidadviene _ equipada conclcho...

Page 19: ...usted Siegue a travds de la cara de las pendientes n0nca hacia ardba o hacia abajo pues puede peter el equilibrio No siegue pendientes demasiado empinadas Tenga cuidado cuandoopere la segadora en termno d sparejoo cuando cambie de direcci_ mantenga un buen equiTlbdo Nunca opere la segadom sin las protecdones adecuadas las plarK h_ el recogedorde c6sped y otrosdispositivosde segumlad en su lugar MA...

Page 20: ...tes y losarticulosde ferreterfa qaese monten tienen queser apreladosseguramente Use las hen amientas conect_ comosea necesario para asecjurar que se aprietenadecuadamente PAPA REMOVE_ SEGADORA DE LA CAJA DE CARTON Remueva las partessuellasquese inciwen con la segade_ Corte lasdos esquinasde losextremosclela caja de cart6ny 5endael paneldel edmn_ piano Remueva todoel matedalde empaque excel tO en0_...

Page 21: ...n poco abierta Tap6n acolchador 21 PARA PREPARAR LA BATERIA AVISO Su bater a tiene que estar cargada antes de que pueda hacer arrancar su segadora Desconecte el conector del motor macho al conector de la bater a hembra Conecte el conector del cargador de la baterfa macho al conector de la baterfa hembra Enchufe el cargador de la bateria dentro del enchufe de 110 volt C A Deje el cargador de la bat...

Page 22: ...ldeposito de aceitedel motorconvadlla indicadora de nivel CUMPLE CON LOS REQUISITOS DE SEGURIDAD DE LACPSC Las segadorasa motor que se conducendesde la partede atr as mtatodas Sears cumplenconlos estdndaresde se _uddad delAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute y de la U S ConsumerProductSafety Commission La cuchill_giracuandoel motorest _funcionando Barra de control que exige la presencla del operador...

Page 23: ...6n IMPORTANTE durantela utilizaci6n guarde siempre la barrade controlde la impulsion en contradel mango Barraconcontrol queexige la presendadel operador Control __ de la impulsi6n Para engranchar el Controldela impulsk_n control lil_ __ _ desenganchado impulsi6n 23 PARA MONTAR Y ADJUNTAR EL RECOGEDOR DE CESPED Levante la puerta trasera de la segadora de c6sped y ponga el marco del recogedor de c6s...

Page 24: ...eva la palanca de control de velocidad a la posici6n de rdpido Sujete la barra de control que exige la presencia del operador abajo en el mango Gire la Ilave para el arranque eldctricoen el sentido de las manillas del relojpara hacer arrancar el motor inportante No haga arrancar el motor mds de 5 segundos continuados Espere 5 a 10 segundos entre cada vez que trate de hacedo arrar_3ar Para hacer ar...

Page 25: ... dste se ha secado y el drea reci6n cortada no quedard expuesta al sol directo Para obtener los mejores resultados ajuste la altura del corte de la segadora de modo que 6sta code solamente el tercio superior de las hojas de c_sped En el caso de que el cdsped haya crecido demasiado puede set necesario el elevar la altura del corte para reducir el esfuerzo necesario para empujar la segadora y para e...

Page 26: la garantia el operadortieneque mantenerla S _gadora segu n las instmcciones descritasen este manual Hay algunosajustesque se tienenque haceren formaperi6dicapara podermantenersu unidad adecuadamente Todoslosajustesen la secckSn de Sen_cioy _ _Ajust_ de estemanual tienenqueset revisados porlo meRosunvez po cada tempomda Unavez al a_o carnie la buj_ limpieo cambie el elementodelfirm de aim y rev...

Page 27: ...illa de la segadoratieneque mantenerseafilada Cambie la cuchilladobladao da_ada PARA REMOVER LACUCHILLA Desconecte el alambrede la buj a y p _3a oen donde no pueda entraren contactocon Hagadescansar lasegadora ensulado Asegdreseque el tiltmde airey que el carburadorquedenmirandohada am ba Use unbloquede madera entrela cuchilla y la caja de la segademparaevitarque la cuchilla 9ire cuandese le quite...

Page 28: ... va a funcionar Pongalas medas de vueltaen los ejesdel ajustador Vuelvaa ponerlas tuercasde seguridad y los tapacubos AVISO Lospi_onesy loslfinquetesde impulsk_ deben iimpiarsey lubdcarsecongrasa aproxirnadamente cada 25 horas o unavez al also Arandela erca de seguridad Rueda Ranura Tapacubo Clavijade la Cuchilla _ transmision Pernode la cuchilla Cubierta contra el polvo Arandelade seguridad Borde...

Page 29: ...bierta Ponga la cubierta del filtrode aire dentro del collar alineando la oreja con la ranura Empuje la cubierta hacia adentm y gfrela en el sentido contrario de las manillas dei reloj para apretada 29 Collar Abra zader Gire en sentidol A las manillas del relojpara apretarla Remover Ranura Gireen el Filtrode aire i sentido contrado las Oreja_ minillas del Cubiertadel relojpara filtrode aim apretai...

Page 30: ...ormaadecuadadebidoa problemascluese sospechavlenendelcaxbumdor gevesu segadoma un centro departamento de servicio autodzadopara reparaday o ajustada 1 Inmed _tamente preparesu segadorapara el aimacenamientoal finalde cadatemporadao si la un dadno se va a usarpor 30 d aso mds GADOBA C_ndo se va a giJardarla segadoraporcierto periodode tiempo I_mpiela cuidadosamente emuevatoda la mugre la grasa las ...

Page 31: ... de mezdaquese encuentraen el envasedel estabilizador Haga funcionarel motor por Iomenos TOminutosdespudsde a_gregar el estabilizador para perrnitir que este Ilegue_ __rburador No drene la gasolinadelestanque de gasolinay el carburadorsise estd usandoestab_Tlzador de combusb ole ACEmE DEL MOTOR Drene d aceite cond motorcaliente y cdmbielo conaceitedemotorlimpfo Vea MOTOR enla secci_ de Responsabir...

Page 32: baterfa Parte trasera de la cajaJ cuchilla de la segadora arrastrdndose en el cdsped pesado Estd cortando mucho c_sped Filtro de aim sucio Acumulaci6n de cdsped hojas y basura debajo de la segadora Demasiado aceite en el motor Velocidad de recorrido demasiado rdpida Cuchilla desgastada doblada o suelta Altura de las ruedas dispareja Acumulaci6n de c6sped hojas o basura debajo de a zegadora Cuch...

Page 33: ...caja cuchilla de la segadora arrastrdndose en el cdsped Recogedor de cdsped demasiado Ileno Posici6n de la altura del mango no adecuada para usted CORRECClON Presione la barra de control hacia el mango superior antes de tirar el cord6n arrancador P6ngase en contacto con su centro de servicio autorizado mds cercano Cambie el adaptador de la cuchilla Mueva la segadora a un lugar en donde el c6sped h...

Page 34: ... _ o _ _ _ _ _ _ i m 84 ...

Page 35: ... s l Iz _0 _Z _omo0_ 35 l ...

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Page 37: ... _ _ Jc CG _r _ CO C_ a x _x 1 _ E E _ x_ u ar_l O b_o o x _ q m _ _ 0 x _ o C C a r_ rr m x 0 _ _ LU0 _ m _ Z i m U rr U 0 _ r Z _ P I _ __0___0_ I _ z _d _z _ _00_ _0 37 _ 2 _ _ 2_ _ _ 2 am ...

Page 38: ...NO 917 377630 BATTERY 3 I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KEY PART NO NO 1 161334 2 7509O9 3 17411312 4 86353 5 111549X DESCRIPTION Battery Box Battery Hex Washer Head Screw 13x 750 Connector Mounting Clip BattenJCharger i _ i 38 ...

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Page 40: ...CRAFTSMAN 4 CYI_L_E I_I_IQII_E MOI_EL NUMBER 143 986704 157 1537 120 277 224 2O7 223 184 380 223A _ 238 25O 119 42 101 3OO 305 3O6 73 45 46 _ _ 2 i _ _ _ 4O ...

Page 41: ... Spark Plug RN4C V_ve Sp_ng VaJveSpr_ Cap Push RodGuide RockerArm Stud P oCker Arm LockNut 41 MODEL NUMBER 143 986704 KEY PART NO NO DESCRIPTION 158 36629 Push Rod 159 35626 RockerArm CoverGasket 160 35627 RockerArm Housing 161 30063 Scmw TorxT 30 1 4 20xl 2 178 29752 Nut LockWasher 114 28 132 30088A Screw I14 28xi 184 26756 CarburetorGasket 185 36579 IntakePipe 186 32653 GovernorLink 187 36580 Sp...

Page 42: ...on Spr_ Idle _ Screw Idle _ SorewCap FloatBowl Float Shaft Float FloatBOWl C Ring InletNeedle Seat Clip Ind 31 SpringClip PrimerBulb Retainer Ring Main Nozzle Tube Main Nozzle Tube 7 Ring High Speed Bowl Nut BowlNut Washer Welch Plug Idle Mixture Well Welch Plug Atmospheric Vent KEY NO w_ 1 2 3 4A 5B 6 7 8 10A 11C 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PART NO 35709 34955 34950 34954 34949A 34953 33450 34944 34945 ...

Page 43: ...sher Brake Spdng StarterDog DogSp_ng Pulley Rewind Spdng Ass y Starter HousingAss_j 40 degree grommet Starter Rope 98 X 9 64 dia Starter Handle V_I4 KEY NO 3 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 PART NO 590739 590740 590616 590617 590618A 59O638 59O535 590701 590741 DESCRIPTION Rewind Starter Retainer Starter Dog Dog Spring Pulley Rewind Spring Ass y Starter HousingAss y 40 degree grommet Starter Rope Length 98 x 9 ...

Page 44: ... reparaci6n a domicilio 1 800 676 5811 For the location of a Sears Parts and Repair Center in your area Call 24 hours a day 7 days a week 1 800 488 1222 II Illll II _ For information on purchasing a Sears Maintenance Agreement or to inquire about an existing Agreement Call 9 am 5 pm Monday Saturday 1 800 827 6655 When requesting service or ordering parts alway_provide the following information Pro...
