Craftsman 536.270212 Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 536.270212

Page 1: ...Rules And Instructions Before Operating This Equipment CRRFTSMRN 13 5 HP ELECTRIC START 30 MOWER MULCHER 5 SPEED REAR ENGINE RIDER Assembly Operation Customer Responsibilities Service And Adjustment F 090614J Seats Roebuck 8nd Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U SA P_iatt_d inLJ _ A ...


Page 3: ...e_r_ s_ sear_ stor_ for inforn _ti_11 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Engine 13 5 HE C _argin9 System 3 _n per_ a13600 r_m Fue Tat_kStze I gallo_ Spa_k Plug Gap 6 030 Charn_i_n RJ4C Grouted Speed Range Fo_d 4 3 m_h F_v_ 2 1 _h Re_ Er_gine Rider _urc_se _f t_i_ unii _tl_c_d to th_ _i of I _ fr_m_ Model Number 536 276212 _ t_ numb_r_ for f_J_ r_n_ C_t_Jn_ HeEg ht 8 _o_tJo_ from I1_ to 4 in_h_ F _3_0614J 3 ...

Page 4: ..._t_oN B_ 1_ DO not o_te thi_ _11_e_n_ _ yo_ _ _J_ drug_ _1 olh_F m_Jc_tion w_C_ _n C_JS_ drowsJ_le_s or _ecI _O_I _ilJt _ to o_r_l_ tor_ _hOiJId _v_l_t e th_i_ _lJt _ to o_er_ _ IJdi_l_ _11 o_eF S_f_ly _11o_11 to _1 _51 _II3S_IVe_ _Rd _t _ers ion3 _ JO_JS iRj_J_ IL Slope operation Slopes a _d to_g_l terr_i _ ate _ll_ior factors te_ated to Ios_ o _co _ t r c_ arid t_ over acc_detlt_ which carl re_l...

Page 5: ..._ _ngl_e _ff if Chil_le_ ent_l th_ _ _ _ 3 Befole _d wh_ll b_cki I_ _k beh l_d _nd dow_ fo stl _1 Chil_le I 4 NeV_ c_ ly hi dre I or _lly pa_llgers _ve I _vith Ih_ _la_ o l They tl _y I _l oil _d _ _eliu_l_ iRj_ _d _f il_l_ fele _vith t_ e s_le I_L Service d_l_ I _01 _S_f_b _1_ _ bl_ _V_I_ _WO y_3F_ _ t_ _q_Ji_tlg_lll _ _00_ _0_ di_i_ RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER E_vi_me_lAw_ess LO_k for this s mbO...

Page 6: ...t_c_ rl ents rl _ be _d_ _h_ng_ llay be rlode i I_ e_ att_hmenl_ or _oKle n_y i_o Io iger be _v_ lable or flt your llodel C_ntact your nearest S_als store f_ tile access _es a _d _ttachrPe_lt_ that ar_ available fol your utl t MULCH RAKFGDETHATCHER Ioo_t _ _o_1 _nd fl_p_ Ihatch _nd ROLLER fct _moot_er I_wll _rf_ce 3_ _N_II wi_ 18_in_h SpP_yER_ d_ 12_ VQI_ DC _clri_ m_or Ihat Col1 n_t _ Io I_ _and ...

Page 7: ...L_fl C_U_ION Che_k the bOttot_ Of the _a_t_n for st_p_es_ 7 From the fr_l _ t_e _i_i_ mowe _refully _ull t_ _i_i_ m_ _ Ictw_r d _ _ _ fr_e TOOLS YOU NEED TO ASSEMBLE THE UNIT l Adjust_ble w_nc_ 2 r_ quir _J 5 p_ I__s _r ew J ri_r 2 O_n e_d wrench 1 2 _9 16 6 Tiro _re_sure gau_e 3 O_n e_d wrenc_ 7 16 1 2 7 K_t_ _ _e_H_ W_el 4 Bl_e _po _r_dd_er 8 Socket Se_ O_tional MOWER PARTS BAG CONTENTS T e l_s ...

Page 8: ...cl_r_ed See H_ To Cl_r e The HOW TO C_ARGE THE MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERY WARNENG When you cha_ge th_ battery_ do not _moks_ K_3 th_ ba_y aw_ Iro_ an_ s_lks_ T_e 1 R_mt_V_ tll_ b_t_ S_ _a_ T_ R_mt_v_ And 1_311 Th_ 2 _ s_ a 12 vo_ battery cha_r _o_ha_e the batte_ C_rge _ 3 InsL_ll Ih_ batte_ See HOW To R_move And InStil The P_si ive _ Te_Tinal Red Ca_e _ig_2 F_D_0614J 8 ...

Page 9: ...ling wh_l Is Icos _ J_ht n h_ _s_ers_ 3 At_3_h L_ _teer z_g w_E _o th_ _t eer ng po_ _t_ t_ f_t _n CHECK THE TIRES FrO_ll _re_ CHECK THE DRIVE BRAKE l Set th_ par_in_ t_ See p_ 13 2 M_ve Ihe _hi_t le_ _o Ihe n_lr_l N po_Jon 3 Pu_h Ih_ _it Ch_Ck A_d Adi_J_ The 3rive B_ke i_ Ih_ C_J_ior_ CHECK THE BELTS F _3_0G14J ...

Page 10: ...t t_l g_z_ tile att 3c llneRt CI utc l IS eRgaged B 1 45 18x_6 1 ca_fully r_w the _o_clive _ve _d L_er_l_lic _ag f_ CHECK THE LEVEL OF THE MOWER HOUSING ROTE After tile _ t is fully aSSel_l_le J_ le_ J the Operation J_g_r _i_1 book F_300614J 10 ...

Page 11: ...arki_ _ brake ever CLUTCH BRAKE PEDAL Te _cd_l as _wo fun_io_s mllc li_sl _unG_on is _ d_J_h Th_ scccil_ f t_lcliQii is s _rskc IGNITION SWITCH U_ the ignitk_n w tchtoslarl sn_ slop SHIFT LEVER use Ihe shiF1 _ve_ to change t_e speed _f Ihe _Jhll THROTTLE CONTROL LEVER use the throltlc col lrol F _0614J 11 ...

Page 12: ...clutch to _a_e the blade _ i_ in _ DISENGAGE p_s_ot_ 2 MOve lh_ attachment clutC _ t_ t_e ENGAGE position Io r_ Figu e HOW TO USE THE SHIFT LEVER _te_S below CAUTION Before y_u r_ove the sh fl _ewr cot nplet _ly p_sh th_ c_ut_ra_e pedal foP_r _Jto stop _ _e uniL _f the uzlit _Snot stoppe_J the g_a_ox can be damaged_ 1 Corn pl_tely push lh_ _l_t cPJb_ke pedal fo_w_rc_ _o _o_ Ih_ 3 T_ mo_e _e shifl ...

Page 13: ...4 Set th_ p_rkin_ t_ _ u_WAtRNING Make s_re the patk n 9 brake will hold t_e To _op th_ eN_iNe_ t_l_ the _iHON k_y to t_ OFF _0_1t_11 F_ HOW TO TRANSPORT THE UNIT l Move th_ _t_ch rl_nt d_t_h to t _ DISENgagE _osiliol_ 2 Raie t _ lilt lever to t_ hi_ _1 _ o_iliol_ 3 M 3V_ 156 Ih r 3til_ CONII_l tO _ _Jo_t JO_ b_N SLOW _nd _AS_ _ TO go _st_ I_O_ th_ _hi_ I_ 3 _ l_s_ S_ _ F_O614J 13 ...

Page 14: ... spae_L L_O_ _OI _1 I_v_l_ _ tll_ J_s_r_i_ _o HOW TQ L_I TI_ _ _ L o2 _ o it o _o HOW TO OPERATE THE UNIT ON HILLS WARNING DO oot tide up ot dow_ _ope_ tJ_a_ ate too _1_ to b_ s r_i_ht _1_ N_v_f ritJ_ th_ Moat _foss _la _1o p _ S_e th_ _S_ope Guide rr itl _ _e ba_ of th _ B_ fol_Qori_upof down_lll fTov_t esl iltle_e t _lh_ 2 DO nol St _p e_ _hange _pe_ J S_ttio_ Oll a hill If yo_ fl _sl _t _p b_ak...

Page 15: ..._ _his Sy_t em o_e_tes _OTE l _e etl_ile wiJ_ _o_ _t 3f_ ut_J_ yolJ iJe_le_ the e_ut_lllb_ake pedal move the sh_fl _ver to the neut_a_ N I pos_t ot_ ai_d move th_ _lta_ lmeiit e_ut_l to th_ _SEN_ k_ 1 Si_ _ Ih_ l _dcJle el _h_ _e_ Push lh_ d_i_h br_ke pe_l cot1 3 M_ke sure t_e _tiach me_ll CI_C_ i_ i_ Ih_ DISENgAgE po_ IJoll 5 T_ n Ih_ i_ niiioe _y to lh_ START _Jo_iiioe Rel_s_ t_e key _OTE Jf t_l...

Page 16: ...i_l uts B _Rd two ca _f_lcherPl_ e Fig_ 12 4 _t _gCh wi_31_ B an_ C_r _i_ _1_ A to _J_ muncher pla_e I MPORTANT T_er_ _re sev_I_l dif_el_ _ _ _yp_s of _r_s S _1o_ t_p_ ol _l_ss af_ more tJif_ie_lt to _ut_ II you l_mov_ th_ _eplace the blade with a standard blade_ The p_r_ _umber of the sta_da_J blade _s 56212_701_ How To Install The Mulcher Plate F_emove wi 191 uts_ arl_Jca_daga bolts A frorr Iha ...

Page 17: ..._h is e_d Thi_ MOWING AND BAGGING TIPS 2 FOr _e m_we hot3_i_l_ _ C_t levi _11_k_ _r_ I_e li_s h_V_ 3 Every tir_e yo_ _3e the _niL check the bl_e If the bl_e _St_l 4 Keep the bl_de s _rpe_led A _ n bl_de s I _ill c_se th_ 5 Do not _t _ bag g_ _t _ _ We gr_s will noidisch_rge d_ _e I_ _d_ ol Ihe fl_OW_F hGiJsiR_ _o I_r_ _le_r dR O_e_t 7 D_h_ h_ C_ _r_ o_ h_ mowed 8re_ The r_l is When yDU r_ow I_rg_ ...

Page 18: ...Clean I M_lfle Gh_ck N _ark PlU_ CheOk Fue Flter Replace Rerr_ole FueIT_ns OIIly MAINTENANCE CHART FIRST EVERY EACH 2 2S USE HOURS _OI_RS EVERY EVERY 56 100 BEFORE HOURS _OURS STORAGE GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 2 _h_Ck _h_ _Fadx pl_ drive brake_ lu_r_ _te Ihe un_L _nd _1_ _ spa_ pl_g_ Remove _he wtre from the spa_ pl_g to CHECK THE TIRES F_0_14J I_ ...

Page 19: ...RPEN THE BLADE 3 Remove Ihe nut Ih_l hold_ t_e blade F_gure 14 Hi Litt WARNING Vtbr atit_n c_n be caused if the blad_ is _ CollBcl_y b_l_P_d ol l _ blade i_ d_a_d_ A i_ b_d_ _hZt is d_t_d W_h _i_s _ bl_k a_d l Sh_I_n _ bl_d_ two t_r _ _ y_r or _v_ry 2_ _ot_rs m_ve _nd InStil _he Blade _ 4 Shalp_n the t_ade with a fi_e Figure I B M_ke _e y_J k_p G _ n_ v b_e will _uI _tter t_n _ b_dly worrl bl_d_ E...

Page 20: ...e_ ol t le _lt _h_t _ ut_l T_h Ihe _lev_s CO_J hleic_ckwi_ _ _C _ Lhe f _ _OflheC_ Lhe _l_vi_ LO Ih_ _Jivo_ l d at_d blanket _SS_I_ MOve _he attachment clutCh Io 1he _ _EN_ po_Lio_ Ch_Ck_heoFerationof _et_adeb_ake Rol_ _e i_l_ey wilh _r_3 Movement I_ _ pJ_ i3nm gram Fig_17 _iM Ch_C_ Ih_ o_e a Jo_l ol Ih_ at_3_hme_t _lutCh 11 When yo_ _OV_ Ih_ a_ta_l_e_t clutch to he DISENGAGE a_in_l Ihe iJ_lEey 9 ...

Page 21: ...t_p 12_ Pull the _l_k_ _lm t l Ihe _l _ the iJnii The _e adj_J_m_111 _ LJ_ _l_ _ is Ioca_d of_ Ih_ Ih_ bra_ _tud 8nd 8n l J eF v t_nch o hGJ_ Ihe h_X _ut 1 D_ lllln_ct Ih_ _dju_t_bl_ _ut II_l_ Ih_ idleF b_e 2 T_JIn Ihe _d_ u_t_bl_ _ut _lo_kWt _e LO _CI_aE 3 the I_ng h Ihe pedal 3 Cow eel J_ a_t 3ble t_ut Lo the _dlel bra_t _i_h _ w_shel and _o_l _3it_ _heck Ihe ciea r_ ce _1 J_e _3_da Thele m_J_ b...

Page 22: ..._o_lol3_ 1 FG_ longer life of the batt_ty_ c_ge Ih_ balt_y every _h_ee 2 _ol_ I_OUC_ t116 _l_ly_ _mov_ lh_ b_t _I_ 3 TO _h_e Ihe battery_ u_ _ 12 vGII bal_e_y ch_e_ Ch_ge _1 4 I_st_ll Ih_ bat t 3r_ BATTERY SERVICE HOW TO REMOVE AND INSTALL THE BATTERY HOW TO CLEAN THE BATTERy 1 _m_ve Ih8 battery 2 W_h I_e battery wil_ _ solut_ of o_ g_llo_ cf wate_ _d fou_ IOIIOWS WAR_ NG TO plevetl_ _3arks di_c_ ...

Page 23: ...CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES WHERE TO LUBRICATE NOTE Apply g_ease Io the s_dn_ _e_r assembly_ CAUTION If th_ u_it Is opt rat ed In dry alias that llave s_n_J_ E O F_ur_ 24 F_3_0614J 23 ...

Page 24: ... th_ oil _11 t ut_ Turn th_ d psttek d_ck dipstJ_ Required SAE viscosity gra_es r p ROTE Atthough rn ulti v seo sit y oits 15W30 10W3_ ete _mprove st_g in COld wea_e_ th_se rnu_ti_visCOsity _ls wile le_u l it_ _e J oil _ su_J_ot_ when _d _bov_ _2 _ Check th_ eng_e ol_ _ve_ _of_ fleque_tly to _VOid possible e_iu_ d_e frct_ fu_itt_ low ou _iL 3 CI_ Ih_ _r_ _rouNd Ih_ dip_k R_IT__v_ Ih_ d _JSt_k _ _ ...

Page 25: ...gure 26 II e_ui_pe_3 w_h the foam filter _ a d_te_genl a_d w_ter _ohJ d_ Ihe f_m ftlte_ Evenly _pply SAE 30W oil to Ih_ _ foam fi_te_ g T_de_lhep_pe_fi_ter_llghtlyt_pthepape_filte_again_a II A_mblelhe_r f_lt_r_witllthell_Jotluts 12 InS_Illh_CGV_I F_s_enlh_cOv_l_it_lhel_wi_t_ HOW TO CHECK THE SPARK PLUG Che_k t_e gap ol the spark i_u9 with a feeler 9a_ge 2 FOr e_y _l_ _lg _nd go0_ _e_ll_ _n C_ _ _C...

Page 26: ...vel _lJl Ih_ _l_t _N he lev_i is ehGWn 4 mJ_l_n th_ c_amp screw MoV_ th_ thlolU_ _o_llc_ Io he mh_ thl lttle _o_ttol i_ nGw s_ t _t the orre0is_d Wh_ th_ 3400 or _ 100 RPM Whe_ he ih_Ott_e co_ i_ J_ the IMPGRTAN_ Do not change _e engine g_verno_ I _e engine _ov_t _ _l _e_ds _ _ju_e_ go _ Ih_ _eele_l Auth_l zed _srvi_l_ C_t_t_ T_ _ve the eq ui_J_ _lJ 8x_Jelis_e to _a_e ihe _diu st_e_ CHOKE SLOW Fig...

Page 27: ...weent_es_ekputley_n_the belt gu de Pul _ e mowe_ drive belt _ound the stack pulley _3ck _Ml_ey AI_O IT _e sure t_ NI IWCl drive bglt _ not _wi_te_ 3 At_ch Ihe mower ho_sitlg to tie flent hatlg_r wtl the Ion9 4 At_ch the adjustel Id_tes to the hatlgers wilh the ha pros Seeill_Jstr_liol s A _ld B 5 Co_ _ ecl the bla_Je _Jrive I n_ Io Ihe p_v_t t_d and bracket 6 M_e he attachment c_utch to t_e ENGAGE...

Page 28: ...ARNING Before yo_ m_ke a_ _n _pe_tJon_ a_Jj_s_ i_ me_t_ or le_ i tt_ th_ u_it_ tJiset_J_ th_ w i_ tt_ th_ spark i_ug_ R_move the spa_k plu_ wir_ b_ prewar 3 C_ecI Ih_ adjustBi _J _te_ _o J_ h_ _l_ in Ih_ _oJ_ Ih_l Ih_ hair pins THE SIDE TO SIDE ADJUSTMENT _m_ll I_d _mpl_ A_ B_ C_ and D _OV _I i_ Fi_r_ 31 T_ THE FRONT TO BACK ADJUSTMENT l L_o_ tl_ j_m _ut F_gu_ 33 Ti_l_l_ Lh_ jam nut F_0614J ...

Page 29: ...Io _II L_e _llotion _r_vebell_I tll_ _Jrive pulley IItll_ belt _u_ _e_ _r_ tOO dL_ 10 _J_ _Jrive_MlJ_y_ J_n _ bBJt 4 R_ l_v_ lh_ moli_n dr_veb_li__i_ lh_ Idlerpulley 5 Pulltll_ _llotion _nve _I_ toward lh_ I_nt ol lh_ _i_ 2 Sl_d_L_e _l_li_fl d rive_II be_w_ lh_ belt ret_En_ _ n Jidler 3 INSTALLATION O DFiWF UII_ O F_U_35 F_0GI4J 2_ ...

Page 30: ...1 4 SJiL_ th_ mow_ dl v_ b_Jt b_tw_l Ih_ mai_dl_J puI J_y _nd the be_t guides NOTE R_ Ja_ t_le mow_i driv_ b 3Jt With _13 t_li_i_J _u_pm_13t b_ f_ol_ a _ authorized S_IVt_ _t e_ INSTALLATION 1 PUlltheb_l_g_ides_wayl_mthemandtelpU_leySl_delh_ 2 M_k_ _J_ tll_ V _id_ Qf Ih_ m_w_l driv_ b_Jt is _i_s_ Ih_ _a_dl_l pulley _i _e 36 3 _UII _ belt teta nel _w_y frorl Ih_ EdEer p_lley Put t_ mowel ddve bell ...

Page 31: ...gch lh_ I fter _d _ the I ft er arm 5 MOve the lift _ver t_ t he hig hesl _Y_l_ll Ma_e su_ the _lley_ o b_lt do nQt tou_t_ t_ bo_tOtl3 of I_ fr_m_ HairPi_ F_u_ 39 HOW TO CLEAN THE MOWER HOUSING i_ WAR_NG B_fOr8 _ C_ _ 1 t_l_ m_wor housi _g_ pl_g_ b_li f Q_3 wor_i_ _orr_cIl_ FO _f_y _d cQfr_cl Op_tS Lb_l 3 M_Ve tile lever f _r Ih_ atl_ch_ ent d_lch to t_e D_SE_QAG_ FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT F _300614J ...

Page 32: ...r _lor Th_ _1 _n LUBRICATE THE UNIT S_ Ih_ _Wh_l_ To _b _c_l_ _ in_l _i_n_ i_l _h_ _u_lol_el _ _f_ _l_ i_k_ _r_ _ _ _h _ THE ENGINE 2 _ _ Ih_ _1 _ t_ _n_r ucti_ _H_w T_ _ n_ Th_ O_1 THE FUEL SYSTEM WARNING D_ not dlain th_ gasoline inside a build CAUTION D_ri_g storage It _s impot _a_l _ prevent deposits ttlter_ fu_l _i _ arid the f_ taz_ Al_oh_ _sL_it_e t_lxt u_s I_ ed _a_ _l _l ol M_t _j _J_Nol ...

Page 33: n_ cul level 2 Adjt_l th_ I_vel ol Ih_ _ower h_sing 3 Chec_tlle_l_ _ lft_ ront_x_doe_ftee_pi_lloo_ PROBLEM_ The mower blades will not rotal_ PROBLEM The uni will n_ move when he Clutch is engaged 1 Chec_ the r 5o_i_n dri_ b_l_ Ma_ _t re Ih_ b_li i_ i_ll_d PROBLEM_ The engine does not Nin smooth al _ speed l Relll_ce the spack plug 2 Adj_lhethro llecon _l PROBLEM The engine stops when the blsdes...

Page 34: ...e ri_ing mower is ueed with a pulJ behind or _ear mounted al iachment do not operate the u lt on a s_ope _hat is greater than 10 degrees A 15 degree slope is a hill that increases in height _t _pproxlmately 2_5 feet t_t 10 feet A 10 degree slope is _ hill that increases in height at approximately 1 7 feet _n _0 feet Use extreme care at all times a_d avoid ud_len turns or ma _euve_s Follow other _n...

Page 35: ...8 RemoVaL 8 22 Belt MOW_I _rJ_ Blade _emo_A_d I_s_alL 19 Sharpe_19 C C u_h Cl_eck_ 21 C_u_h _ke Ped_ _ Loo_lioll_ J J AIL_ ent Cluloh 20 Fu_31 I L LiflLever Lo_t_onJl L_bri_atJo_ rv_wer_23 M Molio_ Drive Bell Repl_ce_ 29 Repl_ce_ 30 S Bell M_t_on DrJ_ 29 M_r D i_ 30 Fu_ 31 C_e_n31 Le_ 28 Shift Lever L_stJo_l_ JJ Side Panel 22 Slope G_ide 34 ChelAte22 Blade19 Clul_h_2J Ori_ B_ke_ 21 Filt_r_ AJ 25 t...

Page 36: ...MODEL 536 270212 REPAIR PARTS BODY CHASSIS 14 12_ 22 27 32 22 22 51 58 41 ...

Page 37: ...3 9_35_ 24 Screw STOP1 _03 26x201 25 T_roE_e Control 5624_ 26 C0ns_le 56_0_E5_9 27 56_07E5_9 26 94352 2_ _Ea_er 28_52 3t 56235E5_9 32 9_33_ 33 56_06E5_9 3_ 5_22 Key No 35 3_ S_ew 37 3_ 39 Loc_wa_el _0 S_ew _2 _3 Washer _5 _ S_ev _9 Loc_n_t 5O 51 57 59 61 62 63 6_ 65 DescHptio_ Mode_t43 _13_0 S_eV_X Pa_jRG_ B_c_e_ Remo_eTa_k Rea_ REPAIR PARTS BODY CHASSIS part No Mfg No 56233E70_ 2_50 _6122_700 _x_...

Page 38: ...MODEL 536 270212 REPAIR PARTS MOTION DRIVE 7 6 2O _18 37 3_ 64 70 75 10 4_ 74 F_300614J 38 ...

Page 39: ..._ Shi_ 56606E701 _ 565_2 15 Biac_ Shi_ Gate 5_529E70_ _ 3_65 16 STD5 _1425 tS B9 _3 56526 1_ 5_51_E _A _ _ W_er 17 170 IB 55B73 57 Lockwa_el STD55_2_3 19 35 20 ped_ 55B2_ _ BOlt H_x Ix14_ 22 _6_2E _ 59 10_103_E70_ 23 t _24 _ _x_2 25 tx_ _5 61 165x_1 26 Lockw_h_ STO55112_ t_ 32 62 L_nut Hex S_54_1 15_3 27 Wa_he_ t7x36Z 63 Washer 17 1_ 2B Yoke B_ake 5_50_Z 6_ t 2_ 2192_ 65 ST_333_07 2x53 30 Yoke S_ ...

Page 40: ...MODEL 536 270212 REPAIR PARTS STEERING F_O614J 4O 42 4 ...

Page 41: ... _1 56224E70_ t3 56023E70_ t4 STD623725 _x69 t5 _231E70_ t6 STD561220 _0x4 t7 55003 2 _223E54 21 56230E70_ 22 Bearing 5516B 23 _23_E70_ 24 _625E70_ 25 21031 26 Nul Hex tSx_l 27 STD541537 15xB7 2_ WaSher t1 87 36 WaSher STD551037 17 53 32 STD56_907 _0 20 34 _3039B49 35 Rod _e 5502_E70_ 36 5503BE54 37 _5 3_ T_ie Only 55700 39 _lve Slem 2_373 40 _2303 601 4_ WaSher t 7x197 42 Hub C_ _6_B F_3_O614J 41...

Page 42: ...MODEL 536 270212 REPAIR PARTS MOWER HOUSING SUSPENSION T 6 12 31 16 2O 25 24 23 23 27 1 F_OOG14J _2 ...

Page 43: ...her Le_e_ p_W Washer CleVis Locknul Hex Pl_e Endex pa_t No Mfg No STDS _1437 15x8 _ STD551037 17 53 STD560907 _0 20 2_4_ _xgZ 21920 926_ _031 ET0_ 56160 55928Z STD5225_0 _x76 STD541425 15x66 STDS 1425 15x_9 558 _J 5622_ _70_ 2_4_ STDS _1431 15x_8 STD53_07 2_4 _332_E70_ _3270E70_ 553_6_701 _x_ 31x_ 2_3_E70_ 559_3_E70_ 244_1Z tSx2 _3271Z 55933_70_ _5x67 55179E70_ 55_39_70_ _511 ET0_ t 7x122 _5298 _5...

Page 44: ...MODEL 536 270212 REPAIR PARTS MOWER HOUSING 24 jl8 II A 28 C 24 10_ 25 14 8 32 37 5O 39 51 47 O 18 43 44 34 45 42 F_OO614J 44 ...

Page 45: ..._79E_1 35 S_ev 2_t6 10 STO54_43_ 15x_ 3_ BOlt Hex STD523t_7 _ 75 _1 29x99 37 55971 12 Clevis 24471Z 38 M_nd_l _19_1 ST0523106 1x45 39 _246_ STO_2_03 3t 6 _0 _7x166 5_97_E_1 _1 _7x165 5592_E701 _2 N_t Hex _5x10_ S_D333107 2x53Z _3 _828Z S_D34_03t 15x79 _ W_ts_el STD551030 _7x67Z 5_94E_1 _5 pi_ _a_r STD6240_5 31_ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 S_cer 9_25 _ 560_9_70_ 2_ ST0525015 1 127 _ _6217_70_ 22 55962E...

Page 46: ...L q ORANGE _ FUNCTION CIRCUIT MAJ_ _ I _ RUN NONE _T B 8 r P fl4 _ 19 1 ...

Page 47: ...akery Typ_U_ 5 5 6 ScTew 7 8 9 Solenoid 10 t_ 12 13 14 _l_tr_ess Wile 15 Fuse 16 17 18 ScTew 19 21 22 23 Tr_ B_lle_ part NO ST0541_25 STD533125 92196 24x3 26x249 24 24 94613 9148_ 24_96 21064 91275 250 84 54212 4070_ gt032 26_233 24273 690604 9_96 Mfg NO tSx66 2x82 F_300614J 47 ...

Page 48: ...L 59 14 15 34 35 36 19_ 2o 38 41 42 21 23 24 25 26 2_ 44 45 33 0 m 28 _m z o O 4m Tr i _ m if ...

Page 49: ...T 394_ 26 Ge_ Sp_f 23T 3942 27 G_ Sp_f 25T 3943 28 3955 29 399_ REPAIR PARTS 5 SPEED TRANSAXLE DANA MODEL 4450 1 Key No Description part NO 30 3886 30 3887 30 3888 30 3889 30 312_ 30 3890 30 3892 31 GBaISpur _0T _933 32 3961 32 3993 32 3994 33 _937 3_ D_c Brake 3990 35 _959 36 393_ 37 3937 38 3958 39 GBaISpur 20T 3 49 _0 GBaISpur 32T 3946 _1 GBaISpur 2_T 3941 _2 GBaISp_I 22T 3946 _3 GBaIS_ul 21T 3...

Page 50: ...MODEL 536 270212 ENGINE 143 981300 REPAIR PARTS 262 F_O614J 50 ...

Page 51: ...MODEL 536 270212 ENGINE 143 981300 REPAIR PARTS j2_1 _337 310 J 305j 3O8 F _3_0614J 51 ...

Page 52: ...26 29918 29216 29642 35776A 35777A 35778A 35773A 35774A 35775A 35779 35780 35781 35772 36895 651033 35313 35939 35315A 31356 35316A 650760 28545 650128 650990 Key No Description Pa_ No 68 33356 69 35317 70 35711A 72 75 8O 81 82 83 84 86 88 89 9O 92 93 100 101 102 103 110 119 120 123 124 125 125 126 126 127 128 130 135 150 151 153 154 155 156 31927 Oil Sea_ 35319 Govemo_ Sha_ 35712 W_she_ 35479 353...

Page 53: 35574 182 650517 307 35499 184 33263 308 33997 185 35955 308A 35437 186 Gove_no_ Link 36285 310 35576 186A Choke Link 35957 314 650873 200 35956 315 611116 203 36482 321 D_Ode 6_1161 204 650777 322 611117 209 650902 323 Te_mina_ 611118 210 27793 325 34246 211 28_2 326 36210 212A 36288 337 De_eclor 36407 223 SCrew TO_ 650971 347 650949 224 35958 361 650990 234 650825 363 34148 237 35286 370 Ir_s...

Page 54: ...3 D_S_Seal 14 Choke Shatter 16 17 S_ew 18 20 Idle Res_rictor S_ew 20A 25 Floa_ Bow_ 27 Float S_a_ 28 F_oat 29 30 31 36 Main Nozzle T_be 37 40 44 Bow_ Nat Washe_ ENGINE 143 981300 REPAIR PARTS part No Key No Description par_ NO 640115 47 630748 632649 48 631027 36288 632665 631184 631183 632817 650806 A CA URETO t o F_3_0614J 54 ...

Page 55: ...y No 0 EleCt _EcS_ar_eI 1 D_s_ Cover 2 3 4 5 Gear 6 r_t Retair_ei 7 Lock Nut 8 9 ArrrlaL_Ie 10 12 lg Thr_s_ Washe_ 15 Bolt_10 32X4 _1 64 16 17 Washer 2O D_SC_ptio_ P_ NO 36680 33451 33842 33430 33854 33432 35893 33450 35894 35895 36699 35896 35897 35898 35899 650168 650864 650990 ...


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Page 60: ... Th_ MO_l N_m b_ for L_ _110w_r is fo_n d O_1_ d_al 8 la_h _ I_ _ _3C_ G_ _8i4 _ _r t_ GSN _ _fd_r_ If_l_ _n_ S_ S_r Vi0_ C_t _r D_ _t nl_llt _ WHEN QRDERING RE_AIR PARTS ALWAYS HAVE THE F LLQWING INFQRMATIQN AS SHOWN IN THIS LIST pR _UCT REAR ENGINE RIDER M _ELNUMBER 536270212 ENGINEMOD_LNO 143981300 PART NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION F_006_4J Se_ s_ Roe_t_ck _ld CO Hoflm_n Estates IL 60179 U SJ_ Print...
