Page 1: High Performance Impact Wrench Model No 310 26825 Safety Operation Maintenance Parts Espahol p15 CAUTION Before using this product read this manual and follow all its Safety Rules and Operating Instructions Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A www sears com craftsman ZCTSI850 ...
Page 2: ...s due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase Sears will repair it free of charge WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY RETURNING THE TOOL TO THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER IN THE UNITED STATES This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state Sears Roebuck and Co Dept 817WA Hoffman Estates IL 60179...
Page 3: ... tool only with specifically designated battery pack Use of any other batteries may create a risk of fire Use only with battery pack Personal Safety Stay alert watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool Do not use tool while tired or under the influence of drugs alcohol or medication A moment of inattention while operating power tools may result in serious personal i...
Page 4: ...storing thetool Such preventive safety measures reduce riskof starting thetoolaccidentally Store idle tools out of reach of children and other untrained persons Tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users When battery pack is not in use keep it away from other metal objects like paper clips coins keys nails screws or other small metal objects that can make a connection from one terminal to...
Page 5: vibrate Avoid prolonged exposure to vibration repetitive motions and uncomfortable positions Stop using the tool if discomfort tingling feeling or pain occurs Seek medical advice before resuming use Prolonged exposure to vibration repetitive motions and uncomfortable positions can cause injury Risk of entanglement Keep body parts away from moving parts Do not wear loose clothing and jewelry ...
Page 6: ...charger part number 9 11040 981399 001 Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock fire or serious personal injury Before using battery charger read all instructions and cautionary markings in this manual on battery charger and product using battery charger Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock fire or serious personal injury To reduce risk of injury charge only...
Page 7: ...his rule will reduce the risk of electric shock fire or serious personal injury Do not use charger outdoors Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock fire or serious personal injury Disconnect charger from power supply when not in use Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock fire or serious personal injury _ DANGER RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT TOUCH UNINSULATED ...
Page 8: ...ine operations removal of rusted on nuts and bolts and many other specialized uses KNOW YOUR IMPACT WRENCH Figure1 impactWrench Features A Forward Reverse Selector B Switch Trigger C Battery Pack D Wrist Strap Before attempting to use your impact wrench familiarize yourself with all operating features and safety requirements _ WARNING To avoid serious injury carefully read through this entire owne...
Page 9: ...ropping your impact wrench Place one hand through the wrist strap when carrying tool TO ATTACH BATTERY PACK TO IMPACT WRENCH NOTE Battery pack is shipped in a low charge condition Therefore it must be charged prior to use Refer to charging instructions Figure4 Battery Pack Installation Align raised ribs on battery pack with grooves on bottom of impact wrench and then attach battery pack to impact ...
Page 10: ...h followed by recharging for them to become fully charged Figure 6 Battery Chargel TO CHARGE Charge battery pack only with the charger provided Make sure power supply is normal house voltage 120 volts 60 Hz AC only Connect charger to power supply Attach battery pack to charger by aligning raised ribs on battery pack with grooves in charger then slide battery pack onto charger Red light should turn...
Page 11: ...harged and Slow Charging to Maintain Battery Pack Red LED Flashing Hot Or Deeply Discharged Battery Pack Also Defective Battery Pack After1 Hour Yellow LED Lighted and Red LED Flashing Defective Battery Pack Figure 7 lndJcatorLJghts A Defective Battery Indicator Light B Charging Indicator Light C Ready Indicator Light IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR RECHARGING HOT BATTERIES Under lengthy continuous use ...
Page 12: ...e fluids gasoline petroleum based products penetrating oils etc come in contact with plastic parts They contain chemicals that can damage weaken or destroy plastic Do not abuse power tools Abusive practices can damage tool as well as work piece Only the parts shown on the parts list are intended to be repaired or replaced by the customer All other parts should be replaced at a Sears Service center...
Page 13: ...ispose of batteries properly This product contains nickel cadmium batteries Local state or federal laws may prohibit disposal of nickel cad mium batteries in ordinary trash Consult your local waste authority for information regarding available recycling and or disposal options BATTERY PACK REMOVAL AND PREPARATION FOR RECYCLING _k WARNING Upon removal for disposal cover the battery pack s terminals...
Page 14: ...denceregardingyourCRAFTSMAN 1 2 PROFESSIONAL CORDLESS IMPACT WRENCH orwhen orderingrepair parts SEE BACK PAGE FOR PARTS ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1 2 Key No Part Number 1 _9 11034 BatteryPack 18V 2 _9 11040 BatteryCharger ZCTS1850 Owner sManual 3 ZCTS1850 119 Label LogoPlate PB156 CarryingCase Itemnot shown Can be purchasedat yournearestSearsRetail Store Description 14 Quantity 1 1 1 ...
Page 15: ...oalgunoestaIlavedeimpactosin cableprofesionalde Craftsmanen casedequefallaradebidoa un defectoenel materialo manedeobra dentrodel plazodeun afloa partirde lafechade compra PARAHACEREFECTIVA ESTAGARANTiA SIMPLEMENTEDEVUELVA LA HERRAMIENTA AL CENTRODESERVICIODESEARSMASCERCANOENLOSESTADOS UNIDOS Estagarantfale otorgaciertosderechoslegalesespecificos y es posibleque ustedtambien cuenteconotrosderechos...
Page 16: ...adorespecificadoparala bateria Uncargadorapropiadoparauntipode bateriapuedesuponerunpeligrode incendiosi se usaconunabaterfadistinta Utilicesolo labateriaenumeradaconsu cargadorcorrespondiente Utilicela herramienta accionadapor bateriasolamente conbloquee de bateriasdieei_ados especificamente paraella El usode cualquierotra bateriapuedesuponerun peligrode incendio Utilicelasoloconun bloque de bate...
Page 17: ...jandoeobre una plataforma estable Sujetarconla mano o contrael cuerpolapiezaenla que este trabajandonoes establey puedehacer que pierdael controldela herramienta Nofuerce la herramienta Utilicela herramienta cerrecta pararealizar el trabajo Laherramienta correctahara el trabajodeformama seficientey segura y a lavelocidadparala quefuedisehada Noutilice la herramienta si el interruptor no la enciend...
Page 18: ... descargaselectricas incendioo lesiones graves Asegt rese dequeel cabledeextension esteen buenestado Si vaa usarun cabledeextensi6n aseguresede que el calibredel mismo sea capazde transportar la corrientequeconsumeel producto Se recomienda usarun hilo de calibre16 A W G comominimo parauncablede extensionde 30 metros 100pies omenos de largo No utilicecablesdeextensionde masde 30metros 100pies delar...
Page 19: ...rios queestenpicados agrietadoso daSados Normas de seguridad importantes para herramientas accionadas por bateria Las herramientas aceionadas por baterfano tienen que serenehufadasa una toma deeorriente eleetriea pues estan siempre listas parafuncionar Tenga presentelos peligros posibles cuando no utilice la herramienta accionada por baterfao al eambiar los accesorios Seguirestanorma reduceel ries...
Page 20: ...ricas incendioo lesionespersonales graves Asegt_resedeque el cablequede situado de maneraqueno vayaa pisarlooa tropezaren el o quede otra maneravaa serdaSado Seguiresta normareduceel riesgodelesiones personalesgraves Noutiliceuncablede extensiona menos queseaabsolutamentenecesario El use decablesdeextensioninadecuados puederesultarenunriesgode incendioy descargaelectrica Si se debeutilizarun cable...
Page 21: ...stiposde polvo que resultandel lijado aserrado pulido perforaciony otrasactividadesde construcci6ncontienensustancias quimicasqueprovocancancer defectos de nacimiento y otrosdares al sistema reproductor Entrealgunosejemplosde estassustanciasse incluyen pinturascon basedeplomo sflicecristalinodeladrillos hormig6ny otros productosde albahilerfa y arsenicoy cromoprovenientes de maderaquimicamente tra...
Page 22: ...u nuevaIlavedeimpacto Presteespecial atencionalas normasde useseguro las advertencias y precauciones Siutiliza correctamente la Ilavedeimpactoy solo paraIocual fuediseflada disfrutar_ de aflosdeservicioseguroyfiable _ ADVERTENClA No permitaque su familiaridadconla Ilavede impacto haga quese descuide Recuerdeque una fracciondesegundodedistracciones suficienteparasufrir lesionesgraves INTERRUPTOR DE...
Page 23: ...aensu lugary queel bloque debaterfasquedaaseguradoa la Ilavede impactoantes dehacerlafuncionar _ PRECAUClI3N AIconectarel bloquede baterfasa laIlavede impacto aseguresedeque losrebordeselevados y lasranurasest_ n correctamente alineados y queel pestilloesta colocadoensu lugar ElmontajeincorrectopuededaSarlaIlave de impactoy el bloquedebaterfas PARA RETIRAR EL BLOQUE DE BATERIAS DE LA LLAVE DE IMPA...
Page 24: ...espuesdeunahorala luzcontintJa destellando significaqueel bloquede bateriasestAdefectuosoporIo quese deberasustituirlo LaluzverdeENCENDIDA indicaqueel bloquede bateriasestAtotalmentecargado yen el mododecargalentapara mantenerlo Laluz amarillaENCENDIDA y roja destellandoindicaqueel bloquedebaterias estadefectuoso Devuelvael bloquede bateriasalcentrodereparacionesdeSears mascercanopararevisarloo su...
Page 25: ...l bloquede 3 kg 6 5 Ibs baterias Pesoconel bloquede 1 kg 2 4 Ibs baterias Consumode corriente 8 7 A velocidaden vacio Consumodecorrientedurante 38 A el impacto La generacionde torsi6nse pruebaconel modo SkidmoreRL conpernode 2 cm 3 4 impacto de 5 segundos Nivelesde sonidoprobadossegt3nlas normas ISO3744y el codigode pruebaPneurop PNSNTC1 Herramienta cargadasegt3nla norma ISO8662 Nivelde vibracbn p...
Page 26: ...cenlavida Otilde lasbaterias Nuncaguardelasbaterfas descargadas RecArguelas inmediatamente cuandose descarguen Todaslasbateriaspierden gradualmente su carga Mientrasmas altasealatemperatura mAs r idamentepierdensucarga Recarguelas bateriascadauno o dos mesessiva a guardarla herramienta per periodosprolongados Deesta maneraprolongarA la vida t tilde las mismas Recicleo desechecorrectamentelasbateri...
Page 27: ...a LLAVEDE IMPACTO CRAFTSMAN PROFESIONAL SINCABLE DE1 27cm 1 2 o al solicitarrepuestos ENLA CONTRATAPA ENCONTRARA LASINSTRUCCIONES PARASOLICITAR REPUESTOS 1 2 Clave No No de pieza 1 9 11034 2 9 11040 ZCTS1850 3 ZCTS1850 119 PB156 No se mue_ elarticulo Descripci6n Cantidad Bloquede baterias 18V 1 Cargadorde la baterias 1 Manualdelpropietario 1 Etiqueta placadel Iogotipo Estuche Puedeadquirirseen lat...
Page 28: ...ike vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call or go on line for the nearest Sears Parts and Repair Center 1 800 488 1222 Anytime day or night U S A only www sears com To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparacion a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR sM 1 888 784 6427 Au Canada pour servic...