Craftsman 247.889705 Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 247.889705

Page 1: this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY o ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 05136G June21 2013 ...

Page 2: ...shave plate shear pins spark plug aircleaner belts andoilfilter Standard maintenance servicing oilchanges ortune ups Tirereplacement orrepaircaused bypunctures fromoutside objects such asnails thorns stumps orglass Tireorwheelreplacement orrepair resulting fromnormalwear accident orimproper operation ormaintenance Repairs necessary because ofoperator abuse including butnot limited to damage caused...

Page 3: ... PREPARATION Thoroughly inspect theareawheretheequipmentisto beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbytheauger impeller Always wearsafetyglasses oreyeshields duringoperation andwhile performinganadjustment or repairto protectyoureyes Thrown objects whichricochetcancause serious injury to theeyes Donotoperate without wearingade...

Page 4: ...lector openings Donotunclog chuteassembly whileengineis running Shutoff engine andremainbehind handles until allmovingpartshavestoppedbefore unclogging Use onlyattachments andaccessories approved bythemanufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabs etc Whenstartingengine pull cordslowlyuntil resistance isfelt thenpull rapidly Rapid retractionofstartercord kickback will pullhandandarm towardenginefas...

Page 5: ...E REGARDING EMiSSiONS Engines which are certified to complywith Californiaandfederal EPA emissionregulationsfor SORE SmallOff RoadEquipment arecertified to operateonregularunleadedgasoline and mayinclude the following emissioncontrolsystems Engine Modification EM OxidizingCatalyst 0C Secondary Air injection SAI andThreeWayCatalyst TWC ifsoequipped SPARK ARRESTOR e Thismachineisequippedwith aninter...

Page 6: ...mpeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust conta...

Page 7: ...This page left intentionallyblank 7 ...

Page 8: ...rd a Place theshift everintheF6position b Puffupandbackonupperhandleasshownin Figure 1 Asyouare raisingthehandleupward makesurethat bothendsof thecenter cablearepositionedproperly inthe brackets Alignupperhandle withthe lowerhandle c Tighten handknobs securingupperhandleto lowerhandle Remove anddiscard anyrubberbands if present They arefor packaging purposes only Remove cotterpin wingnut andhexscr...

Page 9: ...tethechuteby handto faceforward Theholesinthechutecontrolinputwill befacingup SeeFigure 5 NOTE The chutewill not rotatewithoutsqueezing thetriggeronthejoystick 6 Rotatethejoysticktotheoneo clock positionsothesliverindicator arrowon theinputshaftbelowthecontrolpanelpointsupward SeeFigure 6 NOTE The joystickwill beangledslightlyto theright SeeFigure 5 Figure 6 f TopView f f _ Figure 5 FrontView Joys...

Page 10: ...hthechutecontrolrodbacktowardsthehandlepaneluntil the holeintherodlinesupwith theholeinthechutecontrolinputclosest to the chutecontrolhead Insertthecotterpin SeeFigure 8 NOTE Thesecond holeisusedto achieve furtherengagement of the chutecontrolrodintotheinputshaftifrequired andcanbeusedlater foradjustmentifthechutedoesnotfully rotate Referto theService Maintenance section for ChuteControl Rod adjus...

Page 11: ...controlisnotassembled correctlyitwill notmovefreely norwill it movefully to therightandleft Set Up ShearPins Holes arelocated intheplastic dashpanelfor convenient shearpinstorage See Figure 11 Refer to theOperation sectionfor moreinformationregarding shearpin replacement Figure 10 J f Figure 11 J 11 ...

Page 12: ...e thetiresasnecessary _ NOTE Equal tire pressure isto bemaintained at alltimesforperformance purposes Adjustments Skid Shoes The snow thrower skid shoes are adjusted upward atthefactory forshipping purposes Adjust them downward if desired prior tooperating thesnow thrower It is notrecommended that youoperatethis snowthrower on gravelas itcaneasilypickupandthrow loosegravel causing personalinjuryor...

Page 13: ...nowthrower engage theauger 4 Allowtheaugerto remainengaged for approximately ten 10 seconds beforereleasing theaugercontrol Repeat thisseveral times 5 Withtheaugercontrolin thedisengaged up position walkto thefrontof themachine 6 Confirm that theaugerhascompletely stoppedrotatingandshows NOsigns of motion Iftheaugershows ANY signs of rotating immediately returnto theoperator s positionandshutoffth...

Page 14: ...f travelandground speed Forward Your snowthrowerhassixforward F speeds Positionone 1 isthe slowest andpositionsix 6 isthefastest Reverse Your snowthrowerhas two reverse R speeds One 1 istheslowerandtwo 2 R 1 isthefaster R 2 ey 6 Thekeyisasafetydevice It mustbefully inserted in Ii 5 orderfor theenginetostart Remove thekeywhenthe snowthrowerisnotinuse _ O 4 NOTE Donotturn theignition keyinanattemptt...

Page 15: ...eeldrive Release to stop Thedrivecontrolalsolockstheaugercontrolsoyoucanoperatethechute directionalcontrolwithoutinterruptingthesnowthrowingprocess Iftheauger controlisengaged simultaneously withthedrivecontrol theoperator canrelease theaugercontrol ontheleft handle andtheaugerswill remainengaged Release bothcontrolsto stoptheaugers andwheeldrive NOTE Alwaysrelease thedrivecontrolbefore changingsp...

Page 16: ...e Refuel in awell ventilated areawith theengine stopped Donotsmokeor allowflamesorsparks in thearea wheretheengineisrefueled orwhere gasoline isstored Donotoverfillthefueltank Afterrefueling makesurethetankcapisclosed properly andsecurely Becarefulnotto spillfuelwhenrefueling Spilled fuelorfuelvapormay ignite If anyfuelisspilled makesuretheareaisdry before startingthe engine Avoidrepeatedorprolong...

Page 17: ...into RUN position Toavoidunsupervisedengineoperation neverleavethe machine unattendedwith theenginerunning Turnthe engineoff after useand removekey Stopping TheEngine Afteryouhavefinishedsnow throwing runenginefor afewminutesbefore stoppingto helpdryoffany moisture ontheengine 1 Movethrottle controlto OFF position 2 Remove thekey Removing the keywill reduce thepossibility of unauthorized startingo...

Page 18: ...ranequivalenthigh detergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S automobile manufacturer s requirements forservice classification SG SF Motoroilsclassified SG SF will showthisdesignation onthecontainer 1 Remove theoilfiller cap dipstkkandwipethedipstickclean 2 Insertthecap dipstkkintotheoilfiller neck butdoNOT screwit in 3 Remove theoilfiller cap dipstick Iflevelis low slowlyaddoilun...

Page 19: ...deposits 1 Remove thesparkplugbootandusea sparkplugwrenchto remove the plug SeeFigure19 2 Visually inspectthesparkplug Discard thesparkplugifthereisapparent wear orif theinsulatoriscracked orchipped Clean thesparkplugwith a wirebrushifit isto bereused 3 Measure thepluggapwith afeelergauge Correct asnecessary bybending sideelectrode SeeFigure 20 Thegapshouldbesetto 02 03 inches 0 60 0 80mm 4 Check ...

Page 20: ...AugerShaft Atleastonceaseason remove theshearpinsonaugershaft Spray lubricantinside shaft andaroundthespacers andflangebearings foundat eitherendof theshaft SeeFigure 22 ShavePlate and Skid Shoes Theshave plateandskidshoes onthebottomofthesnowthroweraresubjectto wear Theyshouldbechecked periodkallyandreplaced whennecessary flOT Theskidshoes onthismachine havetwo wearedges Whenonesidewears out they...

Page 21: ...rower forward Thewheelsshouldnotturn Theunitshouldnotroll freely 3 Withthedrivecontrolreleased movetheshift leverback andforthbetween theR2positionandthe F6positionseveral times There shouldbeno resistance intheshift lever 4 If anyof theabove testsfailed thedrivecableisinneedof adjustment Proceed asfollows a Shutoff theengineasinstructed inthe Operation section b Loosen thelowerhexboltonthedriveca...

Page 22: ... I Topreventspillage remove allfuelfromtankbyrunningengineuntil it stops 2 Remove theplasticbeltcoveronthefrontof theenginebyremoving thetwo self tapping screws SeeFigure 27 3 Rolltheaugerbeltoffthe enginepulley SeeFigure 28 4 Carefully pivotthesnowthrowerupandforwardsothat it restsontheauger housing 5 Remove theframecoverfromtheunderside of thesnowthrowerby removing fourself tappingscrews whichse...

Page 23: ...ower sdrivebelt Contact thenearest Sears Parts Repair Center to have thedrivebeltreplaced FrictionWheelRemoval If thesnowthrowerfailsto drivewith thedrivecontrolengaged andperforming thedrivecontrolcableadjustmentfailsto correcttheproblem thefrictionwheel mayneedto bereplaced Followtheinstructionsbelow Examine thefrictionwheel rubberfor signs ofwearorcracking andreplace wheelifnecessary 1 Topreven...

Page 24: ...nlytherubberring proceed asfollows NOTE Notallfrictionwheels areserviceable If thisisthecase simplyreplace the frictionwheelassembly 1 Remove thefour screws whichsecure thefrictionwheel ssideplates together SeeFigure 35 2 Remove therubberringfrombetweentheplates 3 Reassemble thesideplateswith anewrubberring NOTE Whenreassembling thefriction wheelassembly makesurethat the rubberringiscentered andse...

Page 25: ...isfromaround engine andunder around andbehindmuffler Applya lightfilm ofoil onanyareas that aresusceptible to rust Storeinaclean dryandwell ventilatedareaawayfromanyappliance that operates with aflameorpilot light suchasa furnace waterheater or clothesdryer Avoidanyareawitha sparkproducing electricmotor orwhere powertoolsareoperated PreparingSnowThrower Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin anunventilated ...

Page 26: ... models so equipped 1 Engine running on CHOKE 2 Stale fuel 3 Water or dirt in fuel system 4 Carburetor out of adjustment 5 Over governed engine 1 Loose parts or damaged auger 1 Spark plug wire loose 2 Gas cap vent hole plugged 1 Drive cable in need of adjustment 2 Drive belt loose or damaged 3 Worn friction wheel electric starter outlet and the other end to a three prong 120 volt grounded ACoutlet...

Page 27: ...iately and disconnect spark plug wire Remove object from auger with clean out tool or a stick 3 Adjust auger control cable Refer to Assembly section 4 Replace auger belt Refer to Service and Maintenance section 5 Replace with new shear pin s 1 Disassemble chute control and reassemble as directed in the Assembly section NEED MORE HELP YotJU fir_ the _ swe a_ m _ Yeo_ _ _ _a_ a_emy f_eo_ _ fo_ free ...

Page 28: ...Craftsman SnowThrowerModel247 889705 18 28 48 39 31 31 32 2 I 34 ...

Page 29: ...nge x 75 ID Bearing Ball 75 ID x 1 85 OD Flat Pulley Idler 2 75 OD Housing Bearing 1 85 ID Bracket Auger Idler w Brake Gearbox Assembly Auger 26 N 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 684 04264 4044 684 04107 0637 684 04108 0637 731 04870 736 0188 741 0493A 790 00087A 0637 790 00121 4044 731 06439 918 0123A 918 0124A 921 0338 741 0662 710 0642 711 04284 ...

Page 30: ...Craftsman Snow ThrowerModel247 889705 47 42_ 31 20 10_ 12 52 3 13 _17 7 _ 44 8 I 54 50 18 57 57 61 60 3O ...

Page 31: ...crew 1 4 20 x 3 00 Upper Chute 4 Way Chute Gearbox Assembly Hi Lo Screw 1 4 15 x 0 5 4 Way Chute Control TM Assembly m 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 749 04191A 0637 710 04326 732 04219C 712 3087 714 04040 710 0262 631 04133A 684 04111B 784 5594 0637 920 0284 712 04063 731 06451 711 04469A 710 04484 749 04138B 0637 Upper Handle LH...

Page 32: ...CraftsmanSnowThrowerModel247 889705 41 23 7 34 I 30 10 15 43_ 38 73 30 24 17 32 ...

Page 33: ...ket Auger Cable Guide Bracket Drive Cable Cover Frame LH Wheel Assembly RH Wheel Assembly Spacer 1 25 x 75 x 3 0 m m 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 N A 738 04493 936 0329 710 0809 710 0191 710 0672 710 0654A 710 1245B 710 04484 926 04012 731 05353 732 04308A 736 3082A 936 0119 736 0505 748 04053A 748 04112B 750 04303 750 ...

Page 34: ...owModel247 889705 24 23 23 2 21 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 951 11282 710 05001 951 14190 951 11289 712 04214 710 04915 951 10642B D _ o ii Muffler Assembly Muffler Stud Muffler Stud Kit Muffler Gasket Nut M8 Bolt M6 X 12 Zin Muffler Shroud 34 ...

Page 35: ... 35 34 35 36 37 39 4O 41 42 43 951 10634 712 04213 951 11284 951 10757 951 10637 731 05632 951 10640 951 10635 710 04943 D _ o o Shroud Engine Nut Choke Knob Throttle Knob Switch Ignition Ignition Key Switch Push Rod Choke Air Filter Heating Bolt M6 1X28M Spec 35 ...

Page 36: ...Craftsman EngineModel270 SUA ForSnowModel247 889705 131 Gasket Kit Complete 132 Gasket Kit External 133 CompleteEngine 36 ...

Page 37: ...B 952Z270 SUA D _ o 0 Piston Ring Set Piston Pin Snap Ring Piston Piston Pin Bolt M6 X 12 Zin Shield Air Connecting Rod Assembly Governor Shaft Washer Governor Seal Cotter Pin Camshaft Assembly Bearing Key Flywheel Crankshaft Kit Incl 62 63 64 74 79 Governor Gear Shaft Pin Dowel Dowl Pin 9X14 Crankcase Cover Gasket Crankcase Cover Crankcase Cover Kit Incl 62 68 74 Bolt Oil Fill Plug Assembly O Rin...

Page 38: ...Craftsman Engine Model270 SUA ForSnowModel247 889705 129 15 13 18 17 44 _p 49 46 _46 _ U 45 131 Gasket Kit Complete 132 GasketKit External 133 CompleteEngine 38 ...

Page 39: ...51 10661B 952Z270 SUA ID o 0 Flange Bolt M6 Valve Cover Hose Breather Clamp Breather Hose Valve Cover Gasket Intake Valve Spring Retainer Rocker Arm Assembly Nut Pivot Lockin Nut Valve Adjust Rocker Arm Bolt Pivot Exhaust Valve Adjuster Exhaust Valve Spring Retainer Valve Spring Intake Valve Seal Bolt M8 X 55 Zin Push Rod Guide Cylinder Head Assembly Incl 4 14 16 17 21 27 29 44 48 49 Plug Spark Ga...

Page 40: ...CraftsmanEngineModel270 SUAForSnowModel247 88970S 27 28 134 Carburetor Kit Deni 13S Carburetor Kit Huayi 31_ w 4O ...

Page 41: ... Stud M6X 105 Gasket Carb Insulator Carburetor Insulat Carburetor Gasket Primer Primer Bulb Carburetor Assembly Huayi Carburetor Assembly Deni Carburetor Gasket Bracket Choke Control Carburetor Kit Deni Incl h n o p q r s t u x Carburetor Kit Huayi Incl h n o p q r s t u x Choke Shaft Choke Plate Throttle Shaft Throttle Plate Screw M3x5 LockWasher Gasket Throttle Plate Idle Jet Assembly Idle Speed...

Page 42: ...46 951 11110 710 04940 710 04919 951 12416 951 10934 951 10911 712 04209 710 04915 951 10663A 736 04455 710 04974 951 14151 Ignition Coil Shield Air Flow Bolt Bolt Flange M6 Flywheel Cooling Fan Starter Cup Nut M14 Bolt M6X 12 Zin Fan Cover Complete Flat Washer Recoil Flange Bolt M6 Recoil Start Assembly 42 ...

Page 43: ... 12 Shield Governor Governor Spring Spring Throttle Return Rod Governor Bracket Governor Nut M6 Bolt M6 X 21 Gov Hose Clamp Carb Kit Fuel Line Bolt M6 X 12 Zin 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 951 11914 710 04905 710 04915 951 11913 951 11381 951 10656 951 11904 951 12482 951 12533 951 11933 951 10653B D o Engine Dipstick Cover Bolt Bolt M6 X 12 Zin Oil Fill Tube Assembly O Ring Dipstic...

Page 44: ...23 124 125 126 127 128 710 04914 951 11680 951 11114 712 05015 710 04965 710 04935 710 05182 715 04088 951 I0645A 710 04915 951 11109 D _ o e Bolt Flange M6 Flexible Clamp Bracket Switch Housing Mount Nut Screw M4 X 55 Screw M4 X 60 Bolt M6 X 32 Pin Dowel Electric Starter Bolt M6X 12 Zin Shield Blower Housing 44 ...

Page 45: ...UO 9NI99013Nn 3U0 138 03dd01S A H SIEl d 9NIAOI_ 11 lllNfi S_ IQN H ONIH 8 NIV_EI ONV NIGH d01S SU3A31 HOlfll3 39VBN3SIO 8 31nHO 39U HOSIO 9013Nn 011001 lnO N 31O 3Sfl _ 133JON SQN H31 lfldPJ N 3 H39flV UO93313dWI HIIM lO lNO3 U3OflV ONV U3113dWI 9NII IOU VJOU_IVM d33H L 777S32236 777122339 777122363 STARTING INSTRUCTIONS 777D16338 777D18152 777D16340 777X43688 777122435 41 AUGER CONTROL I_ DRIVE ...

Page 46: ...od ucts com GENERAL EMISSIONS WARRANTY COVERAGE MTD Consumer Group Inc warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is 1 designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and 2 free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part for a period of two years The warranty period begins...

Page 47: ...lacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering S...

Page 48: ...solution phonesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat it takesforyouto schedule service You cancallanytimedayornight orschedule aservice appointment online TheRepair Protection Agreement isa risk free purchase If youcancel for anyreason duringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund...

Page 49: ...carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR...
