Craftsman 247.88782 Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 247.88782

Page 1: this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FORM1 0 769 07096A 7 27 2011 ...

Page 2: ...oilchanges or tune ups Tire replacement or repaircausedby puncturesfromoutsideobjects suchas nails thorns stumps or glass Tireor wheelreplacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident orimproperoperationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby over speeding the engine or fromimpacting objectsthat bendthe frame augershaft etc Repairsnecessa...

Page 3: ... controlsandtheir properoperation Knowhow to stopthe machineanddisengagethemquickly Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsof ageto operatethis machine Children14andover shouldreadandunderstandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandbe trainedandsupervisedby anadult Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Thrownobjectscan causeseriouspersonalinjury ...

Page 4: ...emachinewhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn Do not touch Keepchildrenaway Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon orcrossinggravel surfaces Stayalertfor hiddenhazardsor traffic Exercisecautionwhenchangingdirectionandwhileoperatingon slopes Planyoursnow throwing patternto avoiddischargetowards windows walls carsetc Thus avoidingpossibleproperty damage...

Page 5: ...properinstructions on off seasonstorage Checkfuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks Replaceif necessary Do notcrankenginewithsparkplugremoved Accordingto the ConsumerProductsSafetyCommission CPSC andthe U S Environmental ProtectionAgency EPA thisproduct hasan AverageUsefulLifeof seven 7 years or 60 hoursof operation At the endof theAverageUsefulLifehavethe machine inspectedannua...

Page 6: ...ades inside WARNING ROTATING AUGER Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts in the auger impeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING C...

Page 7: ...rton Checkfor any cabletiessecuring thechuteand removeif necessary ASSEMBLY Positioning the Upper Handle 1 Removethe wing knobandcarriagebolt fromthe top of the lower handle See Figure1 Itis notnecessaryto removethe shoulder screwandflangelocknut belowthe wingknobandcarriagebolt g Knob CarriageBolts Win Figure1 J 2 Pivotthe upperhandleinto theoperatingposition Besurenotto pinch anyof the cablesin ...

Page 8: ...ewiththe holesinthe lowerchute andsecurewiththe previouslyremovedhex washerscrews See Figure5 Installing the Chute Rotation Control Assembly 1 Removethe fourhex washerscrewsfromthe backof the handle twoon eachside SeeFigure6 Figure6 Usingthefour hexwasherscrews installthechuterotation controlassembly SeeFigure7 Figure5 Figure7 8 ...

Page 9: ...uptowardsthe eyebolt 4 Slipthe recoilstarterropeinto theeye boltfromthe back of the snowthrower See Figure10 5 Securelytightenthe eyebolt andhandleknob SET UP Fuel Recommendations Useautomotive gasoline unleadedor lowleadedto minimizecombus tion chamberdeposits witha minimumof 87 octane Gasolinewith up to 10 ethanolor 15 MTBE MethylTertiaryButylEther can be used Neverusean oil gasolinemixtureordir...

Page 10: ...d the productwarranty Placethe snowthroweron a flat levelsurface 2 Removetheoil fillercap dipstickandwipethe dipstickclean See Figure11 4 Figure11 Insertthe cap dipstickinto theoil filler neck butdo not screwit in Removetheoil fillercap dipstick Ifthe levelis low slowlyaddoil untiloil levelregistersbetweenhigh H andlow L Figure11 NOTE Donot overfill Overfillingwithoil maycausesmoking hard starting...

Page 11: ...Removethegas cap to addfuel Oil Drain 12 KEY The keyis a safetydevice Itmust befullyinsertedin orderfor theengineto start Removethe keywhenthe snowthroweris not inuse NOTE Do notturn the keyinan attemptto startthe engine Doingso maycauseit to break AUGER Whenengaged the augerrotationdrawssnowintothe augerhousing andthrowsit out the dischargechute Rubberpaddleson theauger also aidin propellingthe s...

Page 12: ... snowthroweris running ELECTRIC STARTER OUTLET Requiresthe useof a three prongoutdoorextensioncordanda 120V powersource walloutlet ELECTRIC STARTER BUTTON Pressingthe electricstarterbuttonengagesthe engine selectric starterwhenpluggedintoa 120Vpowersource BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE machineand inthismanualbefore STARTING THE ENGINE 3ressurized startinc areflammable Toavoidcarbonmonoxidepoisoning ma...

Page 13: ...leandallowit to slowlyrecoil 7 Allowtheengineto warmup severalminutes adjustingchoke towardRUN _position Waituntil enginerunssmoothlybefore eachchokeadjustment STOPPING THE ENGINE 1 Runthe enginefor a fewminuteswithoutloadbeforestoppingto helpdry off anymoistureon theengine 2 To stopthe engineremovethe keyand storeit in a safeplace 3 Wipeall the snowandmoistureawayfromthe enginecontrols area Muffl...

Page 14: ...00 200 300 400 oF 20 o 0o 150 300 500 700 850 1050 Figure15 Engineoil capacityis 600ml approx 20oz Do notover fill Usea 4 stroke oran equivalenthighdetergent premiumqualitymotoroil certifiedto meetor exceedU S automobilemanufacturer s require mentsfor serviceclassification SG SE Motoroils classifiedSG SF will showthis designation on the container NOTE Pleasedisposeof used motoroilin a mannerthatis...

Page 15: ... liftingthe panelintoplaceandsecurewiththe threescrews removedinstep2 Spark Plug DONOTcheck fora sparkwiththe sparkplugremoved DONOT cranktheenginewiththe sparkplugremoved Ifthe enginehas beenrunning the mufflerwill beveryhot Becareful not to touchthemuffler The sparkplugshouldbecheckedevery25hoursandchangedonce a seasonor every100hours Toensureproperengineoperation the sparkplugmustalso beproperl...

Page 16: ...hingequip mentcan alsoforcewaterintothe muffleropening Waterthatpasses throughthemufflercanentertheenginecylinder andcausedamage Accumulation of debrisaroundthe mufflercouldcausea fire Inspect andclean beforeevery_ use LUBRICATION Lubricate the pivotpointson thecontrolhandleandthe extension springat the endof the controlcablewitha light oilonceeveryseason and beforethe snowthroweris put intostorag...

Page 17: ...nthe control handle and reinsert itinthe upper hole Insert the cable from the outside asshown inFigure 21 f Control Cable j Figure21 Testthe snowthrowerto seeif there is a noticeable difference If aftertheadjustmentto the controlcablethe augerstill hesitateswhen rotating see BeltReplacement for instructionson replacingthebelt Chute Assembly Referto the Assemblysectionfor instructionsonadjustingthe...

Page 18: ...ethe existingrubberpaddlesby unthreading the hex washerscrewswhichsecurethemto the auger See Figure25 NOTE Theaugerpaddlesshouldbereplacedoneat a timeso that the augerstillattachedcan beusedas anexamplefor positioningand re installing the newauger 4 Securethe replacementrubberpaddlesto the augerusingthe hardwareremovedearlier Toobtaina full augerreplacement kit includingrubberpaddlesand hex washer...

Page 19: ...ection Levers LinkageArea Guards Carburetor EngineHead Do notspraythe enginewithwaterto cleanit because the watercould contaminate thefuel Usinga gardenhoseorpressure washingequip Imentcanalsoforcewaterintothemuffleropening Waterthatpasses throughthe mufflercan entertheenginecylinderandcausedamage 5 Storeina clean dry andwellventilatedareaawayfromany appliancethatoperateswitha flameor pilot light ...

Page 20: ...ion 2 Contacta SearsServiceCenter 3 Runengineuntilthefuel tank isempty Rdill with freshfuel 4 Contacta SearsServiceCenter 5 Contacta SearsServiceCenter 1 1 2 1 Engineoverheats Contacta SearsServiceCenter Lossof power Firmlyconnectsparkplugwire Clearvent Excessivevibration Stopengineimmediately andremovekey Checkfor possibledamage Tightenall boltsand nuts Repair as needed Ifproblempersists take sno...

Page 21: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your snow thrower 21 ...

Page 22: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88782 i _31 i 22 ...

Page 23: ...747 05360A 23 748 0234 24 749 04810 0637 ExtensionSpring 70x 3 035 ShoulderBolt 5 16 24x 496x 2 18 BallBearing 5000x 1 375x 4375 DriveCableWireSupport ShoulderSpacer LowerHandle D O 0 750 04571 ShoulderSpacer 26 790 00426 0637 IdlerCableBracket 27 790 00444 4044 RHSide Plate 28 790 00445 4044 LHSidePlate 29 790 00457 4044 BearingCup 30 790 00461 0637 IdlerBracket 31 726 0299 PushCap 1 2 32 734 178...

Page 24: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88782 Ix _ 24 ...

Page 25: ...0 25 747 05299A ChuteRotationRod 3 8 26 790 00416 GearMountingPlate 27 790 00471 GearRetainerBracket m 28 731 07784 HandlePanelLens D O O 631 04504 HandlePanel 777X44559 LightLabel 30 710 04998 CarriageScrew 5 16 18x 1 00 31 710 05348 EyeBolt 1 4 20 32 712 04064 FlangeLockNut 1 4 20 33 720 0279 Wing Knob 1 4 20 34 720 04122 Wing Knob 5 16 18 35 725 0157 CableTie 3 16x 05x 7 4 36 725 1629 Lamp 1141...

Page 26: ...2 04214 951 12010 710 05002 710 04915 951 11104 951 12016 710 04920 712 04212 951 12100 951 10664 951 10665 951 11106 712 04212 710 04908 D O O StudM8x36 MufflerStudAssembly ExhaustPipeGasket Nut M8 MufflerAssembly Bolt M5xl0 Bolt M6x12 CovernorSpringBracket GovernorShield Bolt M6x28 NutM6 GovernorSpring ThrottleLinkageSpring ThrottleLinkage GovernorArm NutM6 GovernorArm Bolt 26 ...

Page 27: ...RockerArm Bolt Pivot PushRod Guide Retainer In Valve Spring Adjuster ExhValve Retainer Ex Valve Spring ValveSpring IntakeValveSeal BoltM8x55 CylinderHeadAssembly m 2O 41 42 43 44 45 46 108 951 10292 951 11572 951 10648 951 11899 715 04090 951 10647A 951 10647A 951 11063 952Z370 JU 11 951 12026 951 12121 751 12513 D O O Incl 6 8 17 19 22 27 28 41 45 46 SparkPlug F6Rtc Gasket CylinderHead PushRodKit...

Page 28: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 370 JU 11 For Snow IViodel 247 88782 67 71 67 66 48 62 60 59 I Optional I 109 79 28 ...

Page 29: ...erPin CamshaftAssy RadialBall Bearing 6205 CrankshaftKit Incl 59 61 71 79 WoodruffKey GovernorGear ShaftAssembly DowelPin7x14 DowelPin9x14 Crankcase CoverGasket CoverComp LeftCrankcase BoltM8x32 OilFill PlugAssembly m 7O 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 109 951 11577 951 11368 951 11381 951 11913 951 11904 951 12482 951 12103 951 12514 951 11370 753 06684 D O O O Ring15 8x2 5 OilSeal 25x41 25x6 OilFill Tub...

Page 30: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 370 JU 11 For Snow IViodel 247 88782 S U v x 37 3O ...

Page 31: ...tPlate Nut Air CleanerHousing Air CleanerAssembly Self Tapping BoltM4 2x16 ScrewM3x5 Washer ControlLever Choke ChokeShaft ChokePlate ThrottleShaft ThrottlePlate ScrewM3x5 m m k I m n 0 P q r s t U V W X Y Z aa ab n a n a n a n a n a 951 12019 951 11906 n a n a n a n a n a n a n a 951 11589 n a 951 11348 710 04945 951 11349 710 04938 951o11021A m O O LockWasher IdleJetAssembly Gasket ThrottlePlate ...

Page 32: ... 951 10911 712 04209 751 12644 736 04455 710 04974 951 12015 731 05696 951 10645A 715 04088 710 05182 710 04979 951 11109 m O O BoltM6x12 IgnitionCoil Assembly BoltM6x25 Coil Assy Stator Flywheel Fan Cooling Pulley Starter Nut Special M14x1 5 BlowerHousing Gasket6 Washer BoltM6xlO RecoilStarter RecoilStarterHandle StartupElectromotor DowelPin8x8 BoltM6x32 BoltM6x18 BlowerHousingShield 32 ...

Page 33: ...Craftsman Engine Model 370 JU 11 For Snow Model 247 88782 777123026 777123574 777122992 33 ...

Page 34: ... Thrower IViodel 247 88782 777S34027 777122139 KEY PULL OUT KEY TO STOP 777D16367 777X43688 DONor USEE85 ORFUEL CONTAINING MORE THAN10 ETHANOL 777S33731 777S32236 777S33118 777122992 777D16557 777123463 777123574 34 ...

Page 35: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your snow thrower 35 ...

Page 36: ... your smalloff roadengineto an AuthorizedMTDServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists Thewarranted repairsshouldbe completedina reasonableamountof time notto exceed30 days Ifyou haveanyquestionsregarding yourwarrantyrightsand responsibilities you shouldcontacta MTDServiceRepresentative at 1 800 800 7310 andaddressis MTDCONSUMER GROUP RO Box361131 ClevelandOH 44136 0019 DEFECTS WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS F...

Page 37: ... without charge tothe owner Such use will not reduce the warranty obligations ofMTD 10 Add on ormodified parts that are not exempted bythe AirResources Board may not beused The use ofany non exempted add on or modified parts shall begrounds fordisallowing awarranty claim made inaccordance with this article The engine manufacturer shall not be liable under this article towarrant failures ofwarrante...

Page 38: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Page 39: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Page 40: ...iones porpinchaduras con objetosexternoscornoclavos espinas toconeso vidrios Reernplazo o reparaci6nde neurn_ticos o ruedascornoresultado del desgastenormal unaccidente o funcionarniento o rnantenirniento incorrectos Reparacionesrequeridascornoresultado del uso inadecuadopot partedeloperador incluyendo entreotrosel dafioocasionadoporobjetos queirnpactanla rnaquina y quetuercenel bastidor el ejede ...

Page 41: ...Sepa c6modetenerla m_quinay desengancharlos controlesrapidamente No permitanuncaque losniSosmenoresde 14aSosutilicenesta m_quina LosniSosde14aSosen adelantedebenleer yentenderlas instruccionesdeoperaci6ny normasde seguridadcontenidaseneste manualyen la m_quinay debenset entrenadosysupervisadospot unadulto Nuncapermitaquelos adultosoperenesta m_quinasin recibir antesla instrucci6napropiada Losobjet...

Page 42: ...etal No utilicela m_quinabajola influenciadel alcoholo lasdrogas Elsilenciadoryel motorse calientany puedencausarquemaduras No lostoque Mantengaa losniSosalejados Seasumamenteprecavidocuandoopere la m quinasobreuna superficiecongravao cuandola cruce Mantengasealerta pot si se presentanpeligrosocultoso tr_nsito Tengacuidadocuandocambiededirecci6no cuandooperela m_quina enpendientes Planifiqueel pat...

Page 43: ...ecuadasparaelalmacenamiento fuera detemporada Verifiquefrecuentementela lineade combustible el dep6sito el tap6n y losaccesoriosbuscandorajaduraso perdidas Reemplacede set necesario Node arranqueal motorsi noest_ la bujiadeencendido Seg0nlaComisi6ndeSeguridadde Productosparael Consumidorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y la Agenciade Protecci6nAmbientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA este productotiene unavida ...

Page 44: ...y cuchillas giratorias ADVERTENClA BARRENA GIRATORIA No ponga las manos o los pies cerca de las piezas giratorias en la caja de la barrena impulsor o en el montaje del canal de descarga El contacto con las piezas giratorias puede resultar en la amputaci6n de manos o pies ADVERTENCIA ARROJA OBJETOS Esta m_iquina puede levantar y arrojar objetos Io cual puede causar lesiones personales graves ADVERT...

Page 45: ...a caja Controlesi hayprecintossujetandoel canaly refirelossi es necesario MONTAJE Colocaci6n de la manija superior 4 Extraigalas perillasdealetasy el pernode carrode laparte dearribadela manijainferior Veala Figura1 Noes necesario extraereltornillocon rebordey la tuercade seguridadcon brida queest_ n debajodela periNa dealetasy el pernode carro PeriNa de aletas Pernosde carro Perilladealetas 7 Fig...

Page 46: ...anal inferiory suj_telocon los tornillosde cabezahexagonalque extrajoanteriormente Veala Figura5 Figura5 Instalaci6n del montaje del control de rotaci6n del canal 9 Extraigalos cuatrotornillosdecabezahexagonaldela parte posteriordela manija dosa cadalado Veala Figura6 10 Figura6 Usandolos cuatrotornillosdecabezahexagonal instaleel montajedelcontrolde rotaci6ndelcanal Veala Figura7 Figura7 J 46 ...

Page 47: ...berturadel pernode ojodebeestarorientadahaciala parte posteriorde larn_ quina quitanieve 3 Tire lentarnente dela rnanijadelarrancadorde retrocesohacia arribahaciael pernodeojo 4 Deslicelacuerdadelarrancadorde retrocesodentrodelperno de ojodesdela parteposteriorde la rn_ quina quitanieve Veala Figura10 5 Ajustebienel pernodeojoy la periNa dela rnanija CONFIGURACION Recomendaciones sobre el combusti...

Page 48: ...santesde poneren rnarchael motor NOTA NOperrnitaqueel niveldeaceitecaigapordebajode la rnarca L de lavarillade rnedici6n Si Io haceelequipopuedefuncionarrnal o daSarse NOTA Paracarnbiarelaceitedelmotor consultela secci6nde Mantenirniento de estemanual Extraigalatapa delcombustible controleel nively carguern_ s combustible de set necesario Cargueel dep6sitohastaqueel combustibleIleguea 1 2pulgadapo...

Page 49: ...b MANIJA DEL ARRANCADOR DE RETROCESO Larnanijadelarrancador de retroceso se utilizaparaencenderel motor Figura12 TAPON DE COMBUSTIBLE Saqueel tap6ndelcombustibleparaagregarcombustible LLAVE A es undispositivode seguridad Debeestar I0 _ 3 LaIlave completarnente insertadaparaqueel motorarranque Extraigala Ilavecuandonouse larn_ quina quitanieve _A 0 NOTA Nogire laIlaveparaintentararrancarel motor AI...

Page 50: ...archa SALIDA DEL ARRANCADOR ELleCTRICO Es necesariousarun prolongador paraexterioresde trespatasy una fuentedealirnentaci6n tornacorriente de paredde 120V BOT6N DEL ARRANCADOR ELECTRICO Sioprirneel bot6ndelarrancadorel_ctricoseengranael arrancador el_ctricodel motorcuandose Io enchufaa unafuentedeenergfa de 120V ANTES DE ARRANCAR EL MOTOR en la rn_ enestemanualantesdehacerlafuncionar ENCENDIDO DEL...

Page 51: ...Mantenga la manijadel arrancadorfirmementesujetay dejequelacuerdaretrocedalentamente 7 Dejequeel motorse calientevariosminutos ajustandoel R A cebador hacialaposici6n RUN funcionamiento Espere hastaqueel motorfuncionesuavemente antesde cadaajustedel cebador DETENCION DEL MOTOR 1 Hagafuncionarel motorduranteunosminutossin cargaantesde pararparaayudara secarlahumedadenel motor 2 Paradetenerel motors...

Page 52: ...motores 600rnl aprox 20 onzas NoIlene excesivarnente Useunaceiteparamotordecuatrotiernpos ounaceite detergente decalidadpremium equivalente con certificado quecubra o excedalasexigenciasdelosfabricantes deautorn6viles arnericanos respecto de laclasificaci6n deservicioSGy SR Losaceitesparamotor con laclasificaci6n SG SFtienenest designaci6n enel envase NOTA Elirnine elaceite usadodelmotor deunarnan...

Page 53: ...y controleel nivelde aceite consulteel Procedimiento paracontrolary agregaraceite en la secci6nArmado 8 Vuelvaa colocary ajustareltap6nde Ilenado lavarillade nivel de aceite 9 Instalenuevamente el panelinferiorcolocandolas leng Jetas en susranuras levantandoelpanelparacolocarloen su lugary suj6telocon lostrestornillosqueextrajoen el paso2 Bujia de encendido NOpruebela chispasi no est la bujiade en...

Page 54: ...laguapodria contarninarelcombustible Si se utilizaunarnanguera de jardino equipode lavadoa presi6ntarnbi_npuedeentraraguadentrodela aberturadel silenciador Elaguaquepasaporel silenciadorpuede ingresaren elcilindro causandodaSos Laacurnulaci6n de residuosalrededordel silenciadorpodriaproducir unincendio Inspecci6nelo y lirnpieloantesdecada uso LUBRICACION Lubriquelos puntosdegirode la rnanijade con...

Page 55: ...alquierrestode aceiteantesde volvera instalar Cable de control Esposiblequenecesiterealizarajustesperi6dicos debidoal estirarnien to delcabledecontroly de lacorreadetransrnisi6n ocasionado porel desgaste Silabarrenaparecetitubearrnientras gira hagaIosiguiente Elagujero superior delabarradecontrol preveelajuste delatensi6n del cable Pararealizar elajuste desconecte elextrerno delcable decontrol del...

Page 56: ...ahexagonal J Figura22 Extraigala tuercadebridaquesujetala poleadela barrenaaleje de labarrena Veala Figura23 6 Extraigalapoleadela barrenay la correa Paravolvera colocarla correasiga estasinstrucciones y consulte la Figura24 Poleadetransmisi6n i Polea Ioca I Figura24 1 Pasela correaalrededorde lapoleadetransmisi6ny pordebajo de la poleaIoca 2 Paseel extremode lacorreaalrededorde la poleade labarre...

Page 57: ...spaletasde cauchoa la barrenausandolos elernentosde ferreteriaque sac6anteriorrnente Paraobtenerunkit debarrenade repuesto cornpletoque incluyalas paletasdecauchoy lostornillosde cabezahexagonal cornuniquese con Searsal tel_fono1 800 4 MYHOME Pidalapieza753 06469 REEMPLAZO O REVERSO DE LA PLACA DE RASPADO Laplaca de raspadoest adosadaal fondode la caja de la barrena y sujetaa desgaste Se ladebe co...

Page 58: ...arburador Culatadelmotor No rocieel motorcon aguaparalirnpiarloporqueel aguapodria contarninar el combustible Sise utilizaunarnanguera dejardin o equipodelavadoa presi6ntarnbi_npuedeentraraguadentro dela aberturadel silenciador Elaguaquepasaporel silenciador puedeingresaren elcilindro causandodaSos PREPARACION DE LA M QUINA QUITANIEVE Si no seva a usar larn_ quina quitanievedurante30dias o rn_ s s...

Page 59: ...i motor 1 Muevalapalancadel cebadora laposici6nRUN marcha 2 Comuniquesecon ei centro de servicio Sears 3 Hagafuncionarel motorhasta que el tanque de combustibleest vacio Relienecon combustiblefresco 4 Comuniquesecon ei centro de servicio Sears 5 Comuniquesecon ei centro de servicio Sears 1 Comuniquesecon ei centro de servicio Sears 1 Conecte firmementeel cable de la bujia 2 Destapeiaventiiaci6n 1 ...

Page 60: ...te porlafaltade reciboso porsu imposibi lidadde asegurarquese realizar_ n todoslos serviciosdemantenimiento programado Comopropietariodelmotorpeque5oparaequipotodo terreno sinembargo ustedtambi n debesaberque MTDpuededenegarlacoberturadela garantiasi su motorpeque5oparaequipotodoterrenoo unapiezadel mismofallandebidoa usoincorrecto negligencia mantenimiento indebido oa modificaciones noaprobadas U...

Page 61: ...te todo elperiodo degaranfia delmotor definido enlaSubsecci6n a 2 MTD rnantendr_ unsurninistro depiezas cubiertas por garantia suficiente para satisfacer ladernanda esperada para tales piezas 9 Cualquier pieza dereernplazo sepodr_ usar para elcurnplirniento del rnantenirniento oreparaciones bajo garanfia yse surninistrar_ sin cargo alpropietario Dicho uso noreducir_ lasobligaciones degarantia deMT...

Page 62: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia sena equivaiente a entre 10 y 12 aSos Laciasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma grAfica en la etiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del ...

Page 63: ...soluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un dueSohablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n d...

Page 64: ...carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR...

Page 65: this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FORM1 0 769 07096A 7 27 2011 ...

Page 66: ...oilchanges or tune ups Tire replacement or repaircausedby puncturesfromoutsideobjects suchas nails thorns stumps or glass Tireor wheelreplacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident orimproperoperationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby over speeding the engine or fromimpacting objectsthat bendthe frame augershaft etc Repairsnecessa...

Page 67: ... controlsandtheir properoperation Knowhow to stopthe machineanddisengagethemquickly Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsof ageto operatethis machine Children14andover shouldreadandunderstandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandbe trainedandsupervisedby anadult Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Thrownobjectscan causeseriouspersonalinjury ...

Page 68: ...emachinewhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn Do not touch Keepchildrenaway Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon orcrossinggravel surfaces Stayalertfor hiddenhazardsor traffic Exercisecautionwhenchangingdirectionandwhileoperatingon slopes Planyoursnow throwing patternto avoiddischargetowards windows walls carsetc Thus avoidingpossibleproperty damage...

Page 69: ...properinstructions on off seasonstorage Checkfuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks Replaceif necessary Do notcrankenginewithsparkplugremoved Accordingto the ConsumerProductsSafetyCommission CPSC andthe U S Environmental ProtectionAgency EPA thisproduct hasan AverageUsefulLifeof seven 7 years or 60 hoursof operation At the endof theAverageUsefulLifehavethe machine inspectedannua...

Page 70: ...ades inside WARNING ROTATING AUGER Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts in the auger impeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING C...

Page 71: ...rton Checkfor any cabletiessecuring thechuteand removeif necessary ASSEMBLY Positioning the Upper Handle 1 Removethe wing knobandcarriagebolt fromthe top of the lower handle See Figure1 Itis notnecessaryto removethe shoulder screwandflangelocknut belowthe wingknobandcarriagebolt g Knob CarriageBolts Win Figure1 J 2 Pivotthe upperhandleinto theoperatingposition Besurenotto pinch anyof the cablesin ...

Page 72: ...ewiththe holesinthe lowerchute andsecurewiththe previouslyremovedhex washerscrews See Figure5 Installing the Chute Rotation Control Assembly 1 Removethe fourhex washerscrewsfromthe backof the handle twoon eachside SeeFigure6 Figure6 Usingthefour hexwasherscrews installthechuterotation controlassembly SeeFigure7 Figure5 Figure7 8 ...

Page 73: ...uptowardsthe eyebolt 4 Slipthe recoilstarterropeinto theeye boltfromthe back of the snowthrower See Figure10 5 Securelytightenthe eyebolt andhandleknob SET UP Fuel Recommendations Useautomotive gasoline unleadedor lowleadedto minimizecombus tion chamberdeposits witha minimumof 87 octane Gasolinewith up to 10 ethanolor 15 MTBE MethylTertiaryButylEther can be used Neverusean oil gasolinemixtureordir...

Page 74: ...d the productwarranty Placethe snowthroweron a flat levelsurface 2 Removetheoil fillercap dipstickandwipethe dipstickclean See Figure11 4 Figure11 Insertthe cap dipstickinto theoil filler neck butdo not screwit in Removetheoil fillercap dipstick Ifthe levelis low slowlyaddoil untiloil levelregistersbetweenhigh H andlow L Figure11 NOTE Donot overfill Overfillingwithoil maycausesmoking hard starting...

Page 75: ...Removethegas cap to addfuel Oil Drain 12 KEY The keyis a safetydevice Itmust befullyinsertedin orderfor theengineto start Removethe keywhenthe snowthroweris not inuse NOTE Do notturn the keyinan attemptto startthe engine Doingso maycauseit to break AUGER Whenengaged the augerrotationdrawssnowintothe augerhousing andthrowsit out the dischargechute Rubberpaddleson theauger also aidin propellingthe s...

Page 76: ... snowthroweris running ELECTRIC STARTER OUTLET Requiresthe useof a three prongoutdoorextensioncordanda 120V powersource walloutlet ELECTRIC STARTER BUTTON Pressingthe electricstarterbuttonengagesthe engine selectric starterwhenpluggedintoa 120Vpowersource BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE machineand inthismanualbefore STARTING THE ENGINE 3ressurized startinc areflammable Toavoidcarbonmonoxidepoisoning ma...

Page 77: ...leandallowit to slowlyrecoil 7 Allowtheengineto warmup severalminutes adjustingchoke towardRUN _position Waituntil enginerunssmoothlybefore eachchokeadjustment STOPPING THE ENGINE 1 Runthe enginefor a fewminuteswithoutloadbeforestoppingto helpdry off anymoistureon theengine 2 To stopthe engineremovethe keyand storeit in a safeplace 3 Wipeall the snowandmoistureawayfromthe enginecontrols area Muffl...

Page 78: ...00 200 300 400 oF 20 o 0o 150 300 500 700 850 1050 Figure15 Engineoil capacityis 600ml approx 20oz Do notover fill Usea 4 stroke oran equivalenthighdetergent premiumqualitymotoroil certifiedto meetor exceedU S automobilemanufacturer s require mentsfor serviceclassification SG SE Motoroils classifiedSG SF will showthis designation on the container NOTE Pleasedisposeof used motoroilin a mannerthatis...

Page 79: ... liftingthe panelintoplaceandsecurewiththe threescrews removedinstep2 Spark Plug DONOTcheck fora sparkwiththe sparkplugremoved DONOT cranktheenginewiththe sparkplugremoved Ifthe enginehas beenrunning the mufflerwill beveryhot Becareful not to touchthemuffler The sparkplugshouldbecheckedevery25hoursandchangedonce a seasonor every100hours Toensureproperengineoperation the sparkplugmustalso beproperl...

Page 80: ...hingequip mentcan alsoforcewaterintothe muffleropening Waterthatpasses throughthemufflercanentertheenginecylinder andcausedamage Accumulation of debrisaroundthe mufflercouldcausea fire Inspect andclean beforeevery_ use LUBRICATION Lubricate the pivotpointson thecontrolhandleandthe extension springat the endof the controlcablewitha light oilonceeveryseason and beforethe snowthroweris put intostorag...

Page 81: ...nthe control handle and reinsert itinthe upper hole Insert the cable from the outside asshown inFigure 21 f Control Cable j Figure21 Testthe snowthrowerto seeif there is a noticeable difference If aftertheadjustmentto the controlcablethe augerstill hesitateswhen rotating see BeltReplacement for instructionson replacingthebelt Chute Assembly Referto the Assemblysectionfor instructionsonadjustingthe...

Page 82: ...ethe existingrubberpaddlesby unthreading the hex washerscrewswhichsecurethemto the auger See Figure25 NOTE Theaugerpaddlesshouldbereplacedoneat a timeso that the augerstillattachedcan beusedas anexamplefor positioningand re installing the newauger 4 Securethe replacementrubberpaddlesto the augerusingthe hardwareremovedearlier Toobtaina full augerreplacement kit includingrubberpaddlesand hex washer...

Page 83: ...ection Levers LinkageArea Guards Carburetor EngineHead Do notspraythe enginewithwaterto cleanit because the watercould contaminate thefuel Usinga gardenhoseorpressure washingequip Imentcanalsoforcewaterintothemuffleropening Waterthatpasses throughthe mufflercan entertheenginecylinderandcausedamage 5 Storeina clean dry andwellventilatedareaawayfromany appliancethatoperateswitha flameor pilot light ...

Page 84: ...ion 2 Contacta SearsServiceCenter 3 Runengineuntilthefuel tank isempty Rdill with freshfuel 4 Contacta SearsServiceCenter 5 Contacta SearsServiceCenter 1 1 2 1 Engineoverheats Contacta SearsServiceCenter Lossof power Firmlyconnectsparkplugwire Clearvent Excessivevibration Stopengineimmediately andremovekey Checkfor possibledamage Tightenall boltsand nuts Repair as needed Ifproblempersists take sno...

Page 85: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your snow thrower 21 ...

Page 86: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88782 i _31 i 22 ...

Page 87: ...747 05360A 23 748 0234 24 749 04810 0637 ExtensionSpring 70x 3 035 ShoulderBolt 5 16 24x 496x 2 18 BallBearing 5000x 1 375x 4375 DriveCableWireSupport ShoulderSpacer LowerHandle D O 0 750 04571 ShoulderSpacer 26 790 00426 0637 IdlerCableBracket 27 790 00444 4044 RHSide Plate 28 790 00445 4044 LHSidePlate 29 790 00457 4044 BearingCup 30 790 00461 0637 IdlerBracket 31 726 0299 PushCap 1 2 32 734 178...

Page 88: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88782 Ix _ 24 ...

Page 89: ...0 25 747 05299A ChuteRotationRod 3 8 26 790 00416 GearMountingPlate 27 790 00471 GearRetainerBracket m 28 731 07784 HandlePanelLens D O O 631 04504 HandlePanel 777X44559 LightLabel 30 710 04998 CarriageScrew 5 16 18x 1 00 31 710 05348 EyeBolt 1 4 20 32 712 04064 FlangeLockNut 1 4 20 33 720 0279 Wing Knob 1 4 20 34 720 04122 Wing Knob 5 16 18 35 725 0157 CableTie 3 16x 05x 7 4 36 725 1629 Lamp 1141...

Page 90: ...2 04214 951 12010 710 05002 710 04915 951 11104 951 12016 710 04920 712 04212 951 12100 951 10664 951 10665 951 11106 712 04212 710 04908 D O O StudM8x36 MufflerStudAssembly ExhaustPipeGasket Nut M8 MufflerAssembly Bolt M5xl0 Bolt M6x12 CovernorSpringBracket GovernorShield Bolt M6x28 NutM6 GovernorSpring ThrottleLinkageSpring ThrottleLinkage GovernorArm NutM6 GovernorArm Bolt 26 ...

Page 91: ...RockerArm Bolt Pivot PushRod Guide Retainer In Valve Spring Adjuster ExhValve Retainer Ex Valve Spring ValveSpring IntakeValveSeal BoltM8x55 CylinderHeadAssembly m 2O 41 42 43 44 45 46 108 951 10292 951 11572 951 10648 951 11899 715 04090 951 10647A 951 10647A 951 11063 952Z370 JU 11 951 12026 951 12121 751 12513 D O O Incl 6 8 17 19 22 27 28 41 45 46 SparkPlug F6Rtc Gasket CylinderHead PushRodKit...

Page 92: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 370 JU 11 For Snow IViodel 247 88782 67 71 67 66 48 62 60 59 I Optional I 109 79 28 ...

Page 93: ...erPin CamshaftAssy RadialBall Bearing 6205 CrankshaftKit Incl 59 61 71 79 WoodruffKey GovernorGear ShaftAssembly DowelPin7x14 DowelPin9x14 Crankcase CoverGasket CoverComp LeftCrankcase BoltM8x32 OilFill PlugAssembly m 7O 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 109 951 11577 951 11368 951 11381 951 11913 951 11904 951 12482 951 12103 951 12514 951 11370 753 06684 D O O O Ring15 8x2 5 OilSeal 25x41 25x6 OilFill Tub...

Page 94: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 370 JU 11 For Snow IViodel 247 88782 S U v x 37 3O ...

Page 95: ...tPlate Nut Air CleanerHousing Air CleanerAssembly Self Tapping BoltM4 2x16 ScrewM3x5 Washer ControlLever Choke ChokeShaft ChokePlate ThrottleShaft ThrottlePlate ScrewM3x5 m m k I m n 0 P q r s t U V W X Y Z aa ab n a n a n a n a n a 951 12019 951 11906 n a n a n a n a n a n a n a 951 11589 n a 951 11348 710 04945 951 11349 710 04938 951o11021A m O O LockWasher IdleJetAssembly Gasket ThrottlePlate ...

Page 96: ... 951 10911 712 04209 751 12644 736 04455 710 04974 951 12015 731 05696 951 10645A 715 04088 710 05182 710 04979 951 11109 m O O BoltM6x12 IgnitionCoil Assembly BoltM6x25 Coil Assy Stator Flywheel Fan Cooling Pulley Starter Nut Special M14x1 5 BlowerHousing Gasket6 Washer BoltM6xlO RecoilStarter RecoilStarterHandle StartupElectromotor DowelPin8x8 BoltM6x32 BoltM6x18 BlowerHousingShield 32 ...

Page 97: ...Craftsman Engine Model 370 JU 11 For Snow Model 247 88782 777123026 777123574 777122992 33 ...

Page 98: ... Thrower IViodel 247 88782 777S34027 777122139 KEY PULL OUT KEY TO STOP 777D16367 777X43688 DONor USEE85 ORFUEL CONTAINING MORE THAN10 ETHANOL 777S33731 777S32236 777S33118 777122992 777D16557 777123463 777123574 34 ...

Page 99: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your snow thrower 35 ...

Page 100: ... your smalloff roadengineto an AuthorizedMTDServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists Thewarranted repairsshouldbe completedina reasonableamountof time notto exceed30 days Ifyou haveanyquestionsregarding yourwarrantyrightsand responsibilities you shouldcontacta MTDServiceRepresentative at 1 800 800 7310 andaddressis MTDCONSUMER GROUP RO Box361131 ClevelandOH 44136 0019 DEFECTS WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS F...

Page 101: ... without charge tothe owner Such use will not reduce the warranty obligations ofMTD 10 Add on ormodified parts that are not exempted bythe AirResources Board may not beused The use ofany non exempted add on or modified parts shall begrounds fordisallowing awarranty claim made inaccordance with this article The engine manufacturer shall not be liable under this article towarrant failures ofwarrante...

Page 102: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Page 103: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Page 104: ...iones porpinchaduras con objetosexternoscornoclavos espinas toconeso vidrios Reernplazo o reparaci6nde neurn_ticos o ruedascornoresultado del desgastenormal unaccidente o funcionarniento o rnantenirniento incorrectos Reparacionesrequeridascornoresultado del uso inadecuadopot partedeloperador incluyendo entreotrosel dafioocasionadoporobjetos queirnpactanla rnaquina y quetuercenel bastidor el ejede ...

Page 105: ...Sepa c6modetenerla m_quinay desengancharlos controlesrapidamente No permitanuncaque losniSosmenoresde 14aSosutilicenesta m_quina LosniSosde14aSosen adelantedebenleer yentenderlas instruccionesdeoperaci6ny normasde seguridadcontenidaseneste manualy en la m_quinay debenset entrenadosysupervisadospot unadulto Nuncapermitaquelos adultosoperenesta m_quinasin recibir antesla instrucci6napropiada Losobje...

Page 106: ...etal No utilicela m_quinabajola influenciadel alcoholo lasdrogas Elsilenciadoryel motorse calientany puedencausarquemaduras No lostoque Mantengaa losniSosalejados Seasumamenteprecavidocuandoopere la m quinasobreuna superficiecongravao cuandola cruce Mantengasealerta pot si se presentanpeligrosocultoso tr_nsito Tengacuidadocuandocambiededirecci6no cuandooperela m_quina enpendientes Planifiqueel pat...

Page 107: ...ecuadasparaelalmacenamiento fuera detemporada Verifiquefrecuentementela lineade combustible el dep6sito el tap6n y losaccesoriosbuscandorajaduraso perdidas Reemplacede set necesario Node arranqueal motorsi noest_ la bujiadeencendido Seg0nlaComisi6ndeSeguridadde Productosparael Consumidorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y la Agenciade Protecci6nAmbientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA este productotiene unavida ...

Page 108: ...y cuchillas giratorias ADVERTENClA BARRENA GIRATORIA No ponga las manos o los pies cerca de las piezas giratorias en la caja de la barrena impulsor o en el montaje del canal de descarga El contacto con las piezas giratorias puede resultar en la amputaci6n de manos o pies ADVERTENCIA ARROJA OBJETOS Esta m_iquina puede levantar y arrojar objetos Io cual puede causar lesiones personales graves ADVERT...

Page 109: ...a caja Controlesi hayprecintossujetandoel canaly refirelossi es necesario MONTAJE Colocaci6n de la manija superior 4 Extraigalas perillasdealetasy el pernode carrode laparte dearribadela manijainferior Veala Figura1 Noes necesario extraereltornillocon rebordey la tuercade seguridadcon brida queest_ n debajodela periNa dealetasy el pernode carro PeriNa de aletas Pernosde carro Perilladealetas 7 Fig...

Page 110: ...anal inferiory suj_telocon los tornillosde cabezahexagonalque extrajoanteriormente Veala Figura5 Figura5 Instalaci6n del montaje del control de rotaci6n del canal 9 Extraigalos cuatrotornillosdecabezahexagonaldela parte posteriordela manija dosa cadalado Veala Figura6 10 Figura6 Usandolos cuatrotornillosdecabezahexagonal instaleel montajedelcontrolde rotaci6ndelcanal Veala Figura7 Figura7 J 46 ...

Page 111: ...berturadel pernode ojodebeestarorientadahaciala parte posteriorde larn_ quina quitanieve 3 Tire lentarnente dela rnanijadelarrancadorde retrocesohacia arribahaciael pernodeojo 4 Deslicelacuerdadelarrancadorde retrocesodentrodelperno de ojodesdela parteposteriorde la rn_ quina quitanieve Veala Figura10 5 Ajustebienel pernodeojoy la periNa dela rnanija CONFIGURACION Recomendaciones sobre el combusti...

Page 112: ...santesde poneren rnarchael motor NOTA NOperrnitaqueel niveldeaceitecaigapordebajode la rnarca L de lavarillade rnedici6n Si Io haceelequipopuedefuncionarrnal o daSarse NOTA Paracarnbiarelaceitedelmotor consultela secci6nde Mantenirniento de estemanual Extraigalatapa delcombustible controleel nively carguern_ s combustible de set necesario Cargueel dep6sitohastaqueel combustibleIleguea 1 2pulgadapo...

Page 113: ...b MANIJA DEL ARRANCADOR DE RETROCESO Larnanijadelarrancador de retroceso se utilizaparaencenderel motor Figura12 TAPON DE COMBUSTIBLE Saqueel tap6ndelcombustibleparaagregarcombustible LLAVE A es undispositivode seguridad Debeestar I0 _ 3 LaIlave completarnente insertadaparaqueel motorarranque Extraigala Ilavecuandonouse larn_ quina quitanieve _A 0 NOTA Nogire laIlaveparaintentararrancarel motor AI...

Page 114: ...archa SALIDA DEL ARRANCADOR ELleCTRICO Es necesariousarun prolongador paraexterioresde trespatasy una fuentedealirnentaci6n tornacorriente de paredde 120V BOT6N DEL ARRANCADOR ELECTRICO Sioprirneel bot6ndelarrancadorel_ctricoseengranael arrancador el_ctricodel motorcuandose Io enchufaa unafuentedeenergfa de 120V ANTES DE ARRANCAR EL MOTOR en la rn_ enestemanualantesdehacerlafuncionar ENCENDIDO DEL...

Page 115: ...Mantenga la manijadel arrancadorfirmementesujetay dejequelacuerdaretrocedalentamente 7 Dejequeel motorse calientevariosminutos ajustandoel R A cebador hacialaposici6n RUN funcionamiento Espere hastaqueel motorfuncionesuavemente antesde cadaajustedel cebador DETENCION DEL MOTOR 1 Hagafuncionarel motorduranteunosminutossin cargaantesde pararparaayudara secarlahumedadenel motor 2 Paradetenerel motors...

Page 116: ...motores 600rnl aprox 20 onzas NoIlene excesivarnente Useunaceiteparamotordecuatrotiernpos ounaceite detergente decalidadpremium equivalente con certificado quecubra o excedalasexigenciasdelosfabricantes deautorn6viles arnericanos respecto de laclasificaci6n deservicioSGy SR Losaceitesparamotor con laclasificaci6n SG SFtienenest designaci6n enel envase NOTA Elirnine elaceite usadodelmotor deunarnan...

Page 117: ...y controleel nivelde aceite consulteel Procedimiento paracontrolary agregaraceite en la secci6nArmado 8 Vuelvaa colocary ajustareltap6nde Ilenado lavarillade nivel de aceite 9 Instalenuevamente el panelinferiorcolocandolas leng Jetas en susranuras levantandoelpanelparacolocarloen su lugary suj6telocon lostrestornillosqueextrajoen el paso2 Bujia de encendido NOpruebela chispasi no est la bujiade en...

Page 118: ...laguapodria contarninarelcombustible Si se utilizaunarnanguera de jardino equipode lavadoa presi6ntarnbi_npuedeentraraguadentrodela aberturadel silenciador Elaguaquepasaporel silenciadorpuede ingresaren elcilindro causandodaSos Laacurnulaci6n de residuosalrededordel silenciadorpodriaproducir unincendio Inspecci6nelo y lirnpieloantesdecada uso LUBRICACION Lubriquelos puntosdegirode la rnanijade con...

Page 119: ...alquierrestode aceiteantesde volvera instalar Cable de control Esposiblequenecesiterealizarajustesperi6dicos debidoal estirarnien to delcabledecontroly de lacorreadetransrnisi6n ocasionado porel desgaste Silabarrenaparecetitubearrnientras gira hagaIosiguiente Elagujero superior delabarradecontrol preveelajuste delatensi6n del cable Pararealizar elajuste desconecte elextrerno delcable decontrol del...

Page 120: ...ahexagonal J Figura22 Extraigala tuercadebridaquesujetala poleadela barrenaaleje de labarrena Veala Figura23 6 Extraigalapoleadela barrenay la correa Paravolvera colocarla correasiga estasinstrucciones y consulte la Figura24 Poleadetransmisi6n i Polea Ioca I Figura24 1 Pasela correaalrededorde lapoleadetransmisi6ny pordebajo de la poleaIoca 2 Paseel extremode lacorreaalrededorde la poleade labarre...

Page 121: ...spaletasde cauchoa la barrenausandolos elernentosde ferreteriaque sac6anteriorrnente Paraobtenerunkit debarrenade repuesto cornpletoque incluyalas paletasdecauchoy lostornillosde cabezahexagonal cornuniquese con Searsal tel_fono1 800 4 MYHOME Pidalapieza753 06469 REEMPLAZO O REVERSO DE LA PLACA DE RASPADO Laplaca de raspadoest adosadaal fondode la caja de la barrena y sujetaa desgaste Se ladebe co...

Page 122: ...arburador Culatadelmotor No rocieel motorcon aguaparalirnpiarloporqueel aguapodria contarninar el combustible Sise utilizaunarnanguera dejardin o equipodelavadoa presi6ntarnbi_npuedeentraraguadentro dela aberturadel silenciador Elaguaquepasaporel silenciador puedeingresaren elcilindro causandodaSos PREPARACION DE LA M QUINA QUITANIEVE Si no seva a usar larn_ quina quitanievedurante30dias o rn_ s s...

Page 123: ...i motor 1 Muevalapalancadel cebadora laposici6nRUN marcha 2 Comuniquesecon ei centro de servicio Sears 3 Hagafuncionarel motorhasta que el tanque de combustibleest vacio Relienecon combustiblefresco 4 Comuniquesecon ei centro de servicio Sears 5 Comuniquesecon ei centro de servicio Sears 1 Comuniquesecon ei centro de servicio Sears 1 Conecte firmementeel cable de la bujia 2 Destapeiaventiiaci6n 1 ...

Page 124: ...te porlafaltade reciboso porsu imposibi lidadde asegurarquese realizar_ n todoslos serviciosdemantenimiento programado Comopropietariodelmotorpeque5oparaequipotodo terreno sinembargo ustedtambi n debesaberque MTDpuededenegarlacoberturadela garantiasi su motorpeque5oparaequipotodoterrenoo unapiezadel mismofallandebidoa usoincorrecto negligencia mantenimiento indebido oa modificaciones noaprobadas U...

Page 125: ...te todo elperiodo degaranfia delmotor definido enlaSubsecci6n a 2 MTD rnantendr_ unsurninistro depiezas cubiertas por garantia suficiente para satisfacer ladernanda esperada para tales piezas 9 Cualquier pieza dereernplazo sepodr_ usar para elcurnplirniento del rnantenirniento oreparaciones bajo garanfia yse surninistrar_ sin cargo alpropietario Dicho uso noreducir_ lasobligaciones degarantia deMT...

Page 126: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia sena equivaiente a entre 10 y 12 aSos Laciasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma grAfica en la etiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del ...

Page 127: ...soluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un dueSohablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n d...

Page 128: ...carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR...
